Trump 2.0 official thread


Registered Member
As annoying as the Baltics are I don't blame them for their feelings towards Russia. They were occupied by the Russians and suffered under that occupation, they have a right to feel bitter about it and it's not fair to take that away from them. Can you imagine if people called the Chinese and Koreans "demented" because they feel bitterness towards the Japanese occupation? That being said, they are doing too much and they should stop trying to openly antagonize the Russians.
Can you answer me 1 question: which side did they fight on in WW2?
Well it’s Asia. We are basically the Balkan continent where everyone hates each other. Nationalism and racism has always but part of Asia and isn’t going to go away especially with the anti China propaganda in South east Asia and already existing hate in Japan and Korea.
Anti-China hate in Korea and Japan is entirely invented by Japanese fascists, their Korean collaborators, and their backers. It is not organic.