I suppose this is necessary because someone has to be blamed but I don't think the commander is really the blamer.
Even with necromency powers, Vice Admiral Viktor Sokolov got kicked from his position of commander of the Black sea fleet. No kidding, Russian navy is such a continuous wreck show in Ukraine that some change need to be done, and maybe more than just switch the commander. We will see.
Black Sea fleet is the weakest oldest of all russian fleets, all cool staff of Russia in recent years I can remember has gone to the northern or pacific fleet.
And the black sea is relatively small. With all anti naval drones available by Ukraine, as well as intel support from 5 eyes, satellite images... it has to think that a different commander will change things unless his decision is to move all ships to Rostov and don't make any patrol.
If ships has to move to/from Sevastopol or patrol around Crimea they are going to be targeted and I dont think nothing can be done about it.
To stop it the only option is to take Odessa by land