The War in the Ukraine


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I think manpads influences have a bigger weight on combat progress than Javelin have achieved.
btw, what does ukr o rus need to perform sead/dead missions? cause if those were successful, it would allow the air force to intervene in breaking the stall between infantry formations, right?
does the widespread use of manpads make sead/dead impossible these days?


Registered Member
btw, what does ukr o rus need to perform sead/dead missions? cause if those were successful, it would allow the air force to intervene in breaking the stall between infantry formations, right?
does the widespread use of manpads make sead/dead impossible these days?
Against helicopters, manpads are quite a pain. Beyond visiual range missiles like Izdeliye 305 are nice but scarce. It's not circling above chilling and shooting at things with autocannon like AH64 in Afghanistan.

SEAD is better done at medium or high altitude but with the NATO asset in the black sea feeding Russian aircrafts positions to Ukraine, it's quite hard to do SEAD for VKS. Ukraine just turn off their radar when needed. They are trying to find them with UCAV after following Ukraine air defenses against drones and cruise missiles instead. Clearly SEAD capacities of Russia need to be improved.

So VKS is in danger flying up and in manpads territory flying low... So they are denying air asset of Ukraine from far away but cannot do bomb runs like they want.


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Against helicopters, manpads are quite a pain. Beyond visiual range missiles like Izdeliye 305 are nice but scarce. It's not circling above chilling and shooting at things with autocannon like AH64 in Afghanistan.

SEAD is better done at medium or high altitude but with the NATO asset in the black sea feeding Russian aircrafts positions to Ukraine, it's quite hard to do SEAD for VKS. Ukraine just turn off their radar when needed. They are trying to find them with UCAV after following Ukraine air defenses against drones and cruise missiles instead. Clearly SEAD capacities of Russia need to be improved.

So VKS is in danger flying up and in manpads territory flying low... So they are denying air asset of Ukraine from far away but cannot do bomb runs like they want.
last message by me on the ukr-rus sead/dead topic, if you guys wanna add something please feel free to dm me, so as not to derail the thread

would a jdam equivalent change anything? would the presence of a j-16D/growler equivalent provide protection from manpads guidance systems for the other planes in the formation?
can this kind of impasse occur again on a certain island in the future?


Registered Member
Maybe they aren't organizing Leopard 1 training at all, just fixing them to a drivable state and send them on their merry way to Ukraine. I mean, how much training did the Chinese provide to Iranians/Iraqis when they sold Type 69 tanks, 107mm MLRS etc. to them?

Regular training is the one thing that has been reliably provided by NATO.

They have been handed this summer ??? Still didn't see chinese ATGM on the front. Every other types more or less have been tested in Ukraine. Bosnian had some HJ-8 but I don't see a lot of possibilities that the countries having them will give some to Ukraine.

It is kind of funny that basically this is the only conflict that you don't see much Chinese weapons (not including civilian drones).

Even in Libya, they found some quite advanced stuff like guided 155mm shells.

Saudi, UAE, Kuwait, they all have NORINCO 155mm, including guided shells. I wonder if the US tried to buy them, but were rejected due to those countries wishing to keep out (and maybe not pissing off China).


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So, Russia with an economy about 10x smaller than NATO has time on its side? Hunderds of Armatas, Su-57, Kurganets, Boomerangs etc. are rolling from factory lines daily?

Why are you acting shocked and amazed? It’s a well known fact that GDP statistics are largely made up and inflated by financial activity in the West I.e, speculation, rents, and that the Russian economy is severely underestimated especially their production capabilities.


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They are lucky that they didn't lost it... They have landed a recon drone on the dish bloody hell !

lucky indeed.

This "partisan" entity tho was seems to decide to only do photo-ops instead of real attack.

still Russians kinda suck not to properly deploy countermeasure in the airfield. Even if the airfield were supposed to be just "temporal" (As Russian AEW seems to find better home at Baranovichi)


Lieutenant General
They are lucky that they didn't lost it... They have landed a recon drone on the dish bloody hell !

Clear propaganda misrepresenting reality.

It wasn’t a recon or suicide drone, just someone with more balls than brains deciding to T-bag the AWACS once they unexpectedly managed to get into the airfield with the drone.

Still a massive fuck up by the Russians and Belarusians, but it’s stupid and pointless for Ukraine to be making up BS claims. And no, it’s not going to be a simple matter for Ukraine to replicate this breach. Getting men and materials (explosives) deep into another country and close to a sensitive military site is entirely different to a bored local deciding to do something stupid all by themselves with a ‘toy’ you can easily buy from shops or over the internet.


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No more off topic discussions on Russia’s economy vs NATO, Chinese ATGMs, hypothetical SEAD situations, etc please. Further replies will be deleted.

Also, please exercise judgement before sharing Twitter commentary where the author clearly states they aren't sure if it’s credible or that is based off rumors


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I am not pro Russia nor pro Ukraine, but this video does not make sense.

"We have been lying here for 2 days..... that is our tank burning....." ---- Could a tank be still burning with such huge black smoke 2 days after getting hit?

Just filtering out how much is true/fake in this vid

Its fairly believable. The tank could have easily been disabled by an enemy round, driving over a mine, or mechanical issues but the ammunition stores were not hit. Because of the risk of enemy fire, no trees for concealment and a seriously wounded crew member the crew can only retreat a hundred meters until they find cover in a crater. Two days later in what is common for both sides, drones either spotting for artillery or carrying a small grenade then directed fire or dropped a charge through the hatch setting the ammunition on fire.