As annoying as the Baltics are I don't blame them for their feelings towards Russia. They were occupied by the Russians and suffered under that occupation, they have a right to feel bitter about it and it's not fair to take that away from them. Can you imagine if people called the Chinese and Koreans "demented" because they feel bitterness towards the Japanese occupation? That being said, they are doing too much and they should stop trying to openly antagonize the Russians.How you can say this? Baltic foreign policy is demented
It consist in simply antagonism of their giant neighbor. The baltics have never tried to have good relation with Russia due to their soreness for Russia power. In their mind they are superior to Russia, still Russia is the power.
Compare that with for example Andorra, this little country sandwiched between Spain and France, whose great solution is that the Head of State is 6 months one bissop of Spain and 6 months the president of the French republic.
Doing that they have managed be an independent country and prosper during centuries.
Now take into consideration that Andorra is in the mountains and in a far better defensive position if they would want it.
Baltics would be smashed by Russia in days. And they consistently provoke Russia into destroy them.
In the long term they are not only going to loose, they are going to be erased. I would not be surprised if all non ethnic Russian Estonians end this century exiled from Estonia and having to go back to the Germany they came from. Nobody with 2 cells in their brain provoke a giant next to them
Mexico, having more reasons to hate the US than the baltics to hate Russia and 100 times the population of the Baltics does not show at all anti americanism.
Baltics are demented idiots