What the heck does any of this have to do with Trump?
Nope. There are different degrees if occupation. Trying to paint them all the same is disingenuous and invalidates and belittles others suffering."My occupation and subjugation is better than that other occupation and subjugation."
Nope! Occupation is occupation and yes, the two can be compared. This game of trying to measure levels of evil is corny. The Russian occupied them and subjugated them and so they have the right to feel bitterness towards the Russians. If you don't want someone to hate you then don't occupy them. It's as simple as that.
There's no one bad way to treat people, even if they didn't use women as sex slaves it doesn't mean there weren't mistreated and had to live under forced occupation. That's like me downplaying Japanese aggression towards Asia because they didn't suffer the magnitude of the horrific genocide like the Herero and Nama did under the Germans or didn't suffer it as long as Africans had to.
If that were the case then would you say the Japanese were justified in occupying parts of China? No reason to be mad at their behavior since everyone "lives under occupation". Most here are Russia friendly because today's Russia is friendly to China, I get that, but it's also okay to say "while the Russians are friends I can understand why such and such are angry at them".
In Africa, outside of a few cases, we didn't occupy each other's lands and weren't interested in it. We fought, took skulls and went home. Occupying someone else's land was bad omen so that concept was strange to us. This is why the continent is very fragmented and we never really unified under nation states until Europeans forced us to.
It is only fair to compare past behavior with past behavior and current with current. Americans were also involved in the boxer rebellion and Chinese immigrants were also massacred in the US not to mention the treatment of slaves and Native Americans. As for today just look at the support for Israel.The red army and prior Russian armies have used rape against defeated populations frequently. Russian rule also tried to supress national identities in Baltic states and others. It's valid to hate them for it. It's still stupid to do so in such an open way, depending on the Americans to protect them. Russia may be popular these days, but remember the behaviour of Russia during the boxer rebellion and the massacres of Chinese civilians in outer Manchuria.
The russians were never as gentle occupiers as the Americans are today in Japan.
While you have a point, keep in mind what Nazi Germany did to Slavic populations of Eastern Europe during WWII. And given that majority of Soviet Troops were fairly new recruits with high degrees of vengeance and a fairly small officer corps, what occurred is not super surprising. Not every army is PLA.The red army and prior Russian armies have used rape against defeated populations frequently. Russian rule also tried to supress national identities in Baltic states and others. It's valid to hate them for it. It's still stupid to do so in such an open way, depending on the Americans to protect them. Russia may be popular these days, but remember the behaviour of Russia during the boxer rebellion and the massacres of Chinese civilians in outer Manchuria.
Reminder that over half of you thought that he’ll let it slide! This is just taste of things to come okay.
I've never seen credible accounts about Soviet rape that isn't just from nazi propagandists.The red army and prior Russian armies have used rape against defeated populations frequently. Russian rule also tried to supress national identities in Baltic states and others. It's valid to hate them for it. It's still stupid to do so in such an open way, depending on the Americans to protect them. Russia may be popular these days, but remember the behaviour of Russia during the boxer rebellion and the massacres of Chinese civilians in outer Manchuria.
The russians were never as gentle occupiers as the Americans are today in Japan.