This is right, although the bad side is that cities in the russian area are getting destroyed much more than on the other side. At the same time this makes logistics much favorable for Russia.Because they would rather fight the Ukrainian army outside their major cities? Bleeding white their actual combat power will make the rest of the operation much easier.
What is your view in the future operations? Do you think that at some point the AFU will be so depleted that Russian army will simple be able to advance taking cities one after another without fight?
So, there could be a point where we see the russians taking Kharkov or Nikolayev in a a matter of weeks of fight?
I think the smartest thing Ukrainians can do is a surrender.The smartest thing the Ukrainians can do is pull back west of the Dnieper and use the river as a natural barrier to hold the Russians back. With the river as the main barrier, they can afford to maintain a minimal presence along the river while keeping the bulk of their forces further back in reserve to limit the effectiveness of Russia’s war of attrition, but close enough to rush forwards to resist and punish any Russian attempts to cross the river.
To retreat to the Dnieper to maintain the war would not solve their problems.
It would be a major victory for Russia in the world stage and in their prestige.
Also is a double sword. The natural barrier would work also for Russia. Russia could move majority of their troops to other theater and for example move to Kiev from the North.
Personally I don't see that Ukraine has any good movement. The regime will continue burning soldiers to delay Russian advance because is the only thing they can do (besides surrender). In the meanwhile they will continue destroying some valuable russian hardware here and there, some ships, planes, etc.
Will not change the strategic outcome of the war but still it represent some damage for Russia.
For the US this is comfortable, at this point they probably assume that Russia will emerge much more powerful than it was. So to make as damage as possible, force russia to spend money in reconstruction and so on is desirable for the US.
Ships that Russia need to rebuild in the Black Sea are ships that will not appear in other region. Money invested in rebuind ukraine is money that is not spend in fortify the artic or the Kurils and so on...
I think Russia will never accept that kind of cease fire, specially if it implies to loose Odessa. The half million russians on traninistria republic would be doomed in such situation, and Russian ships would never be able to really have control on the Black SeaThat is the only long term viable play for Ukraine to force a North-South Korean style ceasefire through frustration. But that is politically unacceptable to the Americans in an election year, so the Ukrainians will bleed themselves to oblivion and the Russians can just walk into all remaining Ukrainian cities after Ukrainian resisting collapses.