Didn't Indie actually help the bad guys find the thing? They were looking in the wrong place to begin with weren't they?
If so, no, he wasn't useless. If not, then nevermind.
Regarding Star Trek, they tried a what-if with Into Darkness. Look how that was received. I wanted a what-if too, but I'm satisfied with ID. I would prefer they do something new at this point.
I think a new crew, mainly non-humans, should be the main cast, similar to DS9.
Anyway a new crew should be made because i think Trek fails if it takes a personality cult type view that places the importance of individuals. Trek is more egalitarian than say Star Wars because individuals don't matter as much as the whole, the characters are just military or government officials, no more or less, their role is thus similar important and limited, there are no immortal or larger than life heroes like in Lord of The Rings, one of the many things i hate about nu-Trek is the obsession with destiny that pretty much elevates unqualified and professional douchebags to positions of power they haven't earned or are qualified for.
For that reason, characters should be new each time, to show the Federation is bigger than just two or three people.
Aside from that, let's redefine the concept of exploration: Let's flesh out the Federation as a coherent polity with clearly defined borders, history and member states, laws and economics; all the things that Trek in the past has failed to accomplish because they've been too wrapped up in aliens of the week storylines. Let's continue the Ron Moore style stories about coherent diplomatic and military intrigue with other established great powers, some say this is limiting i call it a coherent framework which seperates Star Trek from just being a generic space opera with interchangable settings and characters.
The problem with JJ Abrams is he admitted he wasn't a Star Trek fan growing up because it required too much thinking. In the original Star Trek series what made the episode Trouble with Tribbles popular was completely lost from JJ Abrams. He just threw in a tribble in Into Darkness as a set piece. It could've been any life form. What made tribbles popular were they were a cute fury menace. There was nothing of that in Into Darkness. I mentioned earlier in the thread a story of an angered Levar Burton who was at some Star Trek studio function where he overheard JJ Abrams say he wanted his Star Trek to be the only one remembered. What's memorable about his Star Trek? Why I mentioned earlier about the Big Bang Theory talk about Raiders of the Lost Ark is JJ Abrams Star Trek contribution is equivalent to Indian Jones in that discussion. I've been reading that JJ Abrams is in nearly daily consultation with George Lucas over Star Wars. Anyone can takeover the Star Trek franchise including a TV series and no one will need to consult with JJ Abrams to get it right because he basically contributed nothing.
I think before he was even involved with Star Trek Abrams admitted he was a Star Wars fan and not a Star Trek fan. I remember that's what came back to haunt him when he was announced to direct Star Trek. The tribble thing I mentioned is exactly what he did with his TV show Lost. Throw in a polar bear on a tropical island and never mention why? People were interested because they thought it was a part of something big of why every crazy thing happened on the show. In the end many people were disappointed with Lost because they found out they were just being jerked around all this time. It means nothing to Abrams except for a gimmick at most. When he wiped out the Vulcans was he thinking how that would affect the Federation since in the original universe the Vulcans played an important role for the Federation? Or did he just kill off the Vulcans just as a gimmick? That's what I was talking about the "what if" scenarios before. What's the universe ahead going to be like without the Vulcans? Did Abrams have a plan? If you go by the TV show Lost where all the crazy stuff that happened on the show ended up having reason why it happened, he doesn't have a plan and not even thinking about because you know... he doesn't want to think when watching a movie or TV show. If you think about it anyone can do what he does. He's just fortunate that his family was already a part of Hollywood.
Personally I'm a fan of both Star Wars and Star Trek. I don't know why people have to take sides unless it's like Abrams and you don't want to think about a movie or TV show.