The War in the Ukraine


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Ukraine sources like kyiv independent admitted that over 10k of their troops died in like september 14 or 15 in their counteroffensive plan with 5000 russians dead if.
This is TOTALLY false, and it is only a wish of the Russians and pro-Russians... They should make an effort not to spread such blatant lies and propaganda


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Moderator - World Affairs
300K is more than double the current Russian forces. This means that Russia wants to have more than Donbass, 100%. My guess always has been Odessa. It is 10x more valuable than Karkow.
200K alone is more than sufficient to capture Donestk, just not within a timeline that satisfies Russian nationalists or Putin (i.e., too slow of progress, too slow at this rate of progress)

500K is just right amount to capture Donestk, on a satisfactory timeline, aligned with original expectations in terms of speed (i.e., "Donbass conquered by August" by some users).

Odessa and Kiev? Even with 500K troops, those targets would drag out the conflict for many more years. It remains to be seen if Putin can sustain a prolonged conflict, but this partial mobilization move seems to indicate he has urgency to end the conflict as soon as possible. If it was political expedient to drag this conflict out forever without mobilization, he would have done just that.

I predict 500K troops will be a rapid end to Donestk, Putin unilaterally declare victory, and annex the damn place. Putin quickly end of mobilization, then engages in decades long border skirmishes like Sino-Vietnam (1979-1991).


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They just don't have enough to cover ground... they have 200 000, more than half of these are probably just for units logistics. They have 1000 km front, it's 100 active soldiers to cover each km. Even 300 000 more is not a lot. When you rely on small rivers for fortifications it's a sign of not enough boots on the ground.
They do not even have 100,000 in Ukraine presently...

obj 705A

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People seem to forget that Russia only sent a small part of it's military to Ukraine, a significant portion of those fighting on Russia's side are Donbass militiamen plus Chechens, Wagner mercs etc.. so out of the 400k-450k contractors Russia has, they probably sent 120k-150k soldiers to Ukraine. leaving around 300k contractors plus some hundreds of thousands of conscripts in Russia.
And it's not like every single one of these contractors are operating some complicated machinery like an S-400 or something, dozens of thousands of them are doing much more simple work like patrolling the borders or guarding military bases or driving vehicles in Russia, after a week of training a reservist could easily do these tasks instead of the professional soldiers so these contractors could be sent to Ukraine.

In other words the extra 300k soldiers that will be sent to Ukraine will be composed of reservists plus contractors. Organising them would probably take some time, like may be one month or so.


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Registered Member
People seem to forget that Russia only sent a small part of it's military to Ukraine, a significant portion of those fighting on Russia's side are Donbass militiamen plus Chechens, Wagner mercs etc.. so out of the 400k-450k contractors Russia has, they probably sent 120k-150k soldiers to Ukraine. leaving around 300k contractors plus some hundreds of thousands of conscripts in Russia.
And it's not like every single one of these contractors are operating some complicated machinery like an S-400 or something, dozens of thousands of them are doing much more simple work like patrolling the borders or guarding military bases or driving vehicles in Russia, after a week of training a reservist could easily do these tasks instead of the professional soldiers so these contractors could be sent to Ukraine.

In other words the extra 300k soldiers that will be sent to Ukraine will be composed of reservists plus contractors. Organising them would probably take some time, like may be one month or so.
I believe that the first order of business for the Russians will be to force Ukrainians from the Donbass, while simultaneously reinforcing their defences across the entirety of the Frontline as presently exists. Forcing the Ukranians from Donbass might necessitate that Russians recapture a significant portion of the territory that they had lost in Kharkov. I expect that there will be a major battle in and around Kupyansk within a month's time.


Registered Member
I doubt Russia has really had 200,000 soldiers deployed this whole time. Maybe at the start of the campaign, but after the withdrawals it seems much less. I'm sure it's less than 100,000. The ratio of causalities between the republican forces and Russian soldiers is too low.

I think Putin made a reasonable call. Bringing up reservists shouldn't impact the economy too much. I wonder how good reservist training is in Russia, how frequent is their training?

I hope he actually creates a new front and not just throw them into existing frontlines. Russians need to stop dragging their feet and respond to the indiscriminate shelling of Russian held cities. Learn from WW2, you need to respond to your enemy's brutality.


Registered Member
I doubt Russia has really had 200,000 soldiers deployed this whole time. Maybe at the start of the campaign, but after the withdrawals it seems much less. I'm sure it's less than 100,000. The ratio of causalities between the republican forces and Russian soldiers is too low.

I think Putin made a reasonable call. Bringing up reservists shouldn't impact the economy too much. I wonder how good reservist training is in Russia, how frequent is their training?

I hope he actually creates a new front and not just throw them into existing frontlines. Russians need to stop dragging their feet and respond to the indiscriminate shelling of Russian held cities. Learn from WW2, you need to respond to your enemy's brutality.
Do rotated soldiers also count as "reservist" that can be deployed?
Because i heard Russian are like on a week on the front then rotated back home until they are rotated back on to the front.


Registered Member
Well why not just wait things to settle down and maybe we can get a better and more consistent bodycounts ?

I dont feel there is a point trying to argue which side have more casualties with all the infowars playing around.
Unless one side completely defeats the other they aren't going to stop lying about how many of the enemy they killed. Indians are still claiming they killed hundred or so of PLA soldiers barehanded in Galwan.

Two reliable ways to estimate body counts. One is to compare POWs. Usually the ratio between casualties and POWs is similar. The other is to just listen to the number of casualties they self report. There is some wiggle room, e.g. reporting dead as missing, but it's hard to hide deaths in this day and age with social media.

Both methods indicate a 10:1 K/D ratio in favour of Russians.

Do rotated soldiers also count as "reservist" that can be deployed?
Because i heard Russian are like on a week on the front then rotated back home until they are rotated back on to the front.
As far as I'm aware, no. Only active personnel have been deployed so far. One of the Russians here some time back said that the Russians are rotating soldiers more than they normally would because of COVID. That would explain why it seems there are so few soldiers deployed.