Lieutenant General
Equation I did not have a issue with that. Klingons have a warrior cultural base they have superior strength and speed to what a human is normally capable. Khan is far from a normal human he was a genetically engineered super human. And as shown later his healing abilities were though the roof. All humans have a kind of limiter built into our central nervous system this limiter keeps us from hurting our selves with our own strength adrenal allows us to override this.
Khans physical abilities are like those of a top athletes add to this his wolverine like immune system and his strength and speed are beyond any human. In fact if you watch the scene after khan surrenders Kirk hits him repeatedly. Now first glance it looks like Kirk has lost it but I don't think so. Kirk was testing Khan, he realized that Khan was more then meets the eye. And he knows Khan is more then capable of killing his crew. he questions the sudden white flag. Kirk wanted to see what it took to make Khan bleed.
basically you were supposed to say but they were Klingons! Then get a cold chill as you realize that this guy is beyond them.
True but aren't the Klingons are supposed to be militarily tactically efficient as well? I mean they could used one of their ships to knock Khan off or figure a way to neutralize him while in combat. Either way JJ Abrams didn't make it convincing enough. All Khan did was stand there and fire his weapon or kill incoming Klingon warriors where he stand, no need to run, jump, attack, maneuver, or anything like that.