Only technology North Korea could want from Russia would involve space launch vehicles along manned aircraft.Personally I think that they are really North Korean shells, no Chinese.
North korea is a heavily industrialized country of 25 million people that dedicated 20% of their economy to military production.
If there is one country that can provide such number of shells is probably North Korea. Westerners like to promote the idea of China because:
1- They use it to propagandize against China
2 - The though of North Korea overmanufacturing the full EU is too painful for the pride of typical Europeans.
But the trade North Korea Russia seems totally logical since is very beneficial for both. North Korea get again petroleum, carbon, has access to missile and rocket technology and in general support with other things. Russia get access to very cheap industrial output that exceed the EU and US, forcing them into submission or big economical pain.
Strategically since the start of this trade the effects are, Russia smashing the front plane in Ukraine (not only due to this but this helps), North Korea launching its first succes spy satellit, and getting access to several technologies.
This Also make North Korea more powerful and dangerous, forcing the US to spend resources in south Korea that can’t go to Ukraine
Is a total win win for both Russia and North Korea, and indeed for China without participating.
It is important to notice that apparently the joint programs go further away than militar. Now some Russian regions are hiring north korean state companies to build infrastructur, instead of use immigrants from central Asia that create too much trouble and probkems. north Korea uses that money to buy petrol and other things from Russia. Both countries win.
PD: One advantage of the West was always that their economies are very integrated, and that bring down cost. Germany manufactures this, Netherlands that…But anti west economies were always divided and isolated.
Now with the free trade between Russia and Iran plus trade from Russia to North Korea they will create several synergies that will increase the power and economy of the 3 countries a lot.
Everything else DPRK can make and design that satisfying to their own needs.