Trade War with China

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I have more semiconductor knowledge than you do, so I feel superior over your useless genetic knowledge. That why I like to talk down to you and look down at you because i feel i owned you.

Still nonsense you talking.

trade surplus??
1)trump determines to shave off the large chunk of trade surplus.
2)This trade war is gearing stop China subsidy into hightech. US is no fool, it will try to stop China from funding into research.

if you want a trade deal from US ,continue to earn surplus(much reduced) from selling low ended good, US will make you do what it wants. Basically stay at low ended goods and no subsidies into hightech funding.

Even China propose it will get rid all trade surplus with US within 5 years time.

Your little proposal won't work !!!!! you call that little proposal as genius work? It's pure garbage that needed to shove back to you.

China running faster in tech scene?
Not the type of tech that matters that most(just like your genetic knowledge is useless in my opinion). China is leading edge at ecommerce that about it.

No solution?
why don't you read my started thread. But you have no semiconductor background . Even if you read it I don't think you can comprehend. Too much jail time stunted your brain becoming a vegetable person.
Sorry man, the more you type like this, the more I don't believe you have "semiconductor knowledge" and even if you did, it's clear that you have done nothing with it except talk on forums. That's probably because the depth of your "knowledge" is orientation level at best for a semiconductor firm. Your knowledge is so low, there is no point in explaining the power of genetics to you and that's ok because it's not the topic.

1. What Trump wants to do and what's happening are opposite. The trade gap is widening. Once again, results are what we want, not single-sided intent.
2. Results, not intent. I know the US want to stop Chinese tech subsidies, but it can't. That's the result.

It's not making a deal to achieve what the US wants; if it was, there would be no negotiation. It's a deal to play by different rules, ones that the US thinks can favor it, but in the end, hand it the same result of defeat anyway.

What I said wasn't a proposal; it's what's actually happening and has been happening for decades now. China sells low end goods to earn money and uses that money to research high tech goods, then out-compete the US first in China, then in the world. That's what the US is trying to stop; this is not a future proposal. You are so ignorant that you are actually saying that a plan can't work while it's been working for 20 years.

Well, what you think matters is not what everyone else here and the White house say "matters" and I don't think you've convinced anyone that you're the wisest of the group.

You have no solution. Beijing has experts that actually know semiconductors advising them on the plan to catch up. Your solution is pointless and your own fantasy. You can't sell it to anybody; it's for you only. That's why you're an angry poster and not in an influential role of power.

"Vegetable person?" LOL I never believed you could mature beyond name-calling. I knew that when someone put you back into an embarrassing losing argument, your angry profane sore loser side would come back and here it is.


Ok, just saw a comment by “tidalwave” about “useless genetic knowledge”. I can’t find his original post on this, but I can’t help but disagree with his comment.

To be honest, this is the first time I’ve ever heard that genetic knowledge is useless. I’m not sure in what context he made this comment, but this comment is wrong no matter what context he was in.

Genetic knowledge is useful in everyday life in understanding the way you look and act. Genetic knowledge is important for fighting every kind of disease known to man.

The fact that you are making this comment highlights the kind of extremist-like way of thinking you have.


Ok, just saw a comment by “tidalwave” about “useless genetic knowledge”. I can’t find his original post on this, but I can’t help but disagree with his comment.

To be honest, this is the first time I’ve ever heard that genetic knowledge is useless. I’m not sure in what context he made this comment, but this comment is wrong no matter what context he was in.

Genetic knowledge is useful in everyday life in understanding the way you look and act. Genetic knowledge is important for fighting every kind of disease known to man.

The fact that you are making this comment highlights the kind of extremist-like way of thinking you have.
Come on, Tidalwave doesn't even exhibit competence in his own (claimed) field; you expect him to understand other people's fields? Trying to educate him on genetics is like trying to feed a baby with a fire hose.

You can't find his comment cus he got banned for it, which is incredibly ironic because in that post he was just talking about "jail time" for me. LOLOL
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Ok, just saw a comment by “tidalwave” about “useless genetic knowledge”. I can’t find his original post on this, but I can’t help but disagree with his comment.

