South East Asia Military News, Reports, Data, etc.


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Re: ASEAN military news

China, Indonesia airborne troops complete anti-terrorism exercise

2013-11-12 14:21


Sharp Knife Airborne 2013

BANDUNG, Indonesia, Nov. 11 -- Chinese and Indonesian airborne troops concluded Monday their bilateral anti-terrorism exercise code-named "Sharp Knife Airborne 2013" in Indonesia, with around 200 elite paratroopers taking part.

During the one-week long drill which was held in Bandung, the capital of West Java Province, the two sides conducted live-fire exercises including air landing, hand-to-hand combat, shooting, obstacle crossing and anti-terrorist searches and rescue operations.

Chen Dong, Chinese People's Liberation ArmyAir Force deputy chief of staff, and Sunaryo, Indonesian National Army Air Force deputy chief of staff, attended the closing ceremony of the joint training after witnessing the air landing and anti-terrorist exercises.

Chen said at the ceremony that the joint drill was conducted amid complex world strategic security situation and growing international terrorism threat.

"The exercise plays an important role in boosting the capability for the two troops to combat terrorism as well as maintaining the regional stability," he added.

China and Indonesia have endured terrorist attacks in the past years and the two countries have determined to fight against terrorist crimes.

Both countries still face the threats of terrorism. Indonesia witnessed bombings on its resort island of Bali in the 2002, which killed 202 people. China saw a terrorist attack in Beijing's Tian' anmen Square last month, which killed two civilians and injured 40 others.

Sunaryo said the joint training has provided a good opportunity for both sides to obtain military experience and expertise.

"It will consolidate the friendly and cooperative relations between China and Indonesia and their troops," the deputy chief of air force staff said.

Representing the third such drill conducted by the two armies, "Sharp Knife Airborne 2013" aims to strengthen the military relations between the two countries and improve the efficiency of their anti-terrorism forces.

Source:Xinhua Net

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Jeff Head

Registered Member
Re: ASEAN military news

The deal has been done, and those warships will be delivered by 2014. Those ships will be upgraded with MICA VLS, and some sensor too.
These were vessels built and launched between 2001 and 2003, and were originally built for the Royal Brunei Navy.

But they did not take delivery and a dispute took place that was resolved in BAE Systems of the UK's favor. Now, Indonesia is going to get them for 20% of their original cost. That is a heck of a deal.

Upgraded with the new VLS to replace the Sea Wolf missile, and new sensors, they will be very capable vessel.

Here are all three as they sat on storage for those ten yeas.


As built specs were:

Displacement: 1,940 tons
Length: 295 ft
Beam: 42 ft
Draught: 12 ft
Propulsion: 4 x MAN B&W / Ruston diesel engines, 2 shafts
Speed: 30 knots (56 km/h)[1]
1 x Oto Melara 76mm gun.
2 x DS 30B REMSIG 30mm guns
16 VLS for MBDA (BAE Systems) Seawolf surface-to-air missile launcher.
2 x 4 Quad MBDA (Aerospatiale) Exocet MM40 Block II missile launchers.
2 x triple BAE Systems 324mm torpedo tubes.
Aircraft: Helicopter pad for 1 SH-60 helo (no hanger)


New Member
Re: ASEAN military news

Thanks Jeff

Indonesian Army operate NLAW AT Missile Launcher



in Bahasa
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In the plans Indonesian army will equips all of their front line units battalion such as Kostrad and Raider with NLAW AT Missile Launcher


New Member
Re: ASEAN military news

Indonesian Army Bought Apache Attack Helos and Fennec Light Attack Helos

Sorry guys in Bahasa

VIVAnews - Panglima TNI, Jenderal Moeldoko, mengungkakan bahwa pihaknya berencana akan menambah jumlah Alat Utama Sistem Pertahanan (Alutsista), termasuk sejumlah helikopter.

"Kami akan hadirkan 12 helikopter Fennec dari Prancis, lalu helikopter serangnya ada Apache, minimum 6," ujar Moeldoko, Senin 11 November 2013.

Selain dua jenis helikopter itu, Moeldoko mengungkapkan keinginan untuk mendatangkan helikopter Chinook. "Ke depan, mungkin Chinook untuk memindahkan personel di perbatasan khususnya, kita sangat membutuhkan," jelasnya.

Namun, dia mengakui bahwa keinginannya untuk mendatangkan Chinook masih belum dikomunikasikan dengan pihak DPR. Menurutnya, pihaknya dengan DPR hanya baru menyetujui pembicaraan mengenai Apache, helikopter serang andalan tentara Amerika Serikat.

Moeldoko berharap agar rencananya untuk menghadirkan helikopter Chinook bisa segera terwujud. Karena, menurutnya hal tersebut dirasakan cukup penting. "Mudah-mudahan tahun 2015 bisa dianggarkan, karena tidak terlalu mahal," tuturnya. (one)

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Besides Apache news which has been all known by all people in this forum, there is something interesting news about Indonesian Army trying to build up their Air Cavalry regiments.

