The War in the Ukraine


Junior Member
Attacking Moscow like this is an invitation for return of the same.. Hence we will see an increase in intensity. We may even see total war declaration. I expect a second round of mobilization by Russia and full scale invasion attempt of East of Dinepry + Kiev + Odessa if it goes like this.


Registered Member
Attacking Moscow like this is an invitation for return of the same.. Hence we will see an increase in intensity. We may even see total war declaration. I expect a second round of mobilization by Russia and full scale invasion attempt of East of Dinepry + Kiev + Odessa if it goes like this.

Attacking Moscow isn’t the issue imo. The Russians are saying the drones tried to attack Putin residence. Regardless of the truth of this situation… peace negotiations are 100% dead for at least this year.


Just Hatched
Registered Member
looks like a false flag.

the picture is in a high definition, from a distance yet with no camera shake so wasn't done on a phone. conveniently, the photographer was videoing the Kremlin just at the right time that a drone arrived. Despite this, Russians are trying to convince us that a drone came all the way from Ukraine without intervention or that there's a 5th column in Moscow - gotta laugh:)


Registered Member
Attacking Moscow isn’t the issue imo. The Russians are saying the drones tried to attack Putin residence. Regardless of the truth of this situation… peace negotiations are 100% dead for at least this year.
Peace negociations are dead anyway... If Ukraine governement is behind it it's just funnier. If it's from the Russian side it's stupider.

Attack with homemade drone, mortar or even lobing bullets on a building is impossible to block. Just need a couple of zealots to do it.
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Registered Member
the picture is in a high definition, from a distance yet with no camera shake so wasn't done on a phone. conveniently, the photographer was videoing the Kremlin just at the right time that a drone arrived. Despite this, Russians are trying to convince us that a drone came all the way from Ukraine without intervention or that there's a 5th column in Moscow - gotta laugh:)

Wow conveniently someone in a city of almost 12 million was filming the capital of the nation. Geez whiz such a thing could never happen in at the Whitehouse. Who would have the gall to record the state building yeesh.

Peace negociations are dead anyway... If Ukraine governement is behind it is just funnier. If it's from the Russian side it's stupider.

It may be dead but this ensures that it stays dead. Still this just means the hardliners are the ones in the driver seat now on both sides of the conflict.


Registered Member
This looks like another Lancet video taken last winter but only released just now. This time an S300 was targeted. The Lancet did not hit the canisters directly but the explosion started to ignite the fuel lines and set the transporter on fire.

36D6 Tin Shield air surveillance radar attacked by Lancets from Obtf Kaskad, which makes this attack somewhere near Avdiivka or Ugledar. The first Lancet hit and hit the transporter. However the Ukrainians replaced the transporter. But a second Lancet came and finished the radar off with a direct hit.

Russian missiles hitting Ukrainian ammo depots in the Kherson area.



Registered Member
Attacking Moscow like this is an invitation for return of the same.. Hence we will see an increase in intensity. We may even see total war declaration. I expect a second round of mobilization by Russia and full scale invasion attempt of East of Dinepry + Kiev + Odessa if it goes like this.
You are either in war or not. All these "don't hit me in this spot or I will you back in a similar spot" games are ridiculous and show how far Russia has fallen.

I had said this from day 1 of the war, and Russia still hasn't changed. You either go all in (sans nukes) or you stay home. There is no middle ground in a war

Anyway, lets wait for "retaliation". Watching this "war" will never stop being funny, absolute clownish decision making