The War in the Ukraine


Registered Member

The tweet seems behind the curve. There are starting to be reports of fighting between Wagner and the Chechens in Rostov.

Apparently the shooting was an execution. Tho the video shows someone shooting at a building.

Reuter sources are claiming fewer than 25,000 Wagnar and +5000 of them are in Rostov. I wonder how many they left in voronezh while moving towards Moscow.



Staff member
Moderator - World Affairs
Putin could launch war instead of SMO without all this crap if he wanted. The West has been intervening for a long time now.
Putin is still limited by domestic politics. West has not directly sent troops into Ukraine or directly attacked Russia proper, so how would full-war be justified to Russia domestic public? This "Western-backed mutiny" gives Putin the pretext he needs to end S.M.O.
Exactly. Pretty much no one thinks Putin is being held back by 'legislation'. He can have what he wants and the parliament will rubberstamp it.
Putin isn't held back by 'legislation', but by domestic public support for elevation to full-scale war. Absent direct NATO involvement or foreign attack on domestic borders (i.e., existential threat), there is no commensurate justification for full-scale war escalation. This "Western-backed mutiny" presents a credible threat to Moscow capital is enough pretext to end S.M.O.
The only way this gets worse for the West is if it results in Russia declaring full mobilization and all-out war.
I agree, this is exactly what is going to happen. Wagner will dissolve/incorporated to Army, and Putin is going to declare state-of-emergency, full-mobilization, all-out war using this Western-backed mutiny

Deleted member 23272

Anyone know what this is about? It is a rumor as far as I am concerned. Yesterday or a several hours ago, an journalist who asked some random Wagner troops in Rostov who said they still had contact with the MOD. However, i don’t think it’s all that reliable for grunts to know what’s happening in the back doors.

Wishful thinking after Putin publicly declared Prigozhin's actions treason. Prigozhin has the numbers and control of several military outposts, ie. he really has no reason to back down. Balls in Putin's court with respect to how much support he can rally outside of his inner circle.


Senior Member
Registered Member
Wishful thinking after Putin publicly declared Prigozhin's actions treason. Prigozhin has the numbers and control of several military outposts, ie. he really has no reason to back down. Balls in Putin's court with respect to how much support he can rally outside of his inner circle.

I've seen this line of argumentation multiple times now and it makes zero sense to me.

Multiple governors, generals, personalities, and even soldiers all across the country have video-taped themselves speaking out in support of Vladimir Putin. Prigozhin and Wagner are completely alone.


Senior Member
Registered Member
Reports are starting to come in from Russian and Ukrainian sources. It sounds like the Ukrainians are throwing everything everywhere to take advantage of the discord in Russia. A major attack is supposed to be under way in the East. Reports of tanks across the Dniepr.

Sources were also saying a large number of Russian troops were withdrawn to deal with Prigozhin. I have doubts, but...if the Ukrainians believe it, I can see why they'd launch their own yolo.

How much is real? How much is disinformation to cause panic? IDK.

If we were to indulge in a conspiracy theory, there were reports of Prigozhin having contacts with Ukrainian Intelligence...


Lieutenant General
Registered Member
Well, given that the Chechens went into Rostov, it is fair to assume that any areas of the front where they were providing reinforcement have been weakened. Supply has also likely been weakened, since Rostov is part of the backbone of Russian supplies for the Ukrainian campaign, which is probably the main reason why getting Rostov back into control seems to have been given the highest priority right now.


Senior Member
Registered Member
I've not seen that around as yet. Possible, but...with that speech Putin gave, it seems a little unlikely. There are videos of helicopters being shot down in Voronezh.

As for where Prigozhin is, this seems semi confimed as Rybar has been posting similar info, but the graphic is decent.

An oil depot is on fire in Voronezh, too. On the trolling side, the RDK and other Russian rebels have offered Wagner their support. snirk.
RDK are neonazis, says volumes about Wagner and Prigozhin.