Trump 2.0 official thread


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LOL You're so worked up. Now, you're responding to my posts to other users?

You believe money, technology, and military are hard power. So far, so good.

You also believe barbie dolls, cartoons, memes, crayons, gummy bears, toilet paper, tweets, leaflets are hard power because they used some money and technology along the way. just lmfao.....

That's your crazy world view.

I can tell you no one in this space uses your insane definition of soft power and hard power.

I tried to give you multiple sources from the Council for Foreign Relations, Joseph Nye (the "father" of this concept), and even Xi Jinping (saying he wants China to have more soft power) but that's not good enough for you. LOL

I love the excuse "Don't lean on others" - the usa's most prestigious think tank where national policies are formulated, the father of soft power, the leader of a huge powerful country.

You can never lose arguments with this weasel tactic. Once you're cornered, you can cry "debate me!!!!, don't lean on established facts and ideas and thought leaders. Waste your time reading my word sewage. And reply point by point!!!"


You can believe whatever you want. I really do not care. Stop bothering me.

edit: I'm going to stop responding to you on anything about the definition of soft power / hard power. I may respond to other posts


Registered Member
Their leadership or possibly a few people in the leadership ordered 45 million doses. Not the Philippines. The masses of people were resistant until Rodrigo Duterte ordered them to get vaccinated (it's in the quoted text in my prior message).

Not sure what you're trying to suggest. It almost seems like this is a case study on the limits of American hard power. Have you turned to the dark side?
The US not only had dominance in hard power in the Philippines, they have even greater dominance in soft power!
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, everyone in the youth speaks English, they have the highest approval rate of the US than almost any country in the world.

The government represents the people. They could've ordered any other vaccine. It wouldn't have surprised me if they just outright banned Sinovac due to the absolutely gigantic dominance the US has in the Philippines. Yet they didn't and instead it was ordered the most.

There are only 2 possibilities:

1. Chinese soft power was superior and convinced the government to buy a vaccine despite hard power limitations in the Philippines.

2. Chinese hard power of having a deployable vaccine outweighed not only the soft power of ideology and approval ratings, it also outweighed the hard power of military bases, economic control and paid propagandists, to the degree where Sinovac was the dominant vaccine.

There's no other option that can explain this phenomenon.


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The US not only had dominance in hard power in the Philippines, they have even greater dominance in soft power!
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, everyone in the youth speaks English, they have the highest approval rate of the US than almost any country in the world.

The government represents the people. They could've ordered any other vaccine. It wouldn't have surprised me if they just outright banned Sinovac due to the absolutely gigantic dominance the US has in the Philippines. Yet they didn't and instead it was ordered the most.

There are only 2 possibilities:

1. Chinese soft power was superior and convinced the government to buy a vaccine despite hard power limitations in the Philippines.

2. Chinese hard power of having a deployable vaccine outweighed not only the soft power of ideology and approval ratings, it also outweighed the hard power of military bases, economic control and paid propagandists, to the degree where Sinovac was the dominant vaccine.

There's no other option that can explain this phenomenon.
You can probably rule of Chinese soft power.

There are other possibilities.
Duterte wants a good relationship with China.
Philippines leaders realized western vaccines were dangerous
Western vaccines were too expensive
Western vaccines came with strings attached
Western vaccines may have been withheld until Duterte torpedoed his relationship with China. This sounds more plausible.

Anyways, my point is that the Philippine people were very resistant so the usa's psyop was effective. They were lucky the government made the right choice. Not every nation is so lucky.


LOL You're so worked up.
LOL This is me in normal mode. You just can't handle stuff like you thought you could.
Now, you're responding to my posts to other users?
I've been doing that for a while. That's called hunting down stupid shit. You don't have to say it to me for me to jump in on it.
You believe money, technology, and military are hard power. So far, so good.

You also believe barbie dolls, cartoons, memes, crayons, gummy bears, toilet paper, tweets, leaflets are hard power because they used some money and technology along the way. just lmfao.....

