The War in the Ukraine


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once the pincer closes on bakhmut russia needs to not rush to liquidate the pocket. it is march now, by the time bakhmut is surrounded the spring thaw would have likely begun. at that point russia only needs to sit and starve out the defenders, and also using them to goad ukraine to attempt relief operations (they will be under pressure to do so as long as the pocket still exists). however, any relief attempt will likely be bogged down in mud.


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siversky should hold for a bit unless the kupyansk-lyman line gets pushed back. the summer could see ukraine attacking in zaprozhia, and russia attack in kupyansk-lyman. then it just comes down to which side does better defense.

according to this analysis, once bakhmut is lost ukraine will begin offensive on transnistria. i think it is a pretty good hypothesis. transnistria is too far to get support from russia, and an attack there would take attention away from the bakhmut disaster.
Could Transnistria can ask help internationally ? I know it's kinda recognized like Russian occupied... but a foreign force could come replace the Russian forces, clear some air there with Moldova and cut off the Ukrainian offensive before in began ?

That ammo dump need to be booby trapped big time...


“It's a ****fest, but we are pushing!” Russian tankmen send regards from Vuhledar against the backdrop of their dying tank and wounded Andryuha, who has been lying on the side of the road for two days. Everyone is lucky, except for the leg and the tank.

Both made it out alive, one is in a hospital in Rostov
I am not pro Russia nor pro Ukraine, but this video does not make sense.

"We have been lying here for 2 days..... that is our tank burning....." ---- Could a tank be still burning with such huge black smoke 2 days after getting hit?

Just filtering out how much is true/fake in this video.


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Yes this is a common story now, the Leo2s that didn't happen.
What a joke these politicians are.
There was the one poster who suggested there could be 500 Leo2 in Ukraine and 300 Abrams. I assume that poster was actually the PM of Finland or Sweden.

I wonder how they are organizing the Leo1 training. These guys must be at least 50+. It's hard to pull guys who are retired back to work. They are retired for a reason. Not only that, what do they really remember? Basically you've been playing golf for 5 years, not loading shells. From experience working in an environment that had many un-retired people, you also get situations like "if this happens, then we did this...", but then you realize that tool/part/guy is long gone and you're back to square one.

As to arms manufacturing, I pointed this out a long time ago. It's the old saying, "SHOW ME THE MONEY!".
No one is going to invest in people/materials to boost production unless they get paid first.
Maybe they aren't organizing Leopard 1 training at all, just fixing them to a drivable state and send them on their merry way to Ukraine. I mean, how much training did the Chinese provide to Iranians/Iraqis when they sold Type 69 tanks, 107mm MLRS etc. to them?


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Mugin-5 drone,downed with electronic warfare in Crimea

The S-60 anti-aircraft automatic gun provides support for attack aircraft
The cannon is rapidly gaining popularity in front-line units as an infantry support weapon. There is still a lot of 57 mm ammunition in the warehouses, which can be fired at the enemy.

battle from first-person perspective. The "dentist" group of the "Black Mamba" Assault Squad breaks into enemy strongholds

tankers of the 9th brigade fighting

Soldiers of the "brave" group destroy the positions of Ukrainian nationalists in the kremenaya district. Hostilities are in full swing thanks to the latest Russian T-90M "proryv"tank. The platoon commander with the call sign "Sverdlovsk" noted the high speed and maneuverability of the vehicle.
The tank operates from closed positions-this way the equipment is less visible to the enemy. But when it is necessary to approach the enemy as fast as possible, military personnel use TOS-1

in the past , he was a simple computer science teacher , but now he is defending Donetsk with T-72
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I’m not a believer that Russian should be in a hurry to end this war, time is on their side and they outproduce NATO is everything necessary for ground war; munitions, tanks, missiles, vehicles. Supply lines are short and compact in the east for Russia and stretched out for Ukraine. The slow grinding approach and unequal loss ratios between Russia and Ukraine will eventually throw the Ukrainians across the Dnieper river where a defensive line can easily be established and the conflict frozen.
So, Russia with an economy about 10x smaller than NATO has time on its side? Hunderds of Armatas, Su-57, Kurganets, Boomerangs etc. are rolling from factory lines daily?