Trade War with China

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If one is to browse internet forums and read comments on anything remotely political (and often even not) that has something to do with Chinese people, you could find many misinformed hateful comments, I've even read some calling for the murder and lynching of *insert derogatory term for Chinese/Asian* people. Often Trump supporters who are angry at the success of people who look different to them. Their anger can and likely will be manipulated further to justify poor treatment of Chinese people. Give it enough time and east asians will become even more successful, dominant, and disproportionally represented in higher education, professional jobs etc and obviously increasingly wealthy. This bitterness will escalate to further action against Chinese and perhaps all Asians. After all the Jews were blamed for many things they were and are completely innocent of. We are just beginning to see the same thing coming from a particular group of people who are now targeting successful non-whites. If this trade war and aggressive rhetoric in other matters relating to China is anything to go on, we'll see even greater tension in the future because China's just getting started.

East Asians are generally more modest about life and understand, respect, and try to emulate successful people and their practices. Many others have proven throughout history to be bitter, resentful, and utterly incapable of acting respectfully and civilised when their higher than deserved living standards are being threatened by real equality and meritocracy. I understand and appreciate the importance of diversity if people can actually get along in an equitable environment, but even American (self-proclaimed bastion of meritocracy) universities are concerned about the disproportional level of east asian students and have measures to limit them. As long as the rules are fair i.e. not something like just ban Chinese altogether, Chinese will find ways to succeed and the usual suspects will again wail in their resentment and hate.

This is exactly why Chinese leaders with foresight understood the importance of developing means of defence at whatever costs. Trade wars are definitely just a beginning. Hyping up the imbalance and exaggerating "theft" (because everyone steals good ideas but it takes greater skill to actually implement) are some of the unfair inventions used to justify rocking the boat. The ones doing that know they are on the decline.
now I read
China imposes tariff on 128 items of U.S. imports
Xinhua| 2018-04-02 02:17:50
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China suspended tariff concessions on 128 items of U.S. products including pork and fruits starting Monday, according to the Ministry of Finance.

The Customs Tariff Commission of the State Council has decided to impose a tariff of 15 percent on 120 items of products imported from the
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including fruits and related products, and a tariff of 25 percent on eight items of imports including pork and related products from the country, according to a statement posted on the ministry website.

The statement said it was a countermeasure in response to a previous U.S. move to slap tariffs on steel and aluminum imports.

Despite worldwide objections, the U.S. administration decided to impose a 25-percent tariff on steel imports and a 10-percent tariff on aluminum, with tariffs on imports from countries including China.

Although in violation of
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rules, the U.S. measure went into effect in March 23, which has severely undermined China's interests, according to the statement.

China advocates and supports a multilateral trade system, the ministry said, noting that to suspend tariff concession on U.S. imports is a just move to safeguard China's interests using WTO rules.
Commentary: U.S. punitive tariffs against China, a self-defeating gamble
Xinhua| 2018-04-02 10:24:03
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Recent global spotlight is on a U.S. memorandum planning to slap tariffs on China, which rattles the world as it could trigger a domino effect of protectionism and even a trade war.

The memorandum, signed by U.S. President Donald Trump last month despite opposition from business and industry communities at home, could impose tariffs on up to 60 billion U.S. dollars of Chinese imports and restrictions on Chinese investment.

The unwise move, allegedly aiming to safeguard America's national interests, protect home industry and cut trade deficit with China, only risks making America economically impaired, rather than "great again."

Despite a seemingly hefty trade deficit with China, U.S. exports have grown at a relatively higher rate than imports in recent years.

According to the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission, in the first eight months of last year, U.S. exports to China reached 80.2 billion dollars, an increase of 15 percent year-on-year. The growth rate nearly doubles that of imports from China, at 8.3 percent.

Compared with data of 2001, the year when China joined the World Trade Organization, U.S. exports experienced a nearly sixfold increase by the end of last year, while its imports from China grew roughly fourfold.

If looking at trade in services, the other category besides goods, the United States enjoys a trade surplus with China, peaking at 37 billion dollars in 2016, driven by a surge in Chinese outbound tourism.

These are just some trade numbers. In their joint ventures with China, U.S. companies with multinational production chains such as Apple Inc. and General Motors usually get the biggest slice of cake. China is only a link in the global supply chain, manufacturing and assembling parts designed by upstream U.S. teams. The fact that the calculation of trade data attributes most of the value to Chinese exports is neither correct nor fair.

On the individual level, ordinary American consumers have more choices for good quality products at better prices thanks to imports from China. These imports include not only final products that China has comparative advantages in making, but also intermediate Chinese goods a wide spectrum of U.S. industries use to produce more competitive products and provide better community services in healthcare, education and emergency response.

Furthermore, the bilateral economic ties have supported roughly 2.6 million U.S. jobs, among which about 104,000 jobs were created by Chinese investment, said the U.S.-China Business Council.

Trump's planned tariffs are not only going to hamper the U.S. economic well-being and continued progress, and burden its people with higher costs of living, but also pose a grave threat to the current global trading system.

