Lieutenant General
The fact that the US hasn't completely ended trade with China when the US supposedly doesn't need China speaks volumes.
The U.S. really does not need China. It could easily manufacture everything it's self, it did before, and the current trend is to let in illegal aliens to do the shit work Americans won't do.
We have to factor in greed, greed can destroy a country, and that is what is happening in America.
Today's China is a result of U.S. & European Greed...the overlords & oligarchs did not expect China to develop so quickly, so hats off to China for defying expectations.
The Chinese do not have a problem with racism &' political correctness, obviously you do not know them very well, they hate black people, and that's a fact.
I am well aware of what China is doing in Africa. The West was in Africa building roads & infrastructure when China was still an agrarian society with no infrastructure to speak of. The colonial empires died off and left Africa to fend for its self, now China is picking up where the West left off.
America complaining about cheap Chinese imports is just Americans trying to make themselves feel better.
The core reasons for America’s recent relative economic decline are twofold.
One, since the end of the Cold War, American government spending in R&D has massively declined. Just look at NASA’s current funding cuts as a good case study.
For the 10 year anniversary of the launch of the iPhone, a journalist did a top 10 list of the key technologies that made the iPhone possible. He did not put it in the written article, but in a radio interview, he remarked how surprised he was to find that every one of those top 10 technologies started off as military projects.
Government R&D is just as, if not more important that private R&D, for many reasons, the chief ones being scale (governments can afford to invest huge sums in long duration research that would bankrupt private companies, or at least make their investors rebel against the board) and access. If a private company did invest big to develop to breakthrough technology, you can bet they would do all they can to monopolise it so only they can use it. As the Apple example shows, government developed technologies tend to be made widely available at reasonable prices and terms.
In the past, America was able to charge exorbitant prices for its manufactured goods because the technology behind those goods were second to none. The value wasn’t added by the blue collar workers, but by the largely government funded R&D investment.
Just as America was cutting back it’s R&D spending, China was opening up its floodgates.
That is the key reason why Chinese companies have been able to catch up so quickly in terms of technology.
The second main reason why China is gaining so fast is because of the work ethic of the Chinese workers.
American white collar work ethics have always been superb, but it’s blue collar workers are a different story entirely. Its pretty perplexing to a non-America, and I would wager many Americans are equally stumped as to why there is such a vast difference in attitudes and work cultures in the same country. I suspect unions, but that’s going off topic into contentious waters.
But if anyone has actually witnessed Chinese construction workers in action first hand, then the speed at which China is catching up is without mystery.
It’s like a boat race where in one boat, half the team just isn’t even trying, while everyone on the other team is giving their all and then some.
China has got its own house in order, and is working like crazy from top to bottom to better themselves.
America keeps taking the easy route by looking outwards trying to pin the blame on foreigners rather than taking a real hard, honest look closer to home to find the root cause of their slipping pace.
Real champions don’t waste their time trying to change the rules to game a small advantage, they work on their own game. And that is what China has been systematically doing, albeit at a socially sustainable pace.
China had far more fundamental problems to fix than America, but the difference is that China has been fixing those one by one. From poverty and inequality, to corruption and the environment, it has always had the strength and resolve to make the hard choices it needed to make. It just does it at its own pace and to its own timetable. The calamity of the cultural revelution and Great Leap Forward taught Chinese leaders the importance of taking their time with big, fundamental changes rather than trying to magically transform the country and people overnight.
If American leaders spent half the time they bitch and moan about how ‘unfair’ it is that China is winning at addressing the core poitical, cultural and social ills pulling it back from firing on all cylinders and performing at its full potential, China would be far more worried than any trade war.
More like we have bulldozers, cranes and computer's now, so slave labor is not so useful as opposed to 400 years ago.
I am not saying China is not helping these African countries in the short term just like the western countries were.
Time will tell if China was also in it just to get rich fast, or if they really wanted to "help Africa". There is a good book by Howard W. French called "Africa China's Second Continent". Read it