Trump 2.0 official thread


Registered Member
I think philosophy is a partial reason. They are nice guys. Too nice. They project too much of their own culture onto others. "You've hurt the feelings of the Chinese people" is one example of the resulting cringe. In their culture, hurting someone's feelings is bad so the attacker is shamed. Of course, outside China, this just sounds like a pathetic weakling crying.

Related to this is the foreign worship. They think ", if I am so nice to you, you will think highly of me." They are wrongly projecting their own culture onto others. This got them no soft power but predators. Their movies are driven by this dumb policy (or at least they were the last time I checked). So, it's a foreign male lead with a Chinese woman. They wrongly think this is a East + West harmony. The rest of the planet sees sexual conquest of Asian woman by white male.

They show toothless old men in villages in their poverty alleviation videos. They think ", see CPC is so benevolent. No one is left behind!". The logic is not wrong, but it doesn't work to a general foreign audience, who sees ", the Chinese people are old and ugly".

I think the worldview is lacking. They are too insular. that's why they keep producing things for a Chinese audience and assume others will view the content in the same way with the same interpretations.
I highlighted your choice of words because this shows the foundational flaw in your identity - you are a banana, and you want China to make you look cool to the locals. This ain't China's problem, its yours.

If you want to look cool to someone, you will always be lame, because if you look up to someone, chances are they look down on you.
If you focus on respecting and working on yourself, playing to your strengths, and avoiding or mitigating your weaknesses, people will respect you for you.
If you play to your strengths, on your terms, naturally dominating as a result, people will look up to you. And lo and behold, you find yourself looking down on them.
That's how the world works, don't expect others to do the lifting for you, because they won't. They'll just laugh, like many members here are to your posts.

This is meant as honest feedback, not a dig at you. Just remember the lesson.

Be this:

Not this:
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Junior Member
Registered Member
You want China to become a soft powa supapowa.
Actually. I don't care. Ironically enough, I don't give a shit about China becoming a soft power giant. The reason I keep talking about this is because people keep downplaying the psychological warfare threats and I see first hand how much it fucked up the Asian diaspora in the West. I want China to avoid that.


Second, they already they said they wanted soft power so I was trying to point to the problems they currently have. If China didn't bother wasting so many resources on soft power, I wouldn't even bother.

I would prefer China take a trade, have awful soft power like they do now in exchange for pure hard power domination.

You need to take a look at the bigger picture and recognize the pattern. No matter how much you 'invest' in propaganda and shitty movies and TV shows, the moment you can't fund it or have it shown in host countries it all falls apart.
I already know this but you also know the XHS situation, right? Foreigners thought highly of China and got China pilled in 2-3 days. I've said this for a long time. China has sufficient hard power already but I kept getting pushback. Their issue is the lack of skill in turning their hard power into soft power - bad marketing. Too many people keep claiming our hard power is not high enough. This is simply false and is now proven with foreign users glazing China.

Like I said, the product is great. The marketing is awful. That's China's problem.

You may recall, I said if China wants better soft power then they should attack the west's perceived credibility, highlight the West's negatives, highlight China's positives, and stop white worshipping.

Now, look at the XHS situation. That's exactly what happened and people got China-pilled on their side, and Chinese people got usa-pilled about usa's negatives on our side. That was the biggest soft power win we had so far. And it matches my playbook. The white worshipping / foreign worship is a useless waste of resources.

BTW, I hate replying to old messages because it takes too much work to retrace message chains. I do recall that you said something about "what if China talked shit instead of developing". I never implied they should stand still and only talk shit about the west. I mean they should develop WHILE their media talks shit about the west instead of glorifying it as a utopia which contributes to brain drain of Chinese talent.
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Junior Member
Registered Member
Oh my goodness this is so sad. Everything here is you complaining that Chinese culture isn't more like Western culture. The Chinese mindset is being shown to the world, regardless of whether or not they like it. That is the ultimate display of confidence. And your response is that we didn't think how others would take it and we should cater ourselves to make others like us more. That is the most beta shit ever. I knew you were overcompensating for some insecurities when you kept calling everything sissy/gay and here is all laid out. You have no self-confidence to be different from prime America and China's confidence in our own unique identity is pissing you off because all you wanted is acceptance and foreign recognition.
You are such an idiot, it's unreal.

I'm telling how Chinese behavior is viewed by a foreign audience.

BTW, the CPC has clamped down on sissy pants mutants. So I guess the leaders must be all insecure betas according to you.

