Trade War with China

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I dont know where you get it but I haven't seen all those that you listed You must get it from Taiwan press aka Fake news quoting from western media
1 only apply to car industry which what China promise when they entered WTO long time ago, And it is about time Chinese car industry is lazy because they got most of their profit from JV
Conventional car industry is coming to and end anyway and China is leading in NEV.
2 No such thing
4 They bought small amount of Soybean No pork sofar. It is more symbolic than anything The mid west farmer still suffering with increasing suicide and bankruptcy
5 Forcing some one to hand technology is a no no and that has been Chinese policy for a long time Now they codified it nothing wrong with it
6 Again promise when China enter WTO membership. Now Chinese bank and finance is so large it won't make any difference

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5)No, China before wanted tech for marketshare. They asked and foreign companies for fear, had to submitted.
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Difference is this time, no asking even allowed and punishment spelled out for Chinese actors if violated

We can continue to nitpick what China actually offered.
so now after seeing China offered up to US, what do you see in terms of US offering to China??

Its a big fat zero. Theres nothing even to nitpick on. Hope you see the difference of attitude and that's my point. Keep denying what China changed and offered up to appease to US is a lost cause.
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I want to ask you a simple question: do you think anyone here looks forward to reading anything you write? There are plenty of posters here whose posts I look forward to reading: manqiangrexue, Hendrik_2000, AssassinsMace, and many others. I disagree with them on several issues, but I always look forward to reading what they have to write. I've never looked forward to reading anything you write - quite the opposite, as a matter of fact. I doubt I'm alone in this. In fact, I feel a small annoyance each time I see your name anywhere in the recent posts list; the same way I feel when I walk down the street and see dog droppings.

It's unfortunate, really. Your presence diminishes this place.

Who care what you think. Facts are facts. It's what it is. Its never about like and dislikes.

now getting back to reality and business.
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Lieutenant General
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5)No, China before wanted tech for marketshare. They asked and foreign companies for fear, had to submitted.
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Difference is this time, no asking even allowed and punishment spelled out for Chinese actors if violated

We can continue to nitpick what China actually offered.
so now after seeing China offered up to US, what do you see in terms of US offering to China??

Its a big fat zero. Theres nothing even to nitpick on. Hope you see the difference of attitude and that's my point. Keep denying what China changed and offered up to appease to US is a lost cause.

No where in those link says China will accept one sided tariff I repeat NONE It is what they want but they won't get it You need english reading comprehension lesson


Registered Member
Who care what you think. Facts are facts. It's what it is.
It's not just what I think, I'm willing to bet a healthy chunk of money it's what almost everyone who reads and participates in this thread thinks. Your personality and outlook are odious and toxic. I'm even willing to bet that's what people around you think.

And your personal theories about the Chinese semiconductor industry - which I challenged you previously to source and you dodged like Neo - and negative propaganda from the likes of SCMP aren't facts. Neither are your warped "thoughts" on China's negotiating strategies. All of it is worthless. You've been on this site twice as long as I have and posted 10 times as much; not once has anything I've read from you been worth my time.


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5)No, China before wanted tech for marketshare. They asked and foreign companies for fear, had to submitted.
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Difference is this time, no asking even allowed and punishment spelled out for Chinese actors if violated

We can continue to nitpick what China actually offered.
so now after seeing China offered up to US, what do you see in terms of US offering to China??

Its a big fat zero. Theres nothing even to nitpick on. Hope you see the difference of attitude and that's my point. Keep denying what China changed and offered up to appease to US is a lost cause.
China started out tough by answering US tariffs with tariffs and then seemed to soften because Chinese economists actually checked what they could tariff before they hurt themselves and when that point was reached, they stopped. Trump went too far and ended up crumpling the US economy with his own tariffs. That's exactly what you don't want to do and that's exactly why the winner is decided by results, not aggression. There's no skill, no intelligence needed to automatically act more aggressive when challenged, but the results it achieves are what you don't want.

I'm not sure how you did your numbering here but...
2. China suspends further tariffs on US cars as US suspends further tariffs on Chinese products. I don't see anyone removing tariffs.
4. First of all, it's a planned import, IF negotiations go well. In your own article, it says that this is due to the African swine flue causing Chinese pork supplies to drop. China's not saying it will buy unwanted things to appease anyone. It needs pork because domestic prices are being driven too high due to lack of supply.
5. If foreign companies submitted for fear instead of legality before, then they will continue to do so in the future. Fear isn't part of the agreement LOL Your source comes from the hopes of American negotiators. You mistakenly read the US requests and confused them with the result of the deal. Anyone can request anything; nobody has to give.

There is nothing solid to show what China has offered the US and nothing about what they gave back. At this point, it's about giving the US a face-saving way to back down because they can't tell the US voters, "We got nothing; trade wars aren't easy at all" because they'll all be slaughtered. The economic numbers are already in. The trade war so far hit the US economy and barely touched China's. That's the only data that's not coming from some Washington DC spinster lying machine like Kudlow or Lightizer.

Why don't you patiently wait for the final agreement to come, if there is one, before making conclusions? Right now, you're jumping like a mouse on a hot plate at everything anyone says or even hints at the possibility of. Problem is, the peeps in DC have big loud mouths while the Chinese are following the old proverb, "The silent chicken eats the most rice."


