The War in the Ukraine


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Moderator - World Affairs
A theory of Russian strategy is gaining traction
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Rather than letting the Americans, et al know they were onto that intent by preparing defenses of Crimea, the Russians preempted as follows:

And here we are...
Objective 1 (main objective): To capture Kherson and Zaporizhzhia oblasts to create a buffer zone between Crimea and the rest of Ukraine. This objective had to be reached extremely fast while the area was still lightly defended. This operation was all-important at that point in time, far more important than anything happening in the Donbass or the Kiev area. Capturing Kherson was not enough to create the buffer zone because the Ukrainians had to be prevented from attacking the Crimean Bridge. The Zaporizhzhia coast line is only 150 kilometers from the bridge so Zaporizhzhia oblast had to be taken immediately as well.

Objective 2 (secondary objective): While a large part of the Ukrainian Army was positioned in the Donbass, there was still a large force kept back, possibly for the Crimean operation. This part of the Ukrainian army would have to be kept from engaging the Russian forces going after Kherson and Zaporizhzhia. The only way to do that was to threaten something that had to be defended at all cost, even at the cost of the Crimea plan. There was only one location the Ukrainians would defend at all cost outside the Donbass – Kiev itself. The Russians therefore decided to advance on Kiev in an extremely threatening manner. The forces they used were not sufficient to take Kiev outright but enough to hold the area north of the city and seriously threaten it. The Ukrainians would have no choice but to take the threat seriously and move forces toward Kiev, including the forces intended for the Crimean operation. This would prevent the Ukrainians from responding to the Russian occupation of Kherson and Zaporizhzhia oblasts.

Objective 3 (secondary objective): To force Ukraine to negotiate peace on Russian terms. The Russians most likely assumed that if the Kherson/ Zaporizhzhia buffer operation was successful the Ukrainians might want to negotiate. They would want to negotiate not only because Kiev was threatened, but primarily because their main objective, the capture of Crimea, had been thwarted. This part of the plan was partly successful because the Ukrainians were ready to sign a treaty before the Americans and the British intervened.

Why is Donbass missing from the list of objectives? Putin specifically said liberating DPR/LPR after recognizing their independence was a core part of the S.M.O. Even the spy chief accidentally admitted that
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was a core objective. Also, Kherson/Zapo was captured very early into the S.M.O., so they could have just declared victory that much sooner, instead of continuing to mobilize and focusing Donbass.... The list doesn't make sense. Why are they still attacking Donbass after their main objective (Kherson/Zapo) was achieved?


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Technically I cannot say anything about this claim, but a report from RT is IMO not the most credible one at first sight!

This claim is not RT's. RT quotes an article of "Foreign Policy".

Foreign Policy wrote that the “Leopard tanks arriving from eight different countries fire different rounds, meaning that Ukrainians can’t buy munitions for their newly tricked-out ground forces in bulk.

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I think the Russians would be bartering ammunition for oil with North Korea. Not because Russia needs more ammo than they can produce but we expect every additional shell helps. But it's also of North Korea needing the oil more and Russia helping their ally. Cold War era artillery might be of interest too.

The smart gliding FAB-500 has a formal technical designation of FAB500M62. The total cost of each, bomb plus kit is about $24,000.

Lancet takes out MSTA-B.

FAB-500M62 is just a HE bomb of the FAB-500 family.
The glider is attached to the FAB-500M62, so the official designation cant be that one

bombas convencionales rusas todas 8 abril 2023 (1).jpg


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    bombas convencionales rusas todas 8 abril 2023.jpg
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Lieutenant General
The recent proliferation of guided bombs shows Ukrainian anti-air network has finally been worn down. There seems to be no shot down yet compared to previous attempt. The new guidance kit has some reliability issues but war is the quickest way to improve weapons. With VKS finally able to function properly tide should begin to turn in Russian favor. Ukrainian counter attack without anti-air network would be suicide.

On the Russian side the status quo is favorable. If this continues it would be a favourable trade to eventually exhaust Ukrainian military and western economy. Not much else needs to be said.

On the Ukrainian side western arsenal is running out of vital supplies, they must expand the scope of support if they want Ukraine to stay in the fight. Some people said South Korean artillery shells which could be a game changer. Otherwise US needs to expand scope of their involvement by providing weapons like F-16, and possibly get Israel on board as part of supply chain. All of those plans have costs. It would weaken American might in Asia and Middle East, and possibly escalate response from Russian side.

On the American side they need to rethink their strategy. The idea of out trading Russia by pitting Ukraine against them paid off at first. Russian took a lot of sanctions, and US was harmed less. Even if they minimized support after 3 month the outcome would be a favorable trade. However politically giving up Ukraine just is not viable, so the support needs extension. First Europeans paid the cost and managed to keep Ukraine in the first for another year. The trade was not as favorable as before. Now Europeans ran out of old stocks American face a harsh decision. Either give up and accept the damage was inflicted enough, or go in even further long past the favorable trade. Harvesting South Korea and Israel stockpile is the last low hanging fruit. Any further would be buying new weapons and paying full price for Ukraine and it will quickly become unaffordable.

I think it is massively premature to say Ukraine AD are exhausted at this point. Degraded and depleted certainly, but I think we are still a long way off from the kind of air superiority you speak of. Especially deeper behind the lines.

Already, the VKS being able to do consistent air strikes in meaningful volumes on the front line will be a game changer in and of itself. But I think they are a very long way off from being able to conduct deep penetration strikes using aircraft and bombs to seriously threaten Ukrainian logistics and deep staging zones, which means this will continue to be a slow grind rather than the start of a total collapse as would be the case if the VKS was able to achieve full air superiority.