What i bold is, Indonesian army recently has put an order for 12 units of Fennec Light Attack Helos from France, and Moeldoko (Indonesian Armed Forces Chief) says Indonesian army will acquire Chinook with 2015 defense budget. Fennec will be assembled by PT DI and has long been projecting to replace the ageing BO 105 Bolcow Light Attack Helos in Indonesian Army inventory.


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Re: ASEAN military news

Seoul Sees More Weapons Sales to Thailand

Nov. 9, 2013 - 12:35PM | By JUNG SUNG-KI | Comments

BANGKOK — South Korea is looking to sell more weapons systems, including warships and aircraft, to Thailand, which is pushing to modernize its armed forces to meet security challenges.

Following a contract with Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering (DSME) for a 3,700-ton frigate, the Royal Thai Navy plans to procure one more frigate built by the South Korean shipyard, according to officials. The contract for the first frigate was signed in August. The deal was valued around $470 million, the highest weapons import for a single item in Thailand.

“The delivery of the first frigate, DW 3000F, will take place in 2017, and we expect a following order for the second ship in the coming years,” said Kim Deog-soo, director of the naval & special ship marketing team at DSME. DSME was one of the South Korean defense contractors that participated in the Defense & Security 2013 from Monday through Thursday at the IMPACT Exhibition Center here.

The frigate for the Thai Navy is based on the design of the Korean Navy’s 4,000-ton KDX-1. The ship is equipped with up-to-date weapons systems from major defense contractors worldwide.

Among the key armament are Swedish Saab’s 9LV Mk4 combat management system; the Mk 41 vertical launch system from US Lockheed Martin; evolved Sea Sparrow missiles of Raytheon; the Boeing RGM-84 Harpoon missiles; Turkish Oto Melera 76mm super rapid gun; and two UK MSI-Defence Seahawk 30mm cannons.

The Thai Navy also is considering buying a submarine, in an apparent move to respond to the rapid naval modernization of its neighbors, including Indonesia and Malaysia, both of which bought South Korean submarines and training ships, respectively.

“The latest contract with DSME is a big step forward toward upgrading the Thai Navy,” a high-ranking officer of the Thai Navy’s procurement bureau said Monday during a meeting with his South Korean counterpart, Adm. Shin Jung-ho of the Defense Acquisition Program Administration’s ship project bureau. “We have yet to lay out a submarine project in detail due to budget issues, but the thing is that we need a submarine and the government will make a decision on that in the near future.”

“South Korea sells not just a ship, but a package of logistics support and training programs,” Shin replied. “The South Korean Navy will make utmost efforts to help the Thai Navy deploy its frigate successfully.”

South Korea’s representative at the Thai defense fair stressed the arms exports to Thailand will further boost the country’s weapons sales in the Southeast Asian region.

“On the basis of improved relations between the two governments, the Thai military is expected to acquire more weapons built by our nation,” said Lee Yong-dae, director of the South Korean Defense Ministry’s procurement bureau. “In particular, our export strategy of selling a package of weapons and relevant technology meets the requirements of the Thai armed forces’ modernization schemes.

Lee revealed that the Royal Thai Air Force has shown interest in purchasing an attack variant of the T-50 supersonic trainer aircraft built by Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI) and Lockheed Martin.

“The Thai air force requested KAI for information about the T-50 jet,” said the retired two-star army general, adding Thailand is interested in buying 16 T-50 variants, including the TA-50 armed trainer and FA-50 light attacker.

The Royal Thai Army eyes a truck-mounted howitzer built by Samsung Techwin, according to Lee, in an effort to modernize its artillery force.

The vehicle, dubbed EVO-105, consists of a standard South Korean KM500 five-ton truck chassis with the rear cargo area modified to accept the upper part of the US 105MM M101 towed howitzer.

“The vehicle features the fire control system used in the K9 howitzer’s 155mm/52-caliber gun,” a Techwin spokesman said. “It’s cheaper and faster than the standard K9, which is attractive to Southeast Asian nations.”

About 800 EVO-105 vehicles are to be deployed with South Korea’s Army in 2017, he noted.

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Thailand is already at buying spree too


Junior Member
Re: ASEAN military news

Viewing the various postings on defence sales, definitely indicate the "Arm Race" is accelerating in South-East and East Asia. A great pity, as the several billions dollars can be used for the development of their countries' infrastructure and to help their citizens. Perhaps, some intended naval vessels and (hopefully military transport) aircraft to be purchased could also be used for future humanitarian relief operations, like what is happening in the Philippines Typhoon Disaster. BZ for the USN, the RN, ASEAN countries, India, some EU countries and several others who provided immediate relief to the poor innocent suffering Filipinos. The recent humanitarian US "pivot" to an Asian country speaks well for itself. Nations are truly "RICH" when they help the POOR & UNFORTUNATE.