That's your crazy world view.
Nah, you failed reading comprehension. That big post that dropped you explained that there was a baseline you need to breach to ascend from basic function into hard power.
I can tell you no one in this space uses your insane definition of hard power.
I can tell you, you just quoted someone other than me who does. Solarz also said that there is no such thing as soft power. But hey, reading ain't your strong point... or debating... or logic... or not white worshipping LOL
I tried to give you multiple sources from the Council for Foreign Relations, Joseph Nye (the "father" of this concept), and even Xi Jinping (saying he wants China to have more soft power) but that's not good enough for you. LOL
I laid out my logic that needs to be countered. As Einstein retorted to someone saying he has 100 scientists who disagreed with Einstein, "Why 100? Just 1 would suffice if he were right." You can't debate my logic and then ran away saying there were too many words for you to read. Now you hide behind other people. Pathetic.
I love the excuse "Don't lean on others"
That's called logic. You should try it.
- the usa's most prestigious think tank where national policies are formulated,
Do we think highly of US think tanks now?
the father of soft power,
A dude who made up a word.
the leader of a huge powerful country.
A human who can't be wrong?
You can never lose arguments with this weasel tactic.
I can never lose arguments against those with no logic like you.
Once you're cornered,
LOL You can't corner someone just dropping names. You need logic to do that.
you can cry "debate me!!!!, don't lean on established facts and ideas and thought leaders.
Well, I've answered the thought leaders but they can't answer back on here. I'd rather debate people who can answer back, right? What is an established fact? This is not a science. If it were, you'd lose worse.
Waste your time reading my word sewage. And reply point by point!!!"
Or you know, just say your reading comphrension's not up to the level of reading over 500 words and run away. You do you.

You can believe whatever you want. I really do not care. Stop bothering me.
No deal. Post on here, and if I think it's stupid, I'll bother you everywhere. This is a public debate forum, you know, not your private message or diary.
edit: I'm going to stop responding to you on anything about the definition of soft power / hard power. I may respond to other posts
K Cool. I'll keep chewing you up and everyone knows you got nothin'. LOL


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@name Since you already admitted that China has "its own country-sized army of geniuses that can punch through any problem.",

Then why do you assume that their 'weakness' in what you call "soft power" doesn't come simply from deliberate policy choice, worldview, and philosophy, but from some incompetence? Or is it easier to do artificial intelligence or nuclear fusion in your opinion than soft power?

Don't bring up that thing that Xi Jinping said once in a blue moon; I'm not even Chinese but have heard him mentioning building technology and economy and military 1000 times more than he mentioned building soft power, same as the other top officials, comparatively.

So, it's a simple matter really; Xi Jinping and others determined that there is way more ROI to get from hard power, so they placed overwhelmingly more chips on that area first. They will build more infrastructure, factories, housing, and sci-tech centers, for a while.

That's because, with hard power, you are the one in control of it (it's not fleeting like soft power) + it's more multi-dimensionally yielding. You get both internal social stability, thanks to lower inequality and progress from economic and technological growth, + a more potent might.

Also, for example, there is no question that for example 10, or 20 years from now China will have overtaken even Koreans in tertiary stuff like entertainment, but they are certainly not going to do it now when they have great power competition and a potential hot war against the US to navigate and have to develop real wages with real-world innovation. They are socially responsible leaders and probably more intelligent ones.

South Korea is 100% capitalist like the US, so they waste their capital and human capital on such tertiary areas for human life, like endless TV shows, drama, movies, music, etc, because capitalists can make decent profits there due to low capex. China is not like that. It's more serious. Not to mention that South Korea also developed more or less to their full potential so they can afford to goof around with entertainment now.
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Why does Xi Jinping instruct his government to produce better soft power? If it's all the same thing he would just say improve our "economic and technological capability", but he specifically singles out soft power.

China to promote cultural soft power -
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He works on the hard power of technology and economy all day and all night. He pays a little lip service to spreading culture. What did he actually invest in it? Jack shit. He banned Chinese games LOL He just wants Chinese people to not act like embarrassing asses when being tourists.
Why? It's because "economic and technological capability" alone is insufficient to get high soft power.
It will be sufficient when your hard power is dominant and can't be covered by that of a rival power.
You'll get some soft power for sure as the XHS situation proves. But how do you get people infatuated?
The people on XHS are infatuated. There's just not that many of them compared to the US population and that's because the US still holds hard power control of its own population, just like China.
How do top scientists desire to move and contribute to China?
By them being Chinese and being proud of China's rising hard power. If there's no hard power, there's no hope. If there's no hope, everyone just chases his own little life.
How do you get people willing to pay high prices for Chinese luxury?
They don't. They buy Chinese value. We're not headed in the direction of France and Italy, producing expensive useless conman bullshit.
How do you get people to cry and donate when a natural disaster strikes China?
Nobody's thinking about this loser shit like you.
I'll try to explain this using an example.

