The War in the Ukraine


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Correct me if I'm wrong but there seems to be a difference between statements such as "Russia should do full mobilization. Otherwise they will die" and "Lack of manpower is a major reason for Russia's inability to hold land. If Russia sent more troops, it could change the nature of the war."
The second interpretation is definitely the type we hope to foster in this thread.


Junior Member
@Blitzo @Deino @siegecrossbow @T-U-P

Since rules regarding political contents have changed according to World affair mods, could active super moderators amend the published rules and behaviors to reflect this new reality in a formal announcement?

It would also provide much needed clarity if mods could list and specify under which areas political discussions are allowed. This will reduce misunderstanding and set proper boundaries. With current ambiguity, IMO members are too vulnerable to moderators' own inherent biases.


Registered Member
@Blitzo @Deino @siegecrossbow @T-U-P

Since rules regarding political contents have changed according to World affair mods, could active super moderators amend the published rules and behaviors to reflect this new reality in a formal announcement?

It would also provide much needed clarity if mods could list and specify under which areas political discussions are allowed. This will reduce misunderstanding and set proper boundaries. With current ambiguity, IMO members are too vulnerable to moderators' own inherent biases.
Unless I am mistaken the rules are only for the Ukrainian war thread.
I have also checked and indeed, the first post of the thread was updated to reflect these rule changes. So I think everything is fine, I don't see why the super-moderators needs to be involved

@LawLeadsToPeace what do you think about making a post once per day for 2-3 days and basically linking to the rule changes post so to ensure that people won't miss the changes?
if you dont have time I can do this, whatever you prefer


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Rule number 3 is very difficult to self-implement and unnecessarily stifles grander discussions. It turns this tread into a slightly more in-depth twitter thread.

As you can see, these requirement can get quite subjective which means that these rules would be difficult to enforce and probably why they are getting banned (again).

Yes, I acknowledge that enforcing these rules will require a bit of a judgment call, but we mods already lean on the side of caution and give everyone and every post the benefit of the doubt before deleting them or the user warning. I personally have no problem with posts that show thought and meaningful discussion even if they stray slightly off topic, but problems always arise when they devolve into endless un-winnable subjective arguments and uncalled for escalation.

At the beginning of war months ago, Deino locked down this thread due to political contents. Members got angry and demanded re-opening, loosening of rules and more mods. Now mods are more or less again banning political contents in this thread. We have come full circle.

Yesterday - in the span of 24 hours, 15+ pages of posts were added when the events of that day could have been covered in at most 2 pages. That’s not even counting the low effort/bickering posts that we deleted. Political posts and arguments are a heavy contributor of posts that don’t contribute anything meaningful to this thread in terms of news, strategic developments or strategy. Lowering the volume of posts by dissuading political content is intentional.

Anyway, move on. The current state of the thread is much better than what it was some months ago

That’s because the mods are working nearly 24/7 behind the scenes to foster healthy discussion and cleanup of low effort/low value posts and put a stop to escalatory arguments.


Junior Member
Unless I am mistaken the rules are only for the Ukrainian war thread.
I have also checked and indeed, the first post of the thread was updated to reflect these rule changes. So I think everything is fine, I don't see why the super-moderators needs to be involved

@LawLeadsToPeace what do you think about making a post once per day for 2-3 days and basically linking to the rule changes post so to ensure that people won't miss the changes?
if you dont have time I can do this, whatever you prefer

Since posted penalties for breaking rules of this thread goes up to permanent bans, Do these bans only involve posting privilege in this thread or the overall forum posting privilege? If it's the latter, it would be a good idea for super moderators to announce it so members know what to expect.

I asked for super moderators' involvement because I believe banning authority rests with super moderators.


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Since posted penalties for breaking rules of this thread goes up to permanent bans, Do these bans only involve posting privilege in this thread or the overall forum posting privilege? If it's the latter, it would be a good idea for super moderators to announce it so members know what to expect.

I asked for super moderators' involvement because I believe banning authority rests with super moderators.
Users will only be banned from replying to this thread. They won't actually be banned from the forum. The rules we specified here are only for this thread.
Unless I am mistaken the rules are only for the Ukrainian war thread.
I have also checked and indeed, the first post of the thread was updated to reflect these rule changes. So I think everything is fine, I don't see why the super-moderators needs to be involved

@LawLeadsToPeace what do you think about making a post once per day for 2-3 days and basically linking to the rule changes post so to ensure that people won't miss the changes?
if you dont have time I can do this, whatever you prefer
Thanks for the offer and advice! You don't have to worry about doing that. Im sure us mods can definitely do that to prevent misunderstandings in the future.


Junior Member
Yesterday - in the span of 24 hours, 15+ pages of posts were added when the events of that day could have been covered in at most 2 pages. That’s not even counting the low effort/bickering posts that we deleted. Political posts and arguments are a heavy contributor of posts that don’t contribute anything meaningful to this thread in terms of news, strategic developments or strategy. Lowering the volume of posts by dissuading political content is intentional.
That's why I am advocating going back to old traditions of locking down threads for 24 hours or a few days, then reopening it. It saves time and resources. Politics are subjective. There is no truly neutral/balanced views. You are going to piss off somebody eventually. Once you opened flood gate, there's no stopping it.
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Why not have a pro Ukraine and a pro Russia thread? People who post on the opposing view thread get banned. It's the same people who keep derailing this thread by posting troll comments, and then people start replying to them.
This forum won’t be used as a propagation tool for both sides.

As specified before, if you have any concerns about the rules, please privately message any of the mods or create a thread about it if there is none. As for questions, please ask them here. No discussions on what to do in this thread from here on out since they will derail this thread.

That's why I am advocating going back to old traditions of locking down threads for 24 hours or a few days, then reopening it. It saves time and resources. Politics are subjective. There is no truly neutral/balanced views. You are going to piss off somebody eventually. Once you opened flood gate, there's no stopping it.
Please privately message us about your concern or open a new thread detailing your perspective as I did several months back. This is the wrong place to discuss about this since you are right now derailing the thread.