Indicative tactical situation maps from @JominiW (Jomini of the West on Twitter) covering period of 1 to 14 August.
I found @JominiW to be reasonably reliable in conveying the situation
on the ground although not free from errors. Images are 2000px to preserve legibility reduced from 4000px so I used thumbnails.
Pay attention to the green/yellow/red/black dot on unit markers. They indicate nominal strength by MTOE (table of organization and equipment):
- green: 75% and above
- yellow: 55% to 74%
- red: 41% to 54%
- black: below 40%, unit incapable of sustaining combat
I found his assessment to be mostly plausible and useful for gaining insight into the balance of force on the ground.
Summary of forces in Kherson region:
RU regiments have three battalions each with 3 companies of 10 vehicles, while brigades have four battalions with 4 companies of 10 vehicles.
- 75% = 7 coy / rgt , 12 coy / bg
- 55% = 5 coy / rgt , 8 coy / bg
- 40% = 4 coy / rgt , 6 coy / bg
To my knowledge Russian units continue to fight with BTG deployed by brigades and regiments. Deploying units in bold. Each should be counted as 1 BTG in rotation active on the front.
Russian units with * are on the west bank of Dnepr
7 airborne div
56 rgt
108 rgt *
247 rgt *
171 sep. bat (97 rgt) *
104 tank bat - absent
76 airborne div
104 rgt *
234 rgt *
237 rgt - absent
124 tank bat *
106 airborne div
51 rgt
137 rgt
98 airborne div
217 rgt
331 rgt - absent (destroyed durign attack on Kiyv)
11 airborne bg *
20 mech div (8 army / SMD)
33 rgt *
255 rgt *
4 mech bg (8A / SMD) (75+ %)
126 mech bg (22C / SMD)
34 mech bg (49A / SMD)
205 mech bg (49A / SMD)
127 mech div ( 5A / WMD)
143 rgt
394 rgt
218 rgt tank
57 mech bg ( 5A / EMD)
60 mech bg ( 5A / EMD)
36 mech bg ( 29A / EMD)
38 mech bg ( 35A / EMD)
64 mech bg ( 35A / EMD)
69 mech bg ( 35A / EMD)
In total
the equivalent force is:
- Ru VDV have 10BTG (27-36 coy) on west bank and 8BTG (19-28 coy) on east bank
- Ru GF have 10BTG (32-38 coy) on west bank and 13BTG (40-48 coy) on east bank
UA regular brigades have four mech/tank battalions of four companies each and one battalion of Territorial Defese (light/motor infantry) of four companies. Regular battalions are either mechanized (3 mech companies and 1 tank company) or tank (1 mech company and 3 tank companies). UA tank companies have NATO structure - 14 vehicles. UA mech companies are similar to Russian - 3 platoons of 3 vehicles plus support.
UA TerDef brigades have three-four battalions. National Guard units have light infantry battalions similar to TerDef.
- 75% = 12 coy / bg
- 55% = 8 coy / bg
- 40% = 6 coy / bg
UA units fight with individual battalions which is why some brigades will deploy battalions in another section of the front.
All UA units are stationed on the west bank.
60 mech bg
63 mech bg
61 mech bg
5 tank bg
n/i bat (17 tank bg)
n/i bat (46 airborne bg)
n/i bat (35 naval inf. bg)
1 bat (36 nav inf. bg)
108 TerDef bg
109 TerDef bg
123 TerDef bg
124 TerDef bg
241 TerDef bg (unconfirmed, possibly another TD unit)
19 rgt pub.sec. NatGrd
21 bg pub.sec.NatGrd
In total:
- UA have 14 active bat. (48-68 coy) of mech units and 12 active bat. (52-76 coy) of TerDef/NatGrd light infantry on west bank
On the west bank of Dnepr UA keeps 14 mechanized battalions and 12 infantry battalions. Russia has 10 mechanized battalions and 10 VDV battalions which are not supported by tanks and use lightly armored BMD. However due to the differences in structure and deployment tactics as well as current unit strength Russia can plausibly deploy 6 to 8 active BTGs from GF and 7-8 active BTGs from VDV. They balance that disparity with greater artillery and air support. However in recent weeks that has been degraded by strikes against logistical lines and infrastructure. RU force on the west bank is also trapped due to crossing being in range.
Whether UA forces feel confident to begin offensive operations remains to be seen in the next 1-2 weeks. Regardless Russia put itself in a very bad position and concentrating all of VDV units in one vulnerable region poses an extreme risk. VDV is the most competent fighting force in Russia and it is taking very heavy casualties in this conflict. That's a very bad situation for Russia as VDV is the only formation capable of rapid reaction. The rest of RuGF is even more sluggish than US "Big" Army.
Anyway, we'll see how the situation develops.