Doesn't make sense militarily.The Ukrainian military is doing the exact same thing the rebels in Syria did during the Aleppo offensives. Why would you conduct offensives in open terrain without air cover? Doesn’t make any type of sense. This goes with my theory that Kiev is more interested in eye catching click bait headlines than actual military results. These offensives are just a desperate attempt to raise soldiers morale because in the Donbas front Ukrainian resolve is starting to crack. Morale is in the toilet. So they are trying these brain dead propaganda offensives to show the Ukrainian military is still an effective fighting force. In the end they are hurting themselves.
But the thing is, wars aren't just fought between to militaries, a war at this scale is also a war between countries.
Furthermore, we don't have a good idea of how much sovereignty Ukraine actually have (other countries like US and England, most likely have a lot of control over Ukrainian leaders, furthermore they might even have different interests and goals in mind).