Here is the same guy some time ago going in. Watch the salute.
Chasov Yar and Lyman seems the most logical places.In the immediate aftermath it looks like Russian will use the momentum and chase the troops falling back, there are already reports that Russians are on the outskirts of Lastochkyne where some of the Avdeevka garrison have retreated to.
Beyond that it looks like siege of Chasiv Yar will come soon.
It looks like the governments of EU NATO are in Limbo about what to do. It's not only the conflict that's troublesome it's the situation they are stuck with.None of the NATO countries seems to be taking the conflict seriously enough either despite lip service to the contrary. They still seem to think this is just about passing some checks.
Monthly issue for Russian airforces... they are becoming accustomed to a flight path and when starting to fall asleep they got a kick from the move of a sam system in a new area. It's always an abrupt bunch of losses and everything just calm down for a while until another system is moved or just ammo supplied.