So I've looked around for a second, the only place I've seen a mention of a "72nd brigade" fighting on the Russian side is
, with relation to the battle of Vugledar as part of the 3rd AC. The page has only one mention of the brigade, and three points of reference. One links to a Forbes article (twice to the same article), the other proves to be a bust, since it leads to an ISW update page from March last year which doesn't mention anything about the unit.
gives one paragraph to the 72nd brigade and provides two sources of its own - one is some
t claiming
(origin unkown). The other is more interesting. It's
from ISW from August last year, which claims the creation of a 72 independent motorized inf. brigade in Penza, supporting itself with
local news article.
I find this... Weird. Why an inexperienced unit, which (according to the Forbes article) was used to plug the hole left by the battered Russian Marines 3 months ago near Vugledar, would now be collapsing and running away near Bakhmut, 150 kms north?
Every reference to the 72nd brigade hinges on one mention from a local Russian news site. After this, the unit, despite supposedly being green and inexperienced, was put in pivotal roles at two out of three hottest spots on the frontline in the last 3 months? Something here doesn't add up.