The only way that Latin American countries will become truly independent and be masters of their destinies is by developing and producing their own military equipment. Until then they are at the mercy and influenced by the nations that supply their hardware.
Unfortunately, for many of the reasons you explained in prior postings, I do not see us (Latin America) doing this on a grand scale. There will be some equipment manufactured, but it will never compete with European, American or Chinese equipment.
I disagree Miragedrive, in latinamerica we have the talent and the capability to design anything we want, i will leave you this two links about the aircraft design we are carrying out in Mexico, we already are designing things for Honeywell and GE.
What happens is in LatinAmerica we are very similar, in fact we can call us the same country just politically fragmented, once UNASUR develops a common market we are going to have a more common identity.
So in reality there is not a arms race between us, in Mexico we do not have any animososity against any latin american nation, yes there are fools who argue what latin american nation is the best, you can see it in youtube, but to be honest, those fools are not smart, we are so close because we came from Spain despite we have now multiracial and multicultural diversity, we can call us the children of Portugal and Spain, and all we are siblings of the same Iberian nation.
I think we are simply nations that do not have real enemies and we can in certain way be relax, Brazil only wants to have the minimun of capability to remain independent, but i am sure there is talent in Latin america.
This is a EMB-145 made in Brazil for the Indian air force, this shows in South America you can develop things as good as anything American, European, Russian or Chinese.
Por su parte el representante de Honeywell dijo que su empresa tiene un lugar importante en la industria gracias al talento mexicano, no seríamos nada sin esta fuerza laboral. Comentó que Honeywell tiene más de 122 mil empleados en todo el mundo, existen dos plantas de automatización en Tijuana y 7, 500 empleados en B.C. Explicó que Honeywell trabaja con frenos de aeronaves y se trabaja con bombardiers, aviones de carga y ejecutivos. Cárdenas dijo “Contamos con 15 diseñadores en Mexicali , ellos se encargan de práticamente todo el ciclo de producción.” Honeywell ocupa un lugar clave dentro de la defensa aeroespacial y prácticamente todas las partes son diseñadas en Mexicali, la empresa ha ganado concursos en diseño de aeronaves con Honeywell Los Angeles, constatando así que definitivamente los bajacalifornianos tienen talento. Cárdenas comentó: “Tenemos disponibles 40 plazas y es muy interesante ir a las universidades y encontrar mucho talento entre los estudiantes.” Dijo que el 350 de Honeywell le va a dar competencia a el Airbus, que es el que vuela de Japón a Tijuana. Mexicali diseñará practicamente todo el sistema eléctrico, diseño de cabina y filtro de contaminantes del 350. Honeywell tiene vinculación con el CETYS y con la UABC y México se ha posicionado como un centro aeroespacial de clase mundial.
For his part, Honeywell representative said his company has an important place in the industry thanks to the Mexican talent, we would be nothing without this workforce. He said Honeywell has more than 122 000 employees around the world, there are two levels of automation in Tijuana and 7 500 employees in BC He explained that Honeywell is working with aircraft brakes and works with Bombardiers, cargo planes and executives. Cardenas said, "We have 15 designers in Mexicali, they are responsible for pratically the entire production cycle." Honeywell has a key role in the defense aerospace and virtually all parts are designed in Mexicali, the company has won design contests Honeywell aircraft Los Angeles, noting the Baja California so I definitely have talent. Cardenas said: "We have 40 places available and it is very interesting to go to university and find a lot of talent among students." He said that Honeywell will give the to Airbus A-350 competitiveness, which is flying from Japan to Tijuana. Mexicali design almost the entire electrical system, cabin design and filter pollutants for the A-350. Honeywell has links with the CETYS and the UABC and Mexico has positioned itself as a world-class aerospace center.
Tijuana Innovadora 2012
RJGE Inc. designed the HVAC and Plumbing systems for this facility since its inception. The purpose of the Honeywell MRTC A350 building is to test a variety of jet engines to be used in various commercial and military aircraft