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China started out tough by answering US tariffs with tariffs and then seemed to soften because Chinese economists actually checked what they could tariff before they hurt themselves and when that point was reached, they stopped. Trump went too far and ended up crumpling the US economy with his own tariffs. That's exactly what you don't want to do and that's exactly why the winner is decided by results, not aggression. There's no skill, no intelligence needed to automatically act more aggressive when challenged, but the results it achieves are what you don't want.

I'm not sure how you did your numbering here but...
2. China suspends further tariffs on US cars as US suspends further tariffs on Chinese products. I don't see anyone removing tariffs.
4. First of all, it's a planned import, IF negotiations go well. In your own article, it says that this is due to the African swine flue causing Chinese pork supplies to drop. China's not saying it will buy unwanted things to appease anyone. It needs pork because domestic prices are being driven too high due to lack of supply.
5. If foreign companies submitted for fear instead of legality before, then they will continue to do so in the future. Fear isn't part of the agreement LOL Your source comes from the hopes of American negotiators. You mistakenly read the US requests and confused them with the result of the deal. Anyone can request anything; nobody has to give.

There is nothing solid to show what China has offered the US and nothing about what they gave back. At this point, it's about giving the US a face-saving way to back down because they can't tell the US voters, "We got nothing; trade wars aren't easy at all" because they'll all be slaughtered. The economic numbers are already in. The trade war so far hit the US economy and barely touched China's. That's the only data that's not coming from some Washington DC spinster lying machine like Kudlow or Lightizer.

Why don't you patiently wait for the final agreement to come, if there is one, before making conclusions? Right now, you're jumping like a mouse on a hot plate at everything anyone says or even hints at the possibility of. Problem is, the peeps in DC have big loud mouths while the Chinese are following the old proverb, "The silent chicken eats the most rice."

You are sugar coating too much.

When someone challenge and unreasonable way , you don't have to act in aggressive way to that person, you simply walk away and ignore that person. Common sense.

Instead of walking way or ignore the unreasonable demand, China is changing itself at the darnest to see if US can accept what it offered.

That's a position of weakness. Try not sugar coat that.

It's what it is.

Walking away is not acting in aggressive manner. But China can't afford to walk away.


You are sugar coating too much.

When someone challenge and unreasonable way , you don't have to act in aggressive way to that person, you simply walk away and ignore that person. Common sense.

Instead of walking way or ignore the unreasonable demand, China is changing itself at the darnest to see if US can accept what it offered.

That's a position of weakness. Try not sugar coat that.

It's what it is.

Walking away is not acting in aggressive manner.
You walk away then the game is over. China's in this game to take advantage of the US, isn't that obvious? Anybody can say no and walk away. Taking advantage of the other side is the skill that the Chinese negotiators are hired for.

What changes? Oh, I know of one. Trump said that the deadline is March 1st. Then, he said he can extend it by a little. Then last week, Kudlow said there is no deadline; any amount of time is worthwhile for such a negotiation as long as progress can be made. Now that's change, and that's not coming from a third party anecdote like all the Chinese "concessions" so far. That's straight from the horse's mouth. Any changes China has made so far have resulted in increases in the trade surplus and strong Chinese GDP. Results. Do you know what that means?

You do not understand what business is. To people who don't do business but listen to Trump, business is about winning, making other people concede, putting them in helpless positions to bend them to your will. Trump painted this picture because the people who voted for him are angry aggressive people who lust for victory since they lack it in real life. But actual business is about making people want to buy your things and trust you, by creating a warm relationship with your clients (but not necessarily a friendship because it is all about money). You don't don't make sales by yelling at people and forcing them to buy your product. That is why America's approach to business, and to Huawei, is failing, as it tries to use aggression and force to make a sale (whether it be in idea or product) while China was and is so successful, because it convinces people and makes them feel accommodated to, but in actuality, it is China who takes the advantage, or China wouldn't be there.

Ever seen a crazy person making a fuss at the bank? He yells, makes demands, asks for unreasonable accommodations, but the bank clerk calmly tells him what his options are, what the bank can do for him, what different accounts he can select, and never makes unreasonable demands back. But in the end, if nothing is reached, the bank will tell him that there is no further action to be taken together and he's free to try other banks. By your logic, the crazy person has the upper hand while the bank is unprepared and weak and has to listen to his garbage.
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Senior Member
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No where in those link says China will accept one sided tariff I repeat NONE It is what they want but they won't get it You need english reading comprehension lesson

It's not reading comprehension.

I didnt say one sided tariff.

I am saying it's China making the first move and offered up to US to see if it can change its mind.


Senior Member
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You walk away then the game is over. China's in this game to take advantage of the US, isn't that obvious? Anybody can say no and walk away. Taking advantage of the other side is the skill that the Chinese negotiators are hired for.

That's enough. Stop the BS.
Walking away is the right thing to do.
Matter of principles.

Stay in the game to take advantage of US??

How about I serve a humble pie, you eat it whole now so you can win later on?



That's enough. Stop the BS.
Walking away is the right thing to do.
Matter of principles.

Stay in the game to take advantage of US??

How about I serve a humble pie, you eat it whole now so you can win later on?

Nobody thinks I'm BSing but everyone knows you'e BSing. Enough? Everybody's had enough of you, not me. Ironic, eh?

What you think is right nobody else agrees with. Taking advantage of them, widening the trade gap is the right thing to do. Walking away is reserved for when you don't believe you can do that. The principle is to deliver results to its people, and China does.

How about you eat your own pie, because you've not humbled anyone the entire time you've been here. You've made everyone feel so intellectually superior; just ask around.
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