Trump 2.0 official thread


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"Russian rule"

What ?

1) Stalin was a Georgian thug
2) succeeded by Khrushchev, the leader of the Ukrainian Bolsheviks, and
3) succeeded by Brevnev, who was Ukrainian

It's a narrative fiction to turn the Bolsheviks and Soviets into Russians when it was the Russians who put an end to the Soviet Union.


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"Russian rule"

What ?

1) Stalin was a Georgian thug
2) succeeded by Khrushchev, the leader of the Ukrainian Bolsheviks, and
3) succeeded by Brevnev, who was Ukrainian

It's a narrative fiction to turn the Bolsheviks and Soviets into Russians when it was the Russians who put an end to the Soviet Union.
The russian empire preceding the soviet union is even less popular in eastern Europe


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Now in the year 2025, on the one hand, there are entire paragraphs of Adolf's speeches that are indistinguishable from European Union texts, and on the other hand, the 14th Waffen SS now is 'kosher'

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And the European Union, Joe Caligula Biden and Donald Likud Trump have made it clear to the whole world that a "HerrenVolk" made up of Ukrainian, Polish, Lithuanian, and Belarusian emigrants (1917-) has the right to commit colossal massacres driven by an ideology with a strong genocidal impulse...

Why don't we at least toss a coin to decide whether to declare war on Russia or Poland or London-and-Brussels or the bloody Biblical Theme Park?


Registered Member
That's pretty ignorant
Did the Russians use Baltics women as sex slaves? Or do horrendous experiments in Baltics people with vivisection? Or kill like millions of people in a city?

Context here is important. When the Japanese did to Chinese and Koreans are on the level of the Holocaust in some cases. Are you saying that Russians performed similar actions in the Baltics? The two cannot be compared.
You write as if the holocaust is somehow the pinnacle of genocide - this is grossly incorrect.

Japanese war crimes are the worst war crimes recorded in modern history, with no other event even coming close. The holocaust, which does gets bandied around frequently, consisted of up to 6-7 million casualties caused via industrial killing methods. Japanese war crimes, directly caused the deaths of 20-30 million through massacres, torture and live experimentation.

The 'holocaust' is a blip compared to Japanese atrocities in Asia.


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What the heck does any of this have to do with Trump?
I think Europe's attitude towards Russia is an important factor influencing Trump's peace plan.
But it seems obvious that we have deviated from the topic.

To be honest, a big country and its neighbors always have various unpleasant histories. I have been observing online speech for many years, and countries like Vietnam, South Korea, or Japan do not lack radical extremists who curse us and hope that we will all disappear immediately.