The War in the Ukraine


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Many of the forum members here just a month ago were really hard on Xi for not commencing offensive operations/reunification. I think what’s happened this week shows his decision was smart. One must not start a war they are not prepared for or do not have the willpower to win. Xi understood this, Putin still has not.
Many of us were saying that China can easily conquer Taiwan. That isn't the issue here. The problem in the event of a Taiwan war would be a massive economic blockade against China and China isn't strong enough to win such an economic blockade. The West is still stronger, that's the harsh truth.

Xi was smart enough to understand that. I praised his restraint. Where I was critical was that the idiots at the MFA were issuing insane rambo rhetoric which never had a chance of being backed up with deeds. That only made China looked weaker than it actually is when it didn't back those words up. Rhetoric should match reality.


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It’s quite funny looking at all the anti-Russian members go totally overboard with their premature wild celebrations. One major defeat and the Russians have lost the war with even more ridiculous clams about how this would be the end of the Russian nation once and for all and wet dreaming about carving Russia up. And they have the nerve to accuse others of cope!

The war is long from over and Ukraine will need many many more victories of this scare and far bigger to have any hope of just kicking the Russians out of Ukraine.

Let’s first see what the Russian response is and how their counter attack goes before dreaming of owning your own holiday home in the Urals with a Thorne made up of Russian skulls.
It reminds me of the Mariupol situation where they said it cannot be taken and they already celebrated a stalemate. None of us have seen a Russian counter offensive or even a reaction yet. I guess they are getting a high from all the upvotes in social media just like last time. Of course planning will take time and it's not a game or a movie where you just plug the gap where the offensive took place. They have to assess how to eliminate the enemy and reclaim territory. It's not like the Ukrainians tank rushed and human waved this latest battle. They planned and probed before launching it.


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It’s quite funny looking at all the anti-Russian members go totally overboard with their premature wild celebrations. One major defeat and the Russians have lost the war with even more ridiculous clams about how this would be the end of the Russian nation once and for all and wet dreaming about carving Russia up. And they have the nerve to accuse others of cope!

The war is long from over and Ukraine will need many many more victories of this scare and far bigger to have any hope of just kicking the Russians out of Ukraine.

Let’s first see what the Russian response is and how their counter attack goes before dreaming of owning your own holiday home in the Urals with a Thorne made up of Russian skulls.
Ukranian swarm attacks seem to be working for now, and Russia is implementing elastic defense .No need to lose men over indefensible territory .


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Mobilization would be a bad idea
Mobilisation would end this war far faster. Russia needs to take the gloves off and just do a proper, full invasion and total annexation of Ukraine. This half-assed "special operation" will continue for years unless there is a significant and sudden breakthrough.

In a war of attrition the goal is to have your enemy population fall compared to your own population. Right now it's working for Russia as millions of Ukrainians have fled Ukraine already.
Yes, and at least 5 million have fled for Western Europe and likely staying there. How is that a win for Russia? The goal should be annexation and incorporation of Ukraine.

The dice was cast on Feb 24th of 2022. Putin has to finish this.


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The Russian channels are warning of possible Ukrainian offensives soon.... The offensives have never been a surprise... The only surprise is that it has been the Russian military command

Knowledgeable TG channels report threats:

- in the direction of Kherson;

- in the Ugledar district.

From myself I will add that there is a very real threat to Lisichansk.

The question is: how long will the “regrouping” continue?


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Rumors that an offensive on Lisichansk is being prepared are gaining more and more strength... The interesting thing would be to see the Russians lose ground on a single objective they have achieved in the "special operation"... Splitting up Lugansk again would be the final blow for Russian and separatist morale... What they had achieved in 6 months, Ukraine could take away in a couple of weeks


Registered Member
Apparently, there may be another Ukrainian offensive. Supposedly, there is a quite a sizeable buildup in the South which is aiming towards Mariupol. I don’t know how strong defensive are in that area but if Russia just waltz up and leave. Then there will be a huge political and public relation disaster in the making. Also could be a huge embarrassment to the military to spend months fighting for it only to lose it within days.


Junior Member
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Apparently, there may be another Ukrainian offensive. Supposedly, there is a quite a sizeable buildup in the South which is aiming towards Mariupol. I don’t know how strong defensive are in that area but if Russia just waltz up and leave. Then there will be a huge political and public relation disaster in the making. Also could be a huge embarrassment to the military to spend months fighting for it only to lose it within days.
LOLS maybe the army is still tired from Vostok 2022. The complacency is staggering. I do wanna see what Russia's response to this is. It's very enlightening to see what has transpired over the last few days. I don't think the Russians should attack in winter, it should be sooner with a greater force rather than just using Chechens and Mercenaries.