Washington seems to have failed to keep a cool head when it is busy fanning the so-called "economic aggression" from China. It should realize that the only right option is to protect the reciprocal economic and trade relations with China and avoid a no-win situation.

The threatening tariffs, if realized, may hurt China. Yet the damage will be done at the expense of enormous American interests.
now I read
China's trade retaliation falls into place, pressuring US to retract measures

Updated 2018-04-02 11:58 GMT+8
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China has pushed through an earlier plan to impose tariffs estimated worth 3 billion US dollars on US goods as compensation for the Trump administration’s duties on imported steel and aluminum, while continuing efforts to discuss cooperation with the world’s largest economy.

The decision to tax 128 US imports comes into effect Monday. After first revealing plans to do so in late March, with full approval from the state council, levies on 120 products, ranging from nuts to steel piping, will increase by 15 percent, while an additional 25 percent levy will be imposed on eight products including pork and scrap aluminum, to counter the effects of the US extra duty, 25 percent on steel and 10 percent on aluminum.

Three days after the sweeping tariffs on steel and aluminum took effect, China attempted to hold trade talks with the US but was turned down, and proceeded with the planned tariffs, but only after notifying the WTO in advance, thus honoring China’s legitimate rights as a member.

Persistent in its stance in promoting stable and equitable trade relations, China’s commerce ministry again urged the US to retract protectionist measures that run contrary to free trade agreements and to resolve differences through dialogue and negotiation. Various ministries have reiterated that China has expressed strong disappointment and is prepared to stand its ground, if a ‘trade war’ took place.

Falling into place after an 8-day opinion seeking period, the ministry stated that most of those who weighed in with views were in support of the plan to step up tariffs, and many even suggested rolling out more intense measures in retaliation.

Analysts say that China’s measured response of merely 3 billion US dollars seem to be targeted towards certain regions or states in the US, with citrus products and wines hitting the state of California hardest, while the ‘farm belt’ of deep-seated republican states in the Midwest are expected to feel the worst pinch from a hike in pork tariffs.
inside is this chart:


Registered Member
You have strong opinions, but also a seemingly open mind.

If you cut out all the toxic flamebaits, you might find you have a much move civil and fruitful decision rather than the ever escalating mud slinging contest you are triggering and fuelling to no one’s benefit or credit.

Open-minded??! A truly open-minded individual would not have said half the unsubstantiated anti-china sound bites this person has posted. It's the usual intellectual dishonesty and/or ignorance that persists in the average anti-China western citizen. They hate for pathetically untrue or unfair reasons. The usual stuff like eating dogs... well they eat animals too so no more ethically superior. Eating fetus... proven to be slander and even if true, certainly isn't usual Chinese behaviour while we don't judge others for the behaviour of particular individuals otherwise all Austrians are incestuous rapists. Shoddy products... hey you cheap out and pay little, you get little like you deserve. Chinese product dollar for dollar beat out every single alternative most of the time which is why most of your factories are in China. You can blame it on theft of intellectual property but that requires evidence of which there are none presented yet. Let's see some and then get some real discourse going. You can't call someone guilty without proper, well defined charges and carefully analysed evidence. Why can they get away in this case? Oh right... that's what they do. That's what they're doing to Russia re the supposed recent false flag as well huh. A word of advice to readers who are inclined to be against China, we can hurt you using your own games as well. At the moment, Chinese are still benefiting from the status quo. Shift this too far away and Chinese reactions will come even harder.


Junior Member
Just cut rare-earth export to America to ZERO. Then watch how Pentagon panics and force Trump to reverse all tariffs.

As usual US government will say the same load of double standard hypocritical crap about China breaking WTO.
China can just say "We just don't want to sell to pricks like you." - Remember THE SELLER HAS THE RIGHT TO NOT TO SELL.


Junior Member
Open-minded??! A truly open-minded individual would not have said half the unsubstantiated anti-china sound bites this person has posted. It's the usual intellectual dishonesty and/or ignorance that persists in the average anti-China western citizen. They hate for pathetically untrue or unfair reasons. The usual stuff like eating dogs... well they eat animals too so no more ethically superior. Eating fetus... proven to be slander and even if true, certainly isn't usual Chinese behaviour while we don't judge others for the behaviour of particular individuals otherwise all Austrians are incestuous rapists. Shoddy products... hey you cheap out and pay little, you get little like you deserve. Chinese product dollar for dollar beat out every single alternative most of the time which is why most of your factories are in China. You can blame it on theft of intellectual property but that requires evidence of which there are none presented yet. Let's see some and then get some real discourse going. You can't call someone guilty without proper, well defined charges and carefully analysed evidence. Why can they get away in this case? Oh right... that's what they do. That's what they're doing to Russia re the supposed recent false flag as well huh. A word of advice to readers who are inclined to be against China, we can hurt you using your own games as well. At the moment, Chinese are still benefiting from the status quo. Shift this too far away and Chinese reactions will come even harder.




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Registered Member



Intentionally not translated

This has been proven to be the wrong path as nice as it is. I prefer Machiavelli.
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