Ukraine with NATO behind its western border has the logistics and the strategic depth that Russia has never faced before.
Oh really? Back in WW2 the Soviets were basically fighting the rest of continental Europe put together. They could not hit the rearward production areas of the Nazis even if they wanted to. They did do a couple raids on Berlin with Il-4 bombers in 1941. But as they lost territory they couldn't even do that as it got out of range. Today Russia can easily hit any rearward transportation and production areas. Just think about it. Is there any area in Ukraine they can't hit with cruise missiles or hypersonics if they really want to? Try looking at the range of either the Kh-101, the Kalibr, or the Kh-47 Kinzhal. They can hit any target up to northern Spain or beyond from Russian territory if they wanted to. And consider how NATO cannot even intercept an errant Ukrainian drone. Do you think they will be able to intercept a stealthy or hypersonic Russian cruise missile?
Let us say the US decides to do a sea lift and bring loads of modern heavy equipment into Europe. Then Russia starts blowing up harbors to prevent the heavy equipment being brought in. Or NATO decides to do a no fly zone, like some US pundits wanted, and Russia starts blowing up NATO airbases, maintenance facilities, aviation fuel storage, etc. And get this. They get to tell the US that if they hit similar targets inside Russia proper they will retaliate with nukes on US territory.
The west has never been this enthusiastic of supporting a proxy war, including the 1970s Afghanistan. From technological and industrial standpoint, Russia is way behind the west in those elements of modern networked warfare. To the Russian armed forces in Ukraine, the low handing fruits are already picked up. It is going to get harder and harder if it keeps pushing westward beyond Donbas regions.
Well the West is being retarded. They don't understand modern warfare, neither how the Cold War happened, nor what modern weapons can do. The US is making a massive gamble here where they will ruin Europe in an attempt to ruin Russia and maybe China. And the Europeans were dumb enough to get into the ride. There is also little evidence that if Russia goes into Western Ukraine or beyond that they will keep using the same rules of engagement where they try to minimize civilian losses. If the Russians are made to fight NATO directly, you can pretty much bet they won't use these rules of engagement.
And Russia has lots of techniques to counter "networked warfare" of peer level adversaries like ASAT. If it came to that. Let us say that US observation satellites become a real issue. Then by some coincidence some ground based laser temporarily blinds that said observation satellite or satellites. Right when it is passing over the area of operations. Then they keep insisting, and oops, the satellite malfunctioned for whatever reason. This isn't theory as Russia has Peresvet in service.
I am not looking at play by play or a specific use case on the battleground on a given day. I am looking at the big picture. The battles on the ground are approaching stalemate. I am not saying Russia is going to lose this war anytime soon. But the easy part is done. This war is becoming a text book of modern protracted war with information characteristics.
They are in a sequence of urban combat scenarios against the bulk of the Ukrainian army. Once the Donbass is cleaned up if they want to continue they will move a lot faster, well until they start taking the main cities. If it comes to that.