Trump 2.0 official thread


Senior Member
Registered Member
That doesn't make sense since the US defense industrial base is extremely reliant on sales to partner nations in the EU. Without those sales the base will contract even further.

EDIT: Like Europe can be more able to defend itself while still being able to sell US made weapons to Europeans, but Trumps strategy is to make Europe more self-sufficient while also cutting the US out of their defense purchases and decision making process. That doesn't make the US stronger, it clearly weakens its position.
Soo you're saying that Trump is not playing 5D chess

Playing Devils advocate here, let's say there is more than meets the eye.

1. Some social media posters indicated that Trump wants a recession because a ton of Treasury notes are expiring this year and if the interest rate decreases, they can refinance with lower payments. Its actually quite interesting seeing the echo chamber promoting this type of news.

2. In all honesty, Trump and his people probably calculated that no matter how much shit on EU and Canada, these countries will not cost up with china anytime soon, so they have a lot of wiggle room. Unless the media environment changes on those countries, I'm afraid it's still taboo to work with china. I mean China would also be cautious. If china improves relations with EU and Canada, in 4 years when another president comes along, those counties would revert back to having US's good graces. They may choose to drop any act of improving relations with China.

3. Sure the EU and Canada are complaining about not buying US arms, but has any one of those countries acctually canceled the F35 contract or is it all lip service. I'd love to see EU and Canada not buy from the US but I'll believe it when I see the contracts being cancelled.

4. Now you're Canadian just like many here. Right now Canadians have a disdain for the current govt with Trump, but in 4 years, if a more cooperative president then takes the helm, how many Canadian will still hold a grudge? Many right now are boycotting the US but only for the duration of Trump's rule, not forever.

So game theory suggests that Trump can likely be even more brutish against the EU and Canada for a while longer, with minimal costs in the short term.


Junior Member
Registered Member
Now that is some next level epic happening right now. Now I do what to go there one day

My main issue with these kind of hydroponic farming is...they planting in plastic PVC pipings and roasting them in the hot sun. Plastic chemicals will leak and some of them in micro particles form will prolly find their way into the plants. Enjoy the micro plastic stuck in your bidy


Registered Member
My main issue with these kind of hydroponic farming is...they planting in plastic PVC pipings and roasting them in the hot sun. Plastic chemicals will leak and some of them in micro particles form will prolly find their way into the plants. Enjoy the micro plastic stuck in your bidy
Microplastics form by chemical-mechanical action. As long as there is no direct contact between the fruit and the plastic you should be OK.


Lieutenant General
That’s not my impression at all. If anything Trump wants Europe to become self reliant so he doesn’t need to station troops there.

That’s not quite it, it’s actually another Trump/American wanting to have your cake and eat it as well greedy thinking. They want the Europeans to spend enough on arms to become self reliant in terms of having sufficient hard combat power to defeat the Russians without American military support; but also that Europe does this via buying only, or at least primarily, American weapons. That way America can benefit from having to spend less ‘defending’ Europe, take the Russian bear, gets a useful posey of helpers for their planned war against China, profit massively in the process, and never have to actually need to worry about Europeans military might since they can turn off all their fancy weapons with the flip of a kill switch.

The sad and pathetic thing is, the European ruling rich are so thoroughly compromised by the Americans that they would happily do all of that, if only Trump wasn’t so blunt and in their face about it so they can more easily gaslight their own sheeple into paying even higher taxes to poverty themselves to pay for all this.

That is why there is little hope for Europe, and China is far better off helping America and Russia kill off those idiot garden farm animals and turn them into bacon, steaks and chicken nuggets.


Staff member
Super Moderator
That’s not quite it, it’s actually another Trump/American wanting to have your cake and eat it as well greedy thinking. They want the Europeans to spend enough on arms to become self reliant in terms of having sufficient hard combat power to defeat the Russians without American military support; but also that Europe does this via buying only, or at least primarily, American weapons. That way America can benefit from having to spend less ‘defending’ Europe, take the Russian bear, gets a useful posey of helpers for their planned war against China, profit massively in the process, and never have to actually need to worry about Europeans military might since they can turn off all their fancy weapons with the flip of a kill switch.

The sad and pathetic thing is, the European ruling rich are so thoroughly compromised by the Americans that they would happily do all of that, if only Trump wasn’t so blunt and in their face about it so they can more easily gaslight their own sheeple into paying even higher taxes to poverty themselves to pay for all this.

That is why there is little hope for Europe, and China is far better off helping America and Russia kill off those idiot garden farm animals and turn them into bacon, steaks and chicken nuggets.

People who want everything tend to end up with nothing.