To be honest, this is the first time I’ve ever heard that genetic knowledge is useless. I’m not sure in what context he made this comment, but this comment is wrong no matter what context he was in.

Genetic knowledge is useful in everyday life in understanding the way you look and act. Genetic knowledge is important for fighting every kind of disease known to man.

The fact that you are making this comment highlights the kind of extremist-like way of thinking you have.

i dunno man this tidalwave kid doesn't sound like he has much useful knowledge. he was too hurry to declare himself superior in similar fashion as trump which serves to convince me that he is in fact inferior.
now I read
China’s Vice-Premier Liu He, US Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer start ‘endgame’ round of trade talks in Washington
  • The talks follow two days of negotiations last week when Liu hosted US officials in Beijing
  • Sticking points are said to include an enforcement mechanism that can hold China responsible for reforms it agrees to, as well as the removal of US tariffs
Updated: 10:04am, 4 Apr, 2019
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China and the United States started a fresh round of talks on Wednesday in Washington amid upbeat hopes of finalising a comprehensive agreement to end their protracted trade war.

Chinese Vice-Premier Liu He was greeted by US Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer outside the USTR office on Wednesday morning, shaking hands. In a rare display of enthusiasm, Liu waved to the reporters before entering the USTR office.

Larry Kudlow, White House economic adviser, said at an event hosted by The Christian Science Monitor that China acknowledged for the first time issues of intellectual property thefts, cyber hacking and forced technology transfer accused by the US but largely denied by China previously, according to a report by CNBC.

“They have for the first time acknowledged that we have a point. Several points,” Kudlow said, according to CNBC. “And I think that that has led to, you know, good negotiations”.

He also said the case of Huawei, China’s telecoms giant in legal disputes with the US government, has “generally not come up” during the talks. “We looked at it as a legal matter so far.”

The talks are the latest after both sides resumed negotiations four months ago and follow two days of talks last week when Liu hosted Lighthizer and US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin in Beijing.

Myron Brilliant, executive vice-president for international affairs at the US Chamber of Commerce, said that negotiations had now entered the “endgame stage”.

On Tuesday, Brilliant called the talks this week “a very critical window”.

“Ninety per cent of the deal is done, but the last 10 per cent is the hardest part to get there. It’s the trickiest part and it will require trade-offs on both sides,” he said.

“Both sides have been pretty clear that they would like to wrap things up in April. Whether they can get here is going to be determined on the basis of whether they can handle these outstanding tricky issues,” he added.

Brilliant said two “particularly sensitive areas” that have stood in the way is an enforcement mechanism that can hold China responsible for implementation of reforms it agrees to in the deal as well as the removal of US tariffs.

One source said that China had made further concessions during this round of talks, including greater opening of its markets, and that it is pushing for a summit between Chinese President Xi Jinping and US President Donald Trump to sign the deal late this month. Another possible option is for the two leaders to meet in June at the G20 summit in Japan.

Kudlow, director of the White House’s National Economic Council, said on Tuesday that negotiators were making progress, but “we are not there and we hope this week to get closer”.

If Beijing does not live up to the promises it makes in the trade agreement, the US wants a unilateral right to retaliate without China taking corresponding actions. But Beijing has refrained from giving up its sovereignty and insisted that any mechanism should be enforced on both sides.

The other issue is how much of the US tariffs – currently imposed on US$250 billion worth of Chinese goods, if any, will be eliminated, Brilliant said.

“China has been very clear, in public and privately, that they would like to see all the tariffs gone,” he said. “The [Trump] administration has been equally clear that they want to keep some of the tariffs in place as a way to have leverage over China to fulfil its obligation under whatever final package is agreed to.”

In a sign of goodwill, China announced on Sunday it would continue suspending the implementation of new tariffs on US automobiles.

China also moved on Monday to tighten curbs on the manufacture of the painkiller fentanyl, a response to repeated requests by the US, which has blamed Chinese imports for fuelling the American opioid crisis that has claimed thousands of lives.

