Trump 2.0 official thread


Registered Member
TBH I objectively think what Trump is doing is best for the US. There is too much bloat in the federal bureaucracy. There is no slow reform, at this point the US needs shock therapy. If successful Trump revives America, if not he'll just accelerate the decline.

Like the US economy, Trump and Musk also have the right idea for radical reforms for weapons procurement. Whether their reforms succeeds or not is a different thing.

At this point we're all just wondering which group of elites get their hands on Elon Musk first.


Why does Xi Jinping instruct his government to produce better soft power? If it's all the same thing he would just say improve our "economic and technological capability", but he specifically singles out soft power.

Because it's a convenient shorthand for a set of economic policies. It's not meant to be a rigorous definition.

American entertainment had a pre woke era and a woke era. As you should know, lots of people hate woke entertainment. And, it's not just the white racists who hate it.

Isn't that odd? America has more or less the same hard power in both eras. So, clearly, "soft power is a non-violent extension of hard power" is a weak theory.

No, it's not odd. Just because you have power doesn't mean you will use it correctly, and just because what you used to do worked doesn't mean it will continue to work forever.

People are seeing through the American propaganda, and the American media are failing to adapt to this new reality. Look at how the US is trying to regain control of the narrative by attacking Tik Tok. Is that what you would call "soft power"?


Actually. I don't care. Ironically enough, I don't give a shit about China becoming a soft power giant. The reason I keep talking about this is because people keep downplaying the psychological warfare threats and I see first hand how much it fucked up the Asian diaspora in the West. I want China to avoid that.

What exactly do you want China to avoid? Fucking up Asian diaspora in the West? That doesn't compute.

There's been a clear trend in the past 30 years. The stronger China becomes, the more confident Chinese expats are of their native culture, and the more likely they are to teach their children to love their ancestral nation.


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Like the US economy, Trump and Musk also have the right idea for radical reforms for weapons procurement. Whether their reforms succeeds or not is a different thing.

At this point we're all just wondering which group of elites get their hands on Elon Musk first.

Given their hate collective hate boner for the F-35 it might be on the chopping block…