In addition, the opening up of the skies over the frontlines could, and likely is, a result of a combination of many factors, not all of it within Russian control. For example, it is possible, likely even, that a major reason the VKS has been able to make glide bomb attacks without opposition is because Ukraine has been pulling its mobile air defence assets from the front, both as a result of Lancet attacks, but also in preparation for their long planned spring/summer major offensive.

There is also the distinct possibility that the Ukrainians are baiting the VKS by pulling defences and allowing them to pound the conscripts at the front to lull them into a false sense of security so they can try and bag themselves some more flanker kills and the VKS start to push deeper behind the lines.

But as things stand, this is a slow motion defeat for the West and Ukraine, because they are still trying to have their cake and eat it as well. They are now in a war of attrition, but refuse to take the economic and political pain needed to boost weapons and munitions production to fight such a war, and are instead slowly but steadily running down the reserves they inherited and built up over years and decades. All the while holding back and actively preparing for a hot war against China in Asia and again doing not even close to the bear minimum needed to actually prepare for it.

The fundamental problem for the west is that they have grown used to fighting goat farms with AKs where they can be at war yet not have it materially impact on their lives back home. They expect this same level of comfort and convenience fighting Russia and China and are so desperately focused on manufacturing consent to start the war(s) that they cannot let slip the truth of the colossal and fundamental way such wars will change the daily lives of all their citizens. Because no one remotely sane will want to go out of their way to choose such a drastically damaging and dangerous path.

The warmongers in the west are essentially insane zealots who are so convinced of the manifest destiny promised and the unchallengeable superiority of their race and system that they think they will automatically win any war they get into. Thus they do not waste any of their time and energy in thinking if or how they will actually win the wars they want to start, those are just ‘little details’ that the rest of society will sort out in due course and quick order once they are forced to get onboard with the programme.

The logistics and supply issues faced by the Ukrainians are a direct result of this line of magical thinking and the fundamental failure of western elites and leaders to face up to the reality of what it is they have gotten themselves into, never mind take any meaningful steps to start to address these problems and challenges.

Everything done thus far to support Ukraine by the west are essentially bandaid solutions able to help mitigate some of the most immediate and obvious symptoms, but do little to nothing to address the deep rooted fundamental causes.

As things stand, every day that passes is a day Russia gets stronger and Ukraine weaker. In this broader strategic context, it’s easy to see why the Russians are in no hurry to launch a massive, risky and costly general offensive while those in Ukraine who still have a handle on the pulse of the situation are so desperate to launch their own offensive ASAP to try to break out of the slow motion strangulation they find themselves trapped in.

One of the apparent tactics is to continue to shell Russian controlled population centres in Ukraine to try to create enough political pressure to force the Russians to go on the offensive. I think this is part of the reason both for why the Russians and Ukrainians are fighting so hard and bleeding so much for places like Bakhmut against almost all conventional reason and logic.

Taking such places is the first and most important step in Russia pushing the Ukrainians out of artillery range of key captured population centres. If and when that happens, Ukraine will loose their main leverage to try to force the Russians into a major general offensive as the Russians will be able to just slow grind their way forwards and be under almost no time pressure. Once that happens, it’s basically game over for Ukraine. They cannot win the slow grind, their only chance at an overall strategic victory is if they can take advantage of Russia’s manpower limitation. I think this is where Ukraine high command is caught in two minds. They cannot decide if the best strategy to try to force the Russians to launch an offensive via shelling of population centres to try to get them to overreach and hit them on the counter, or to launch their own offensive to try to brute force their way through Russian defensive lines.

Right now, they are doing both and thus making it more likely they will achieve neither objective.


Registered Member
Iskander strike at Konstantinovka. Despite using glide bombs, the Russians still have and will use missiles.

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The « Iskander » killed mercenaries « Georgian Legion », tortureing Russian fighters, - the Ministry of Defense.

▪ 武On April 21, the TAG1> Iskander « operational-tactical missile system hit the armament depot and the deployment point of foreign mercenaries stationed in the library building in the DPR Konstantinovka.
▪ 武As a result of the strike, up to 60 militants of the so-called « Georgian Legion », 15 units of military equipment located in the adjacent territory were destroyed. About 20 more mercenaries – were seriously injured.
▪ 武The militants of the « Georgian Legion » involved in the brutal torture and killings of Russian military personnel near Kiev in March 2022 were destroyed.
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Registered Member
IS there any material / analysis supporting the claims about the lack of credibility ?

I see it on a daily basis, but the source is usually the same team that made claims about "Iraq WMDs".
They will receive Leo 1 and different types of Leo 2.

Older Leo 2 have the L-44/120mm the younger have the L-55/120mm gun with more powerfull rounds. L-55 can fire the same ammunition as the L-44 but the L-44 not the L-55 round.

Leo 1 have the L7A3 100mm.

The soviet designs don't have all the same types of ammo anyway... it's just that they need to sort it out a bit more.
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Registered Member
Technically I cannot say anything about this claim, but a report from RT is IMO not the most credible one at first sight!

Just wondering but how did you miss that it quotes Foriegn Policy when it says in the title in big bolded letter, in 1 of the 2 sentences posted, and a reference to a media outlet in the 2nd sentence. I usually only post the stuff that RT references from other outlets and cut out the opinions/facts/summaries but if people can’t even bother reading beyond 5 words then what’s the point. Perhaps the media outlet name needs to have 26 size text and in bolded red color next time.