I highlighted your choice of words because this shows the foundational flaw in your identity - you are a banana, and you want China to make you look cool to the locals. This ain't China's problem, its yours.I think philosophy is a partial reason. They are nice guys. Too nice. They project too much of their own culture onto others. "You've hurt the feelings of the Chinese people" is one example of the resulting cringe. In their culture, hurting someone's feelings is bad so the attacker is shamed. Of course, outside China, this just sounds like a pathetic weakling crying.
Related to this is the foreign worship. They think ", if I am so nice to you, you will think highly of me." They are wrongly projecting their own culture onto others. This got them no soft power but predators. Their movies are driven by this dumb policy (or at least they were the last time I checked). So, it's a foreign male lead with a Chinese woman. They wrongly think this is a East + West harmony. The rest of the planet sees sexual conquest of Asian woman by white male.
They show toothless old men in villages in their poverty alleviation videos. They think ", see CPC is so benevolent. No one is left behind!". The logic is not wrong, but it doesn't work to a general foreign audience, who sees ", the Chinese people are old and ugly".
I think the worldview is lacking. They are too insular. that's why they keep producing things for a Chinese audience and assume others will view the content in the same way with the same interpretations.
If you want to look cool to someone, you will always be lame, because if you look up to someone, chances are they look down on you.
If you focus on respecting and working on yourself, playing to your strengths, and avoiding or mitigating your weaknesses, people will respect you for you.
If you play to your strengths, on your terms, naturally dominating as a result, people will look up to you. And lo and behold, you find yourself looking down on them.
That's how the world works, don't expect others to do the lifting for you, because they won't. They'll just laugh, like many members here are to your posts.
This is meant as honest feedback, not a dig at you. Just remember the lesson.
Be this:

Not this:

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