American entertainment had a pre woke era and a woke era. As you should know, lots of people hate woke entertainment. And, it's not just the white racists who hate it.

Isn't that odd? America has more or less the same hard power in both eras. So, clearly, "soft power is a non-violent extension of hard power" is a weak theory.
That doesn't even vaguely connect. And it's not that odd; overly woke shit that caters and identifies with weird fringe people have no connection with and isolate normal people. After seeing brochures of vacations or clothing models where everyone is fat, gay and unambiguously gendered, normal people have just had enough of that shit. Biologically speaking, most people like to see attractive heterosexual people. It has nothing to do with soft or hard power; it's just pissing people off by being weird.
I've explained this before. Producing soft power, at least, in the media takes skill. Pre woke American entertainment had lots of skill combined with hard power. So it create huge soft power - Jurassic Park, Terminator 2, The Matrix, Titanic, Transformers, Lord of the Rings, etc.

Woke era American entertainment has much lower skill combined with the same or even better hard power (better technology) but people reject it. People hate the injection of ugly people, LGBTQ+, they hate the shoe horned race swapping, the boss girl who hates men, etc.

Chinese media is like American woke era entertainment. All the hard power is there but the skill is very low. So instead of joining forces to produce a Terminator 2 level masterpiece, we produce ugly shit like this
American hard power must be compared with the global scene. The era of entertainment that you like is tied to an era of American dominance as the unrivalled superpower. Some of it overlaps with Soviet times but the Soviets were only a military challenge, not a comprehensive challenge. Now, Americans are far less confident so they aren't producing films like Rambo depicting an American hero killing droves of enemies but they are much softer from their own vulnerability, thus creating weird crap no one can relate to.

Also, you think it's ugly shit because while you criticize other people for white-worship, you are actually guilty of it. That's right up there with any Disney/Pixar. You worship America's dominant age and want to immitate it. You don't have the self-confidence to embrace a new Chinese identity.
I honestly don't know how this crap gets made. What does it look like? A boy? A girl? No one can tell. It's not cute, it's not sexy, it's just gross like that
This thing totally killed it at the theaters so your criticism just shows how far out of tune you are with society.
sissy pants mutants.
LOL What? How old are you? The random desperation of that insult was truly rare to behold...
Some of the things that people brag about are crazy. The latest thing is the Donbei floral patterns on men's clothing, I think. That stuff is gay looking. Not cool at all. Yet, people appear oblivious.
See? You have your Western-washed taste. It's probably because you're so easily brainwashed that you find "soft power" so effective. It's really not much to us.

By the way, calling everything gay/sissy is typically what people do to compensate for their own insecurities and you're not hiding it well at all.
The little fresh meat / sissy pants look is repulsive to women globally outside of East Asia and South East Asia.
Oh looks like they do things for themselves while you want Asians to cater to people outside of Asia?
Foreign women simped for Chinese men.
Sorry, what? Is that the pinnacle of achievement on your mind? Kinda like the white beggars scene of that imaginary India 2030 clip LOL
Did you notice how NONE of those Chinese men look like a little fresh meat / sissy pants mutants?
No, I like Asian women who like Asian men. Don't really care about foreigners.
But bad taste is everywhere across the media. It's not just bad visuals. It's bad cringe messaging. It's bad foreign worship attitudes. It's boring presentations.
LOLOL You think this is other people when you're the one complaining that our media/style doesn't appease non-Asians?
The hard power is already sufficient.
Sufficient? What, have we won WWIII?
They need to increase their skill level now.
Nah, nobody needs to cater to your insecurities or white-worshipping aesthetic beliefs.


Registered Member
Why does Xi Jinping instruct his government to produce better soft power? If it's all the same thing he would just say improve our "economic and technological capability", but he specifically singles out soft power.