A Chinese protester blocked Liu’s car on his way Wednesday morning to the USTR, according to video footage taken by a fellow activist Zhao Yan. The protester was restrained by police officers and later released, Zhao said.

When Liu was in Washington for trade talks on January 31, several demonstrators protesting Beijing’s forced relocation of Chinese citizens rushed at the Chinese delegation as they left their hotel on their way to the talks.
now I read
Ford cautiously optimistic on China's auto market in 2019
Updated 21:35, 04-Apr-2019
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Ford is cautiously optimistic about China's economy in 2019. However, with the company's relatively low market share in the country, China still presents a huge opportunity for the second largest U.S. carmaker, according to Chen Anning, the new chief for Ford's China operation.

"The auto industry is deeply connected to the macroeconomy, so as China's economy bounces back gradually, the auto market will rebound accordingly," said Chen at the sidelines of the company's "Ford China 2.0" strategy announcement held in Shanghai on Wednesday.

Prompted by the downward economic pressure and trade frictions with the U.S. in 2018, China's car sales fell for the first time, by 6 percent to 22.7 million units, according to the China Passenger Car Association (CPCA).

"The Chinese government has already launched measures to boost the economy, I believe those measures will show effects soon or after some simmering time. As the effect shows, China's auto market will recover," said Chen, Ford China's President and CEO.

Ford will closely watch the economic policies by the Chinese government and how it plays out, and adjust Ford's strategy accordingly, said Chen.

'In China' policy to revive sales slump

Chen also noted after 30 years of rapid development, China's auto market has reached micro or even zero growth periods, which could last a while.

According to the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers, the country's auto market penetration rate has reached maturity after decades of rapid growth, entering a stable development period. It also notes that one of the reasons for the sales slump last year was that purchase tax cuts in previous years overcharged the consumers' purchasing power.

Amid the sales slump trend last year, Ford also suffered a sales drop of 36.9 percent in China.

After a less-than-satisfying performance last year, the carmaker is determined to boost its sales number in China. "China has the largest consumer market in the world. The Chinese market is of great importance to Ford," Chen said.

As part of Ford operations restructure worldwide last October, its China business became a stand-alone business unit, reporting directly to global headquarters, which aims to increase the internal decision-making speed and be closer to Chinese customers.

In the strategy announcement, Ford also launched an innovation center, design center, product center, and new energy vehicles center in China, aiming to speed up products' R&D and launch, and develop cutting-edge smart technologies used in cars with its partners such as China's tech giants Baidu and Alibaba.

Ford also announced that the company will launch 30 new models in the Chinese market in the following three years, and 10 of them will be new energy vehicles.

Upbeat on China-U.S. trade prospects

The U.S. and China engaged in tit-for-tat tariff-slamming trade friction since March last year, hurting the auto industry as its industrial chains span the globe.

In a Reuters report in January, Ford's Chief Financial Officer Bob Shanks pointed out that tariffs and high commodity costs hurt its 2018 earnings.

The two countries agreed to a temporary truce since the G20 Summit in Argentina, and have been engaged in trade talks. Chen is optimistic about the talks.

"The signals from the recent China-U.S. high-level trade talks have been very positive. Ford is very glad about the recent progress," Chen said.

"We hope the governments will make joint efforts, and provide a fair trade environment," Chen said.

China's State Council announced last Sunday that the country would continue to suspend additional tariffs on U.S. vehicles and auto parts after April 1, in a goodwill gesture following a U.S. decision to delay tariff hikes on Chinese imports.

Pilot 5G-enabled technology in China

With China's leading development in 5G, during the strategy announcement, Chen also stated that Ford will pilot its cellular vehicle-to-everything technology, known as C-V2X, which will run on 5G in 2021, one year ahead of the U.S. schedule.

"China is leading the world's smart car development; we are excited to see that more high-end technology products are designed in China and going international," said Ford's President and CEO Jim Hackett.

