Time and time again it's been proven that western policies are aimed at enslaving those who are not part of their "clique". From slavery of Africans to slavery of Asia through less direct means but economically all the same, these same people and groups still want to hold onto their eroding political, economic, and military power. Chinese have slowly stood up against this and some effort to reverse the flow of wealth and power has begun from the same "evil authoritarian" government that have so far aimed to create a more equitable world. The post civil rights Americans like to claim that is how modern America operates but again and again it seems to be working the same way. Creating false pretenses for wars, invasions, over-throwing governments, spying on others and their own citizens. Africa, with the assistance of China through whatever mechanisms that are being proposed and enacted, can and hopefully will eventually be free from the true oppressors. Most Africans know this well enough despite the many agents who persist to take advantage of gullible minds.
Since there is empirical proof (mountains and mountains of undeniable evidence) that western powers (read USA) only seek to enrich their own, Africa would be a fool to still bet on that slave owner in the hopes they will become more humane to the world (ask yourself why Africa has consistently been troubled since its early days of contact with western civilisation until China came into the picture). China is an unproven new-comer. It certainly understands how to bring entire populations out of poverty together (in contrast to western style like India). So why not gamble on something that is at least not a certain failure. Of course strong resistance can be expected and we already see this year after year....... The thing is they've likely gone beyond the point of no return in pushing China down. Perhaps it was partly like Flying Fortress says, ie western powers acting benign to China's rise in the earlier stages and underestimating the collective Chinese resolve, held together and enforced harshly by the CPC. Whatever reason it is, it has undeniably served the VAST majority of Chinese people well over the decades.
Chinese people need to become even more assertive. These efforts to destroy the unity of modern China under whatever regime they want to describe it as, must be responded to in kind. I hope Chinese consumers hurt American and European (US vassals) economies and hurt them badly. If only the wealthy in China can completely stop consuming totally overpriced, non-necessary pseudo luxury products from these nations. They ought to be thankful for Chinese patronage but these people complain endlessly despite the great wealths being injected into their nations (you will only hear of racism against Chinese in Canada and Australia for Chinese tourists bringing money and spending it there). Meanwhile Chinese products are often complete necessities to living and/or the continuation of certain living standards and tools for economic growth. Of course these are generalised but it is mostly true. No one NEEDS to drive a BMW. Basically, if they want war however they want to bring it, let them have it. It can only hurt the guilty party more the way the numbers are stacked.