China to promote cultural soft power -
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Why? It's because "economic and technological capability" alone is insufficient to get high soft power. You'll get some soft power for sure as the XHS situation proves. But how do you get people infatuated? How do top scientists desire to move and contribute to China? How do you get people willing to pay high prices for Chinese luxury? How do you get people to cry and donate when a natural disaster strikes China?

I'll try to explain this using an example.

American entertainment had a pre woke era and a woke era. As you should know, lots of people hate woke entertainment. And, it's not just the white racists who hate it.

Isn't that odd? America has more or less the same hard power in both eras. So, clearly, "soft power is a non-violent extension of hard power" is a weak theory.

I've explained this before. Producing soft power, at least, in the media takes skill. Pre woke American entertainment had lots of skill combined with hard power. So it create huge soft power - Jurassic Park, Terminator 2, The Matrix, Titanic, Transformers, Lord of the Rings, etc.

Woke era American entertainment has much lower skill combined with the same or even better hard power (better technology) but people reject it. People hate the injection of ugly people, LGBTQ+, they hate the shoe horned race swapping, the boss girl who hates men, etc.

Chinese media is like American woke era entertainment. All the hard power is there but the skill is very low. So instead of joining forces to produce a Terminator 2 level masterpiece, we produce ugly shit like this


I honestly don't know how this crap gets made. What does it look like? A boy? A girl? No one can tell. It's not cute, it's not sexy, it's just gross like that sissy pants mutants.

Some of the things that people brag about are crazy. The latest thing is the Donbei floral patterns on men's clothing, I think. That stuff is gay looking. Not cool at all. Yet, people appear oblivious.

The little fresh meat / sissy pants look is repulsive to women globally outside of East Asia and South East Asia. Foreign women simped for Chinese men. Did you notice how NONE of those Chinese men look like a little fresh meat / sissy pants mutants?

But bad taste is everywhere across the media. It's not just bad visuals. It's bad cringe messaging. It's bad foreign worship attitudes. It's boring presentations.

The hard power is already sufficient. They need to increase their skill level now.
You want China to become a soft powa supapowa. Forgive me for the comical spellings; it's just that I like to write in a way that reflects my true views and feelings.
You want everyone to worship us, and like us, and simp for us. Fair enough.
What if I told you, in due time, you will get all of that?
South Korea is an east asian nation that does everything you prescribe: Focus on soft powa through TV shows and movies, using the best looking masculine men and feminine women, treating dark skinned people like shit because the Koreans are more advanced, responding violently to any and all provocations, to ensure that people know that "We are KOREAN, and WE DO NOT TAKE YOUR SHIT!!!"
But answer honestly, do you take them seriously?

You don't right? And it's probably because: (a) they're a vassal of the US, (b) their culture is entirely stolen from China, i.e. they are just a lesser copy of China, and illiterate to boot, (c) they come across as pathetically fragile and sensitive due to their hair trigger response to any perceived slight, and (d) repeat all of the above.

What's missing? Oh, the "I will bankrupt all your industries, destabilize your workforce, seduce all your young people with my culture, wealth and power, and laugh while doing it" line that chihuahuas hear in their heads even when the real powers don't say anything.

Being able to back up a threat is the real power that all subsequent powers and powas stem from. You need to take a look at the bigger picture and recognize the pattern. No matter how much you 'invest' in propaganda and shitty movies and TV shows, the moment you can't fund it or have it shown in host countries it all falls apart.

This is also why Bollywood is so funny - the funniest part is that they're mostly made as serious action movies, but when you're as weak as India and want to be taken seriously as the US at its peak, you are just setting yourself up for humiliation.
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Junior Member
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@name Since you already admitted that China has "its own country-sized army of geniuses that can punch through any problem.",

Then why do you assume that their 'weakness' in what you call "soft power" doesn't come simply from deliberate policy choice, worldview, and philosophy, but from some incompetence? Or is it easier to do artificial intelligence or nuclear fusion in your opinion than soft power?
Assuming you're not being sarcastic....

I'm shocked too since gaining soft power is super easy compared to solving STEM problems.

Why would China deliberately make themselves look cringe / uncool? How does that help?