C-V2X will enable Ford's cars' awareness of the surrounding environment, which could improve traffic efficiency, reduce road deaths and push the auto-pilot technology development, according to Ford.

The move demonstrated the importance of the Chinese market in Ford's global deployment, Chen said.

Chen Anning is a former Ford engineer and chairman of Chery Jaguar Land Rover in China. Ford hired Chen last October and entrusted him to fix the carmaker's sales slump in the world's biggest car market.

Industrial insiders believe that getting a local person for the role is a good move, and will likely give Ford a better understanding of the market, according to a Reuters report last October.
now I read
Xi says new substantial progress made on text of China-U.S. economic and trade agreement
Xinhua| 2019-04-05 12:34:52
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Chinese President Xi Jinping said in a message delivered to his U.S. counterpart, Donald Trump, on Thursday that new substantial progress has been made on the text of the China-U.S. economic and trade agreement in the past more than one month.

In the message conveyed by Chinese Vice Premier Liu He at a meeting with Trump at the White House, Xi encouraged the two sides to keep up with the spirit of mutual respect, equality and mutual benefit, and resolve issues of mutual concern so as to conclude the negotiations on the agreement text as soon as possible.

Under the current situation, a healthy and stable development of China-U.S. relations concerns the interests of both Chinese and American people, as well as the interests of people of other countries around the world, and it needs, in particular, their strategic leadership, Xi told Trump.

Xi also said he is ready to keep close contact with Trump through various means, and believes that the China-U.S. relations will make new and greater progress under their joint guidance.

At the meeting, Liu said the Chinese and U.S. negotiation teams have over the past two days conducted fruitful consultations and reached new consensus on such important issues as the text of the economic and trade agreement.

Liu also said that the two sides, guided by the consensus reached by the two heads of state, will continue with the consultations to achieve greater progress on issues of mutual concern so as to conclude the negotiations as soon as possible and push forward the healthy and stable development of bilateral economic and trade ties.

Trump said that the U.S.-China bilateral relationship now sees a sound and robust development, and is at a high level in history.

The U.S. president said that he is glad to see that huge progress has been achieved in the economic and trade negotiations, and that he hopes the two sides make further efforts and resolve the remaining issues in a bid to reach a comprehensive and historic agreement as soon as possible.

It will not only benefit the two countries but also the whole world, he added.

The U.S. president said he looks forward to meeting with Xi after the two sides reach the agreement, and to witnessing the great moment together with the Chinese leader.

Trump also thanked Xi for China's decision to add fentanyl-related substances to a supplementary list of controlled narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances with non-medical use, saying it is of great significance for American people and the U.S.-China anti-drug cooperation.

Liu is in the United States for the ninth round of high-level economic and trade consultations between the two nations.

U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue, Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross and Trump's senior advisor Jared Kushner attended the meeting.
now I read in Facebook
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"Chinese vice premier says new consensus reached on important issues in fruitful trade consultations

Chinese Vice Premier Liu He said on Thursday that the Chinese and U.S. negotiation teams have over the past two days conducted fruitful consultations and reached new consensus on such important issues as the text of the economic and trade agreement.

Liu made the remarks while meeting with U.S. President Donald Trump at the White House.

During the meeting, Liu also said that the two sides, guided by the consensus reached by the two heads of state, will continue with the consultations to achieve more progress on issues of mutual concern so as to conclude the negotiations as soon as possible."
now this
U.S. President Trump: China and U.S. should be responsible for the world
Updated 13:44, 05-Apr-2019
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During the ninth round of China-U.S. trade talks in Washington on Thursday, U.S. President Trump said China and the U.S. should be responsible for the world in response to a question raised by a reporter from China Media Group.

The reporter asked Trump what he thinks of the Malaysian trade minister's remark that negotiations between the U.S. and China would "affect everyone," as he urged the two sides to feel a sense of global responsibility.

Trump noted that he thinks both countries do have a responsibility to the world, "and that's a big reason we're here." He said this will be a tremendous thing for the world if "we get it done."
I mean is there a deal on the horizon?
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