If China wants to gain soft power then it needs to understand how foreign audiences think instead of just doing whatever it feels like and burning through piles of money for no ROI or what you probably view as alpha high confidence. LOL

"White people don't show historically accurate Spartans engaging in rigorous white man butt loving in the Troy film. That's not a smart move, but a sign of their deep insecurity" - manqiangrexue

You know what shows a total beta lack of confidence? White worship and foreign worship. That's everywhere in China. Why don't you start attacking that first, clown?
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Registered Member
Isn't Chinese food considered as soft power? as well as Kung fu and Chinese philosophy? what is missing is hard power and I hope the Chinese will not develop such capability and intention cause having taste it, like a drug its hard to get out. The British had laid the trap for the American as they hitch on the US hegemonic bandwagon, being a good student the American had perfected the art until Trump came along and introduced his own art of the deal. ;)

For me having this competition is good for China, that's why she want a multipolar world instead of replacing the US as the sole hegemon. Having multiple sphere of influence, the Chinese will work hard NOT being Complacent, as this was the side effect that led to the hundred years of humiliation.


Registered Member
Actually. I don't care. Ironically enough, I don't give a shit about China becoming a soft power giant. The reason I keep talking about this is because people keep downplaying the psychological warfare threats and I see first hand how much it fucked up the Asian diaspora in the West.
I too am asian diaspora in the west. Except from a young age, I never bought their crap. It just felt wrong. I could refute their claims from my own personal experiences. The blatant lying and character assassination just made me hate them more, not worship them, and made me look forward to the day China surpasses them. I never wished they would just start liking us. Worship us, ok, I can take that, but I couldn't give a damn about approval.
Everyone I knew were patriots, it's just we couldn't be so open about it, and to be honest, early on there wasn't that much to be proud of anyway. But that foundation was always firm in our hearts. The diaspora that ended up self hating though - they were either traitors and compradors from a lost war, like the south vietnamese who needed an alternate narrative to sleep soundly at night (I am NOT a traitor, I am a loyalist who held out till the very end, now living nobly in exile), or were just mentally ill / weak and lacked their own moral north star to guide them. I find it hard to pity them, as they would inevitably end up at the bottom of any society, whether in white supremacist america or a high tech prosperous asian superpower.
I call it "just not letting it get to you" - always hold on to your values, respect yourself, know who your people are and respect them, live your culture, and remember your enemies.
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Junior Member
Registered Member
I highlighted your choice of words because this shows the foundational flaw in your identity
I'm living outside of China so of course I refer to them as "they". Aside from the words, do you see any problems inherent in the logic? When China is very nice to foreigners, does this help China? When China says certain things and acts certain ways, the foreign audience interprets it differently. There's nothing wrong with my observations. You know these observations are correct and they cause lots of problems. China says you've hurt the feelings of the Chinese people to garner sympathy. It gets ridicule instead. Is it wise to be stubborn or is it better to change the message so that it works?

You are a banana, and you want China to make you look cool to the locals. This ain't China's problem, its yours.
Nice try but not even close. See the my post that was posted before I even saw your post about identity. see Trump 2.0 official thread

Actually. I don't care. Ironically enough, I don't give a shit about China becoming a soft power giant.
If I see my own tribe constantly being exploited and attacked, I get angry. I find ways to stop it. Let's imagine you say ", I'm Chinese and I'm super nice to foreigners." Then foreigners exploit you. At what point do you say I need to change or do you just say ", No I will never change. This is what Chinese culture is, an exploitable dummy".

Is avoiding exploitation an insecurity or just adaptation?

This is meant as honest feedback, not a dig at you. Just remember the lesson.
No problem. Aside from that one really fucked up comment comparing me to an Indian, I know you mean well.


Isn't Chinese food considered as soft power? as well as Kung fu and Chinese philosophy? what is missing is hard power and I hope the Chinese will not develop such capability and intention cause having taste it, like a drug its hard to get out. The British had laid the trap for the American as they hitch on the US hegemonic bandwagon, being a good student the American had perfected the art until Trump came along and introduced his own art of the deal. ;)

For me having this competition is good for China, that's why she want a multipolar world instead of replacing the US as the sole hegemon. Having multiple sphere of influence, the Chinese will work hard NOT being Complacent, as this was the side effect that led to the hundred years of humiliation.

If you take on three white girlfriends, you can boast of having hard and soft power.


Registered Member
"Ask not what your country can do for you—ask what you can do for your country"

@name You should be out there China-pilling every girl you see, not debating with us about China and its lack of soft power. Don't like China's PR? Unlike hard power, you can help reshape China's soft power! Forget about those white worshipping Chinese girls, they are unsalvageable and not worth saving anyways.

Assuming you aren't married, why aren't you cultivating your harem of Chinese Speaking Hanfu Waifus? Did you take non-Chinese girls to watch Chinese films? Did you get them addicted to Chinese food and teach them to cook proper meals? Did you introduce them to Chinese music, arts and traditional culture? Did you make them wear hanfu? Did you educate them on the proper history and political stance of China? Did you convince them to visit China and learn Chinese?

The Chinese civilization is the oldest continuous surviving culture today, we must be doing something right. Yes the CPC has done many errors in soft power previously, but you are overlooking the many correct steps they also did.

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