I think philosophy is a partial reason. They are nice guys. Too nice. They project too much of their own culture onto others. "You've hurt the feelings of the Chinese people" is one example of the resulting cringe. In their culture, hurting someone's feelings is bad so the attacker is shamed. Of course, outside China, this just sounds like a pathetic weakling crying.

Related to this is the foreign worship. They think ", if I am so nice to you, you will think highly of me." They are wrongly projecting their own culture onto others. This got them no soft power but predators. Their movies are driven by this dumb policy (or at least they were the last time I checked). So, it's a foreign male lead with a Chinese woman. They wrongly think this is a East + West harmony. The rest of the planet sees sexual conquest of Asian woman by white male.

They show toothless old men in villages in their poverty alleviation videos. They think ", see CPC is so benevolent. No one is left behind!". The logic is not wrong, but it doesn't work to a general foreign audience, who sees ", the Chinese people are old and ugly".

I think the worldview is lacking. They are too insular. that's why they keep producing things for a Chinese audience and assume others will view the content in the same way with the same interpretations.

There's a lot of weird / bad taste in general but it has been made a lot worse due to the sissy pants crap that started in Japan and poisoned the rest of Asia. The bad taste affects their men to an extreme degree - scrawny, bowlcuts, glasses, feminine, and nerdy. You also notice a very cutesy / nerdy vibe at least in China and Japan - product packaging often has nerds with glasses, cute animals, etc. It just looks childish and off putting. They have pockets of hope. The Harbin Ice Festival and Lantern Festival are good. HK cinema was decent and HK is tiny so if they can do it, China can do it too. It's just taking way way way too long.

Xi Jinping and others determined that there is way more ROI to get from hard power
I never said soft power is more important than hard power.

they are certainly not going to do it now
This is a very common excuse, but it's wrong. China is already wasting billions of dollars on soft power efforts. They're just getting a very low ROI because they're terrible.


Assuming you're not being sarcastic....

I'm shocked too since gaining soft power is super easy compared to solving STEM problems.

Why would China deliberately make themselves look cringe / uncool? How does that help?

I think philosophy is a partial reason. They are nice guys. Too nice. They project too much of their own culture onto others. "You've hurt the feelings of the Chinese people" is one example of the resulting cringe. In their culture, hurting someone's feelings is bad so the attacker is shamed. Of course, outside China, this just sounds like a pathetic weakling crying.

Related to this is the foreign worship. They think ", if I am so nice to you, you will think highly of me." They are wrongly projecting their own culture onto others. This got them no soft power but predators. Their movies are driven by this dumb policy (or at least they were the last time I checked). So, it's a foreign male lead with a Chinese woman. They wrongly think this is a East + West harmony. The rest of the planet sees sexual conquest of Asian woman by white male.

They show toothless old men in villages in their poverty alleviation videos. They think ", see CPC is so benevolent. No one is left behind!". The logic is not wrong, but it doesn't work to a general foreign audience, who sees ", the Chinese people are old and ugly".

I think the worldview is lacking. They are too insular. that's why they keep producing things for a Chinese audience and assume others will view the content in the same way with the same interpretations.

There's a lot of weird / bad taste in general but it has been made a lot worse due to the sissy pants crap that started in Japan and poisoned the rest of Asia. The bad taste affects their men to an extreme degree - scrawny, bowlcuts, glasses, feminine, and nerdy. You also notice a very cutesy / nerdy vibe at least in China and Japan - product packaging often has nerds with glasses, cute animals, etc. It just looks childish and off putting. They have pockets of hope. The Harbin Ice Festival and Lantern Festival are good. HK cinema was decent and HK is tiny so if they can do it, China can do it too. It's just taking way way way too long.
Oh my goodness this is so sad. Everything here is you complaining that Chinese culture isn't more like Western culture. The Chinese mindset is being shown to the world, regardless of whether or not they like it. That is the ultimate display of confidence. And your response is that we didn't think how others would take it and we should cater ourselves to make others like us more. That is the most beta shit ever. I knew you were overcompensating for some insecurities when you kept calling everything sissy/gay and here is all laid out. You have no self-confidence to be different from prime America and China's confidence in our own unique identity is pissing you off because all you wanted is acceptance and foreign recognition.