Fighting definitely doesn't sound like what happened in 2014, that's for sure. The video is interesting and ... odd:
Guessimates on Russian losses in Ukraine. Russia is now up to 102 BTG in Ukraine. Two weeks ago it was 98. One week ago it was 99. The 'low' of BTG in Ukraine was ~ 84 after the Kiev withdrawal. The high of the war was 130. Those numbers are all via the Pentagon, so grains of salt and all that. We know Russia reinforced with troops from the far east, Ossetia, Chechnya and probably elsewhere. So how many BTG have been destroyed?
Using the Oryx site (stop groaning and provide an equivalent from the Russian side), I get a total of almost 33 BTG lost. There is almost another 12 tank battalions lost. The total tanks lost reported there are over 51% of the tanks in 130 BTG the Russians supposedly had at the start of the war and 25% of the APCs+IFVs.
By taking the reported destroyed front line equipment (tanks, APCs, IFVs, etc) I get a guessimate of 6,500 dead and over 26,000 total casualties. This number would not count in dead infantry, REMFs, aircraft crew, artillery, etc.
Even if those numbers are overly inflated, this war has been bad for the Russian army.
I have no insight into the Ukrainian losses. I imagine, but cannot prove, they are bad.
Few general comments.
1. The Russians are grinding forward in the Donbass. I half expect by the end of next week to hear of the fall of Severodonetsk.
2. My question about the Ukrainians aiming for the railways has been echoed online by others. If this is true - I stress the if - then Ukraine is and has been fighting a rather different war than the Russians. The Ukrainians have been fighting a logistics war rather than a territorial one. If the Ukrainians take the rail heads, then Russian logistics get that much harder. If.
3. The ground appears to be drying. It will be "interesting" to see how combat changes as a result.
4. Sumy, Kiev, Chernihiv, and... now Kharkov? Those were and are just feints, right?
This war will not be over quickly. I don't think there are any clear ways for either side to win at this point. Two of the most proud and stubborn cultures in the world that I know of are at war.
People here keep saying The West is willing to fight the Russians to the last Ukrainian. Again, I wildly dispute that: the Ukrainians are defending their homes. If they didn't want to fight, there would be little to no war despite being supplied by the West: see Afghanistan.
On a personal note, the family has been brought out of Europe and is now here. They are...adapting, but alive. This is the second time they have lost everything in a decade, but they are alive and so long as they are, they can rebuild their lives.
PS: I was asked if anyone had heard of Ukrainians being mobilized from abroad. So far, none of my friends have heard of that or received any messages to that affect.