The War in the Ukraine


Lieutenant General
NATO doesn't need to keep up with the Russians when supplying Ukraine. That is only necessary if they want to win the war.

What we are seeing right now is a shift in narrative and strategy where the West is transitioning from beating Russia to keeping Ukraine alive and/or "bleeding Russia dry". They are moving into assymetric warfare, in which they can supply Ukraine for a very long time.

I was going to drop this, but it is actually pretty relevant to the longer term possible strategic development of this war.

There are many many major problems with trying to pivot from a conventional war to an asymmetrical war strategy.

If you look back at history, it is exceptionally rare for a country to loose a conventional war and then pivot to asymmetrical warfare and win. Not without direct intervention of foreign powers at any rate. Where the underdog have won, it usually start the other way, with a rag tag force winning asymmetrical warfare and then growing into a more conventional force able to fight and win conventional battles, and there are very good reasons for that.

I personally believe the two most critical reasons for that are to do with competency and moral.

As with all things, starting out is the hardest, especially from nothing. It’s common knowledge that all self made millionaires sat their first 100k is the hardest to make. Starting and winning a resistance movements is incredibly hard and dangerous, like evolution on fast forwards and luck will only get you so far. It’s no coincidence that successful resistance leaders all have legendary mythology surrounding them. There is of course a lot of hype and propaganda, but there is also a lot of truth in it as it takes a once-in-generation or even once-in-a-millennium kind of rare talent to be able to pull something like that off. Elensky is nothing like such a rare talent, if he was, he wouldn’t be loosing this war so badly with all the cards he had been gifted.

This is a core reason why western backed astroturf resistance movements always gets crushed so easily. It’s not true ground-up movements lead by people who earned their positions of leadership, they are lead by western cronies whose main talent is in kissing western ass and asking how high when their western masters barks ‘jump’. Little wonder they inevitably lead all stupid enough to follow them to ruin and death.

And it’s not just a talent problem with just the top leadership. The best people to fight and win an asymmetrical war for you are also the kind of people who would have already signed up first to join the regular military. Guess what happened to most of them if they are drafting up old men, women and cripples?

Starting an asymmetrical war is playing massively against the odds, to do so after all the best fighters in your society have already been chewed up loosing a conventional war? That’s even stacking the deck even more against yourself.

The second factor is that resistance movements live and die on belief and hope. How much belief do you think the guys getting blown to bits on the daily by Russian artillery, drones and airstrikes have in their leadership to keep on fighting as glorified terrorists with worst odds and guaranteed firing squad treatment if caught?

There is a third, less general and more specific to Ukraine factor that massively works against asymmetrical warfare against Russia. Demographics.

The places where asymmetrical warfare have won are also places where life is plentiful, short and brutal. You need Jai Hind level birth rates to win, because you need to have more blood to spare than the enemy have the will to spill it. That’s something Ukrainian demographics couldn’t come close to achieving anytime soon. So the Ukrainians will literally run out of people to fight long before the Russians loose the will to keep killing them.


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Kharkhiv gets hit with powerful explosions. Another missile attack at Ukrainian military infrastructure.

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Explosions are also heard in Odessa region, and Russians report the intended target was destroyed.

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LMUR used on a Ukrainian UAV management point in the Alexandro Kalinovsky direction.

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Ukrainian SAM misses falling into residential areas.

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Ukrainian 2S3 Akasya gets destroyed by Lancet on the right side of the Dniepr.

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Russian drones bombing Ukrainian dugouts in the right side of the Dniepr.

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At least 21 dead and 110 wounded, 3 children dead 17 children wounded in Ukrainian attack on Belgorod. 30 houses and 344 apartments damaged. If cluster rounds are used this is a significant escalation. The attack was conducted in broad daylight when civilian crowds are around.

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Ukrainian tank destroyed in the forests of Kremenna.

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Targets hit in Kharkhiv and in Odessa, the later by Kh-59 missiles fired from aircraft in the Black Sea.

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Kharkhiv Palace Hotel hit by a rocket. The place is used by foreign mercenaries.

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Smoke over Shkolnyi airfield near Odessa as explosions were heard.

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Ukrainians use industrial infrastructure as ammo, weapons, vehicles and supply depots. The 14th Brigade Kalmius takes care of them with Krasnopol strikes.

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Ukrainian positions in Avdiivka hit by the 114th Brigade.

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Ukrainian trenches, dugouts, deployment points are getting hit by Russian artillery fired across the state border with Russia and into the Kharkhiv region. A Malka is used in one of the strikes.

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FABs being used again in the Urozhayne area.

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Ukranian soldier pranks another one with Down Syndrome. No idea of date or location

This is just so sad at so many levels. First, that guy shouldnt be on frontline nor army. Second, his own team bullying him. There is no basic human empathy there. But im not surprised given that Ukraine is perfectly ok with whats going on in Gaza.
Things seem to be going from bad to worst for Ukraine


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