A defeated Russia might possible lead to Russia's breakup into multiple countries and then the Russia problem will be miniaturized.
Notwithstanding the fact of how unlikely this is, I'm sure multiple warring rump states with nuclear weapons is going to be great for world. Or the West's track record with the "miniaturization of problems" in general.
They are slow to adapt and are not properly organized.
I don't know, we have seen plenty of instances and articles by western media of how most western wunderwaffens and tactics were render largely ineffective pretty quickly, which has forced Ukraine and NATO to pretty much brute force things, as they do with ATACMS.
Also I'm not sure what timeframes of adaptability you expect or how realistic they are for -any- fighting force in the world in a near-peer conflict. Korea and Vietnam being case in point.
The small propeller drone situation can easily be solved by simply doing CAP missions. Have air defense in one certain known corridors and then assigned CAP missions to fill the holes not covered by air defense.
I think you overstimate how detectable these things are in low level flight. If it was that easy, even in peace time, there wouldn't even be a narco plane problem all along the US southern border.
Let alone with even smaller drones.
Their jets should be capable of flying high with their radars turned on and doing rotation flights to constantly monitor that air space.
Not even such a thing was possible in Serbia, Iraq or even in Gaza and Lebanon, let alone a far larger border and theater. Then there is the whole risk of incursions of drone teams
behind the coverage.
This isn't a video game. Radar performance and coverages varies wildly from day to day for any number of reasons.
Simple, simple plan. [US showed the world how this is done with its defense of Israel]
Lol, you should ask Coalition pilots during Desert Storm and OIF what they feared the most, if Saddam's SAMs or their own Patriot batteries. Case in point a jet got locked on by a Patriot battery because for whatever reason it mistook it for a ballistic missile, with the jet firing back into the battery as self-defense.
On the other hand, you are also trying to compare apples and oranges scenario, in complexity and the fact that Iran telephoned the attack for weeks ahead of time, so there was already a level of readiness and expectations.
Hizbollah keeps striking the north unimpeded with drones and missiles.
For instance, it took about 20+ Russian jets being shot by their own air defense units before they assigned the air force to be in charge of air defense batteries.
It is all especulation if that happened and why.
They are persecuting this war so badly it's baffling. They could easily turn off the power to Ukraine but they are not doing it.
At this point it should be kinda evident thats not their goal and has never been. For x number of reasons including it makes rebuilding difficult, expensive and just sows even more hatred in the population.
Funny thing is the Russians get criticized if they pull a Grozny and get criticized if they don't.
Power alone will render so many things useless for the Ukrainians like military bases and even specific power hungry gears like radar stations
Radars tend to have their own generators, specially mobile radars.
NATO would have turned Ukraine into the stone ages by now.
Yeah, NATO. And a fat load of good is has done them considering all the messes they have left behind.
On the other hand, NATO doesn't care about nation building just neutralizing "threats". That gives you far more leeway and how much wanton destruction you can cause. Russia is not waging that kind of war.
This is what this war is. Russia is ineptitude, incompetent, and at the same time not serious about winning, while Ukraine just doesn't give up and keeps punching above it weight thanks to its adoring fans.
You say that if Ukraine wasn't one of the largest armies in Europe with training and equipment supplied by NATO since 2014.
And since we are on the point of incopentece and attacks, people seems to have memoryholed how the US lost 8 Harriers, 1 C-130 and the commander of the Harrier squadron to the fucking Taliban.
Assuming the reporting is correct, why is the ATACMS suddenly (I don't remember many strikes like this in the past) having success against modern Russian surface to air missile systems?
I though the ATACMS was outdated from US perspective and thus wouldn't be as effective against modern Russian surface to air missile systems?
Saturation. Is not just a massive load of ATACMS but also accompained or preceded by a large wave of Grads and drones.
Thing is, ATACMS aren't that plenty to begin with and aren't manufacturer anymore, but they decided to waste a lot of them against targets that have little impact strategically.
Again, my point is not about pro-Russian or pro-Ukraine, just that Visegrad 24 are a bunch of liars
At the end of the day, Visegrad isn't even a real news site, just a news aggregator.