The War in the Ukraine


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For the Ukrainians, city are quite important for propaganda purpose.
Not only for propaganda but also for what territories Ukraine will hold on when the war ends. At the negotiating table, if you don't hold any territories by having boots on the ground then don't expect to get them back by just talking.

So, taking back ground will benefit Ukraine at the negotiating table
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Not only for propaganda but also for what territories Ukraine will hold on when the war ends. At the negotiating table, if you don't hold any territories by having boots on the ground then don't expect don't get them by just talking.

So, taking back ground will benefit Ukraine at the negotiating table
Yeah if they can settle things out, but both still in fire and run everywhere...The only thing that I would see for things to settle out is Helensky getting toppled out by some oligarchs and these going to the negociating table.

If they throw all in with a turkey run, Russians can take a lot of ground but will not be able to keep it long term, probably the same with Ukrainians. We will see if they will start to run near a negociating phase. Right now is just sad attrition warfares.


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A turkish news site reports that among the agreements Zelensky got during his visit in Washington was one with Poland where the latter would get involved more directly in the war

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Poland is already directly involved in the war, we have already seen several reports of them in Kharkiv and Kherson, but the one must be operating in Ukraine is JW GROM.


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Didn't Poles recently mobilize 200,000 men for war? I bet they are going to war with Russia.
So they will be identified as mercenaries ? voluntaries ? or they will get Cracker Jack Urkaine citizenships ???

200 000 is a big number to not being identified as full NATO intervention...itching for nuke lobing. Would have kept the MBT and IFV given if they were planing to go in... Poles will be going on foot to get fragged Ukrainian style ?


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ude is part of one of the units that entered Izyum and turns out the majority of the captured equipment in the area was inoperative, with the amount of tanks that could turn on with minimal work "you could count on one hand"

That's unfortunate. I recalled someone gloating on Twitter on how Russians "armed" Ukraine with their abandoned equipment...

Russian MOD vid on Pantsyr operation seems to have dropped some interesting snippet.

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The Displayed range in PPI appears to indicate 40 Km range, with 5 Km intervals. Beside the PPI is some additional information including apparently various launch modes, a B-scope (Az-Elevation/height display) and Target list. One can also see in the lower right corner of the PPI a small "EPR -Sqm" indicator which shows measurement of target RCS Too bad it's too blurry.

The PPI tho seems to show coverage of the search radar while illumination radar is shown in Yellow quarter circle.

Now Assuming it's the same interface mode as the previous video shown on twitter. The target is first "spotted" in about 15 km range

Target Appearing-Patsyr.jpg

Based on the available data on Pantsyr (unfortunately bit dated) From ausairpower. The target seems to have RCS of 0.305 sqm in S-band (3 GHz) assuming that the PPI is displaying the data from the search radar. The red Half circle seems to be the lethal envelope of the missile. On the video they begin firing when the targets are kind of 10 km or less, which either because the gunner attempt to visually acquire (good reason to try identify the target) Or Pantsyr engagement radar Range is indeed 7 km which correspond to 0.03 sqm target in its operating frequency.

I'm kinda feel that my estimates on GMLRS RCS here is kinda vindicated.

Although i medianize the result, while the RCS display in the system measure instanteneous value of the RCS (Value which directly observed from the radar) Based on browsing the data tho. The rockets seems to get illuminated at the front right side (-60 degrees vertical and 21 deg horizontal) instead of head on.

and yeah if you guys interested on what kind of data i'm pecking in through for the value.

The yellow colored coloumn is the RCS value of my interest. Assuming the radar still able to illuminate the same part of the rocket (might not be the case tho) The frequency of the engagement radar can be determined to be about 32 GHz or 9 mm, not that far off from Russian claim of 8 mm operating wavelength.


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So they will be identified as mercenaries ? voluntaries ? or they will get Cracker Jack Urkaine citizenships ???

This change might have something to do:

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Polish lawmakers have signed a draft resolution that would grant amnesty to Polish citizens who illegally joined the ranks of the Ukrainian Armed Forces to fight Russian forces in Eastern Europe since 2014.

Poles are prohibited from serving in foreign armed forces without having gone through the long and arduous process of getting a permit from the Ministry of Defence. Those who have served in foreign armed forces face a penalty of three months to five years in prison.

But the members from the governing coalition and the opposition in parliament want to make an exception for Polish citizens who joined or led enlistment in the Ukrainian army after 20 February 2014, according to a draft resolution presented on Tuesday.

“The purpose of the proposed law is to adapt the existing regulations on undertaking military service in the armed formations of foreign states to the specific situation related to the armed aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, which has been ongoing since 20 February 2014, with a significant expansion of the Russian side’s actions after 24 February 2022,” according to the draft resolution’s explanatory memorandum.

“This necessity arises from the need to adjust the legal conditions applicable to Polish citizens wishing to assist the Armed Forces of Ukraine in defending the territorial integrity and the democratic legal order of the Ukrainian state, as well as to counter the aggressive Russian policy, which violates the principles of international law, contained, inter alia, in the Charter of the United Nations,” it also states.

Polish citizens deciding to join the Ukrainian army are motivated by solidarity with a country innocently attacked by an aggressor who does not conceal hostile intentions also towards Poland, as well as by patriotism, thus acting for the security of Poland, it adds.

The draft resolution has been signed by representatives of Poland’s ruling Law and Justice party and opposition parties: Civic Coalition, The Left, Polish Coalition-PSL, Poland 2050 and the Polish Socialist Party, and is expected to enter into force on the day it is voted on.


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This change might have something to do:

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So they will be branded mercenaries and will have any leverage if captured... if it end at these numbers, that's a lot of people without any rights on the front. It's messed-up and can also escalate things a lot. Maybe it's why we see Belarus keeping themselves vigilant at the Polish border and not wanting to go in Ukraine.


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Two finish MP's urge the government to give their Leopard 2's to Ukraine

Bruh 200 is a freaking microscopic number. Especially when you can't send all of them without leaving the home base completely without tanks lol.

What would be realistic to send? Even a tenth seems like a lot and that would be 20. They'd be gone after a few intense engagements.