The War in the Ukraine


Registered Member
DIfferent T-80's captured.
The cammo on some of those "russian" T-80's looks suspiciously ukranian. Apparently they had time to paint the ukranian pixelated pattern on the ERA bricks after capture and before the pictures.

Because thats something you do.

That T-72 turret has been in the ground for a while now, too. Picking up on Team Douma's antics on recounting equipment that probably was lost earlier in the war?

EDIT: Same for that BMP-2. Grass doesn't just magically grows under a vehicle that just blew up.
More valuable equipment captured.

Valuable enough that the system was ready in 2010 but Russians didn't procure any of them until send them directly into Ukraine since then. Took them what, 7 years to capture one?.

I'm sure the Ukranians have captured equipment in this offensive, but the noise to signal ratio is getting off the charts with the amount of fud they are throwing around for internet points.
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Senior Member
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Is there any good analysis of why Russia is losing so badly? From what I can see it's a combination of lack of manpower, holding back in terms of tactics, and Western equipment like counter-battery radars, but it would be nice to get a more concrete perspective.


Registered Member
Is there any good analysis of why Russia is losing so badly? From what I can see it's a combination of lack of manpower, holding back in terms of tactics, and Western equipment like counter-battery radars, but it would be nice to get a more concrete perspective.
They are more sitting on their buns lobbing artillery, retreating when seeing a threat than losing so badly... They are moving forward when nothing moves and backward when they see resistances while leaving broken Soviet era equipments behind for the hungry tractors.
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"the engineer"
I'm not sure Russia is actually losing. Kinda like what @sheogorath said, grass don't grow until recently blown up tanks.

Think this is the Russians pulling troops out to Donbass since they just don't have enough men. Use this as bait to get the Ukrainians out into the open from their reinforced positions. Then pound them with artillery. Once they pull out let them have the junk.


Registered Member
Blown equipments pictures don't mean a lot... it's a war with near peer adversaries. Both sides will lose a lot. It's interesting to see the use of them but claiming one side loss or win on a couple of disabled tanks, trucks or other systems is kinda useless.
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Currently, the War in the Ukraine thread has devolved from a relatively mature discussion to an absolute ultranationalist clusterf**k with little substance. Many users blatantly ignored our numerous warnings and downgraded the discussion to something that is found in 4Chan. Given this dire situation, the moderators for the World Armed Forces decided to establish an additional list of rules and etiquettes that one must follow:

The following are banned:
1. Discussion of Oryx's controversy and flaunting Oryx's numbers as if it is the absolute truth are forbidden. It should instead be treated as a source that is iffy given the fog of war, not as one that is absolutely accurate or as one that is absolutely fake (Ex1: But Oryx said this. Oryx’s numbers show the Russians suck; Ex2: Oryx is a liar and should be shut down). An acceptable statement would be like: “According to Oryx’s numbers, Russia lost X amount of tanks. Assuming that is true, this shows how bad the Russians’ combat performance is in this war”

2. Any politically controversial statements like "Fighting to the last Ukrainian", "Ukro Nazis", and etc.

3. Politics and economics in general are banned (such as "Russia should do full mobilization. Otherwise they will die" or "Let's see what happens when the winter will arrive and freeze the Europeans to death")

4. Sarcastic statements, like “looks like the invaders have decided to regroup eastward” with a picture of burning tanks

5. Dehumanizing statements in general

6. Claims without credible evidence (Ex: I heard Russia suffered 30000 deaths in the past 4 hours)

7. Going off topic that isn’t related with the military aspects of the war (if you believe the discussion you are in is going off topic, let the other person know that and move the discussion elsewhere)

8. Jingoistic chest thumping is banned (Ex: if Russia had 1000 Chinese drones, they will slaughter the Ukrainians; Russia will rise again; the orcs will get destroyed and Putler will die in a bunker like his teacher did)

9. Posting tweets with little to no commentary even if they are self explanatory (even a simple sentence like, “here is a video posted online perhaps by a Ukrainian of a burning tank with Ukrainian markings in Kharkiv”, would not be deleted)

10. Failing to follow proper etiquette:

  • Replying to inflammatory posts and obvious "bait" statements.
  • Failing to use the "multi-qoute" feature and creating multiple individual posts in a short time period - this is discussion board, not a chat room.
  • Not reading through all new posts to the end of the thread before replying to a post others have already replied to.
  • Not adding sources to your post

If we find even a sniff of the above, we will follow the following system:
3 warnings -> 7 day ban -> 2 warnings -> 14 day ban -> 1 warning -> 1 month ban -> 1 warning -> 6 month ban -> 1 year ban -> permanent ban

This forum is not a free-for-all like 4Chan or Reddit. This forum is a discussion board for mature and polite people who seek to exchange views and perspectives and/or provide information. The moderators may have allowed a mini Reddit like section in the Member’s Club section, but this isn’t in that section. All of the members who have been temporarily banned will have their records reset. If you would like to learn how to post properly, please read posts from users such as Blitzo, Deino, MarKoz81, or Patchwork_Chimera. Their posts are excellent examples of the type of posts we should strive to post. These rules are now in effect.

Edit: you can find the rules in the first post of this thread.
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Registered Member
Is there any good analysis of why Russia is losing so badly? From what I can see it's a combination of lack of manpower, holding back in terms of tactics, and Western equipment like counter-battery radars, but it would be nice to get a more concrete perspective.
Not to be a downer but i think is to early to claim victory for the Ukrainians, this offensive is not cheap, they are giving everything and the territory gained may look like a lot in MSM but is probably not, is only a small percentage of the total loss and i the south the situation is even worse.
That fact the are already begging for more weapons just weeks after receiving billions is maybe a sign of exhaustion. If they can conquer and hold a good portion of the lost territory for an extended period of time,it could be a win, but if they can't is going to be really bad if the Russian launch a counteroffensive against an exhausted Ukrainian army. But let see what happens.


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Rule number 3 is very difficult to self-implement and unnecessarily stifles grander discussions. It turns this tread into a slightly more in-depth twitter thread.

The rest of the rules I agree with.

Correct me if I'm wrong but there seems to be a difference between statements such as "Russia should do full mobilization. Otherwise they will die" and "Lack of manpower is a major reason for Russia's inability to hold land. If Russia sent more troops, it could change the nature of the war."


Registered Member
Not to be a downer but i think is to early to claim victory for the Ukrainians, this offensive is not cheap, they are giving everything and the territory gained may look like a lot in MSM but is probably not, is only a small percentage of the total loss and i the south the situation is even worse.
View attachment 97492
That fact the are already begging for more weapons just weeks after receiving billions is maybe a sign of exhaustion. If they can conquer and hold a good portion of the lost territory for an extended period of time,it could be a win, but if they can't is going to be really bad if the Russian launch a counteroffensive against an exhausted Ukrainian army. But let see what happens.
Allegedly Russians left back a lot of equipment and ammo during their hasty withdrawal.

I assume that this being the case, Ukraine and Russia are equal in this aspect on that specific front for equipment. Just regrouping and equipping these units (for Russia) again will probably take weeks (probably a month or maybe even more)

This means that Russia will be unable to make a sizable counter-offensive in that front for at least a month or more which gives time to Ukraine to dig in, fortify, reinforce their frontier troops with western equipment, give more time to replenish their forces, train, and regroup etc.

So overall, from a strategic point of view (putting aside the territorial gains), advantage is with Ukraine in this front