Trade War with China

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Lieutenant General
Open-minded??! A truly open-minded individual would not have said half the unsubstantiated anti-china sound bites this person has posted. It's the usual intellectual dishonesty and/or ignorance that persists in the average anti-China western citizen. They hate for pathetically untrue or unfair reasons. The usual stuff like eating dogs... well they eat animals too so no more ethically superior. Eating fetus... proven to be slander and even if true, certainly isn't usual Chinese behaviour while we don't judge others for the behaviour of particular individuals otherwise all Austrians are incestuous rapists. Shoddy products... hey you cheap out and pay little, you get little like you deserve. Chinese product dollar for dollar beat out every single alternative most of the time which is why most of your factories are in China. You can blame it on theft of intellectual property but that requires evidence of which there are none presented yet. Let's see some and then get some real discourse going. You can't call someone guilty without proper, well defined charges and carefully analysed evidence. Why can they get away in this case? Oh right... that's what they do. That's what they're doing to Russia re the supposed recent false flag as well huh. A word of advice to readers who are inclined to be against China, we can hurt you using your own games as well. At the moment, Chinese are still benefiting from the status quo. Shift this too far away and Chinese reactions will come even harder.

Most of his most objectionable comments seems to be a repetition of the relentless hate fill diatribes that passes for China reporting in western, especially right wing American mainstream news.

I was making allowances for that, as he at least seems to have the capacity to question some of that ‘free media’ narrative, and not take it all as God’s unvarnished truth as many true trolls seem to.


Junior Member
Most of his most objectionable comments seems to be a repetition of the relentless hate fill diatribes that passes for China reporting in western, especially right wing American mainstream news.

I was making allowances for that, as he at least seems to have the capacity to question some of that ‘free media’ narrative, and not take it all as God’s unvarnished truth as many true trolls seem to.

Why do you care. Just report him to mod and then move on.

He is one of those irrelevent people that exist solely to be used as cannon fodder. They can't be productive in real world so they vent their anger online because they have no jobs and no real skills in real world. They are the reason why Trump exist and Trump is doing everything that Chinese and Russian could ever dream of and a lot more!


Registered Member
Why do you care. Just report him to mod and then move on.

He is one of those irrelevent people that exist solely to be used as cannon fodder. They can't be productive in real world so they vent their anger online because they have no jobs and no real skills in real world. They are the reason why Trump exist and Trump is doing everything that Chinese and Russian could ever dream of and a lot more!

Accurate observation. Guaranteed to be correct. No one well off even bothers to make such effort to bitch and moan to a Chinese filled forum. Still, the lies need to be corrected. Someone needs to do the dirty work otherwise the whole world will eventually be blinded by these unproductive real world losers. I know it's as tedious as stepping on cockroaches for us by now, but if enough people share the truth, maybe it multiplies.
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The fact that all you can do is personally bash me, and you have nothing real to say shows I am dead-on with EVERY SINGLE ONE OF MY ARGUMENTS. Listen Ultra-Troll, im here to talk about China, not to attack others, so get with the program.

I know you guys will scream in agony over this post, and you may not want to admit it, but all China can do is piggy-back on American Innovation. That's the heart of this Trade War, China cannot innovate it's way to the 2025 made in China it's -IMPOSSIBLE- so it has to steal U.S. Innovation and force U.S. companies to give up their IP, that's just the reality of the situation however you want to spin it. This is a national priority for China, a directive handed down from emperor xi himself, he spent time in America, he knows the Chinese can only mimic, and cannot Innovate.

As soon as China maturely develops AI & rolls it out to wechat, the Chinese will become even more zombie-like & less innovative than they already are.. they will all be plugged into the matrix thinking the exact same thing. Sorry if you guys don't like that, but all you have to do is look up around for a moment at Chinese Society, and you will see 99% of the people are glued to their phones wechating away. I would say China 2025 is more about controlling the population through AI, rather than some National Goal.


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Most of the "Farmers" these days are not small mom and pop farmers, they are corporate farms. So I imagine corporate profits would be down, the price of soybeans would drop. If they did not find new markets for the soybeans next year, I imagine they'd change crops.


Registered Member
The fact that all you can do is personally bash me, and you have nothing real to say shows I am dead-on with EVERY SINGLE ONE OF MY ARGUMENTS. Listen Ultra-Troll, im here to talk about China, not to attack others, so get with the program.

I know you guys will scream in agony over this post, and you may not want to admit it, but all China can do is piggy-back on American Innovation. That's the heart of this Trade War, China cannot innovate it's way to the 2025 made in China it's -IMPOSSIBLE- so it has to steal U.S. Innovation and force U.S. companies to give up their IP, that's just the reality of the situation however you want to spin it. This is a national priority for China, a directive handed down from emperor xi himself, he spent time in America, he knows the Chinese can only mimic, and cannot Innovate.

As soon as China maturely develops AI & rolls it out to wechat, the Chinese will become even more zombie-like & less innovative than they already are.. they will all be plugged into the matrix thinking the exact same thing. Sorry if you guys don't like that, but all you have to do is look up around for a moment at Chinese Society, and you will see 99% of the people are glued to their phones wechating away. I would say China 2025 is more about controlling the population through AI, rather than some National Goal.

So the implication here is that Chinese people are genetically somehow made incapable compared to Americans? Chinese people are just worse people and they are unable to innovate? All of them? Seems to be what you are suggesting and that makes all your points worthless bs. Whatever you say.


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Ok ill clarify - some aspect of Chinese Culture, perhaps it's group think / go with the herd mentality, I dont know for sure what causes it, but something with the culture/government causes them to not be as innovative as others. Chinese are very clever, and can copy something very well down to the smallest circuts, but they cannot come up with new innovative idea's themselves. Just like U.S. culture produces Obese people you do not see else-where in the world. It's not GENETICS, it's SOCIETY.
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