The War in the Ukraine


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Most likely these are conscripts which can't be used unless Russia Putin formally declares war on Ukraine

Lest we forget, even now this is called a "special military operation" lol
I think relying on militia and not properly equipping them is really starting to bite. They are unable to hold ground and now the normal army needs to step in to patch the holes, but they're spread too thin to achieve this.


Junior Member
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Another invaders flag falling...

It is not easy for the invaders to lose territory, lose equipment and lose men... While the Russian president and his high command are pretending what they are not in massive military exercises, spending resources that are needed by the troops and volunteers who have been sent to Ukraine... Morale Blow

Wouldn't be surprised by further "goodwill" withdrawals soon


Registered Member
So the posters who mentioned this offensive was a last ditch effort to avoid having funds and equipment cut off due to a lack of results were right.

Thing is, this could easily backfire in that you might end up lossing enough manpower and weapons that would make another offensive pretty much impossible, so it is just delaying the inevitable.