Pencil Pusher
VIP Professional
Re: ASEAN military news

Viewing the various postings on defence sales, definitely indicate the "Arm Race" is accelerating in South-East and East Asia. A great pity, as the several billions dollars can be used for the development of their countries' infrastructure and to help their citizens. Perhaps, some intended naval vessels and (hopefully military transport) aircraft to be purchased could also be used for future humanitarian relief operations, like what is happening in the Philippines Typhoon Disaster. BZ for the USN, the RN, ASEAN countries, India, some EU countries and several others who provided immediate relief to the poor innocent suffering Filipinos. The recent humanitarian US "pivot" to an Asian country speaks well for itself. Nations are truly "RICH" when they help the POOR & UNFORTUNATE.

Agree with you here. However, sometime it is not up to anyone doing the upgrading. I mean... if your neighbour upgraded their military wares, you need to do like wise or be at risk of being unable to defend yourself if that said neighbour turned aggressive. In fact if country A bought a new class fighters that are better than any of the fighters you are currently flying, you will need to buy not just fighters but also SAM systems to counter that threat and that country would need to again counter the threat that you poses to them. and this would go on and on and on.


Re: ASEAN military news

Well, The PLAN and Vietnam have actually had armed clashes in the South China Sea before (1974-Paracel Islands and 1988-Johnson South Reef), and Vietnam came out on the short end of the stick.

I imagine Vietnam is determined to not allow that to happen again.

So, the PLAN will be forced to take note and be very wary of a Vietnamese sub surface threat in the future.

As to others, it is certainly also a message to others with disputes with Vietnam...but I think the principle message is to the PLAN.

In those two clashes, I don't really consider the Chinese navy as having any overwhelming superior force during the engagement.

Oh yes, no doubt about that in the broader context.

They are however addressing the maritime side of the island disputes. In the past, the PLAN has been able to operate with virtual impunity in that regard and has simply swatted aside any Vietnam contention on the sea.

That will not be so easy in the future. Any serious confrontation now would require the PLAN to send its own subs into the area and try and neutrailize the Vietnam subs. Such a confrontation would be a huge escalation and could result in the loss of very major assets to either or both sides.

There will be continued cause and effect, we'll probably see increased investment in ASW R&D on the Chinese side.

These were vessels built and launched between 2001 and 2003, and were originally built for the Royal Brunei Navy.

But they did not take delivery and a dispute took place that was resolved in BAE Systems of the UK's favor. Now, Indonesia is going to get them for 20% of their original cost. That is a heck of a deal.

Upgraded with the new VLS to replace the Sea Wolf missile, and new sensors, they will be very capable vessel.

Here are all three as they sat on storage for those ten yeas.


As built specs were:

Displacement: 1,940 tons
Length: 295 ft
Beam: 42 ft
Draught: 12 ft
Propulsion: 4 x MAN B&W / Ruston diesel engines, 2 shafts
Speed: 30 knots (56 km/h)[1]
1 x Oto Melara 76mm gun.
2 x DS 30B REMSIG 30mm guns
16 VLS for MBDA (BAE Systems) Seawolf surface-to-air missile launcher.
2 x 4 Quad MBDA (Aerospatiale) Exocet MM40 Block II missile launchers.
2 x triple BAE Systems 324mm torpedo tubes.
Aircraft: Helicopter pad for 1 SH-60 helo (no hanger)

I've always suggested that those three ships would be a great and smart acquisition for the Philippines since they want to upgrade their naval force with a limited budget. 10 years for them to act but that window is now closed by Indonesia. 80% discount, awesome deal.

Jeff Head

Registered Member
Re: ASEAN military news

In those two clashes, I don't really consider the Chinese navy as having any overwhelming superior force during the engagement.
Well, I did not say what the orders of battle were and what forces each had. I simply said (which is true) that on each occassion the Vietnam forces lost. And they did.

In the Parcel Island skirmish the PLAN had:

4 Corvettes (former Soviet S.O.-1 class)
2 Subchasers (Type 037, Hainan Class)

The South Vietnamese had:

3 Frigates (former US Coast Guard Casco Class cutters)
1 Corvette (former US Navy Admrial Class minsweepers)

All of the Vietnamese frigates were damaged, and the corvette was sunk. The remaining Vietnamese vessels retreated away. The Chinese corvettes were all damaged, but all of the PLAN vessels controlled the area at the end of the battle. As a result, the Chinese not only kept possession of the island that was being contested, the ended up with all of the Parcels.

In the Johnson Reef skirmish, the forces were actually much more uneven. The Chinese were oerwhelming at sea.

China had:

3 Friggates, the:
502 Nanchong (Jiangnan Class/065)
556 Xiangtan (Jianghu II Class/053H1)
531 Yingtan (Jiangdong Class/053K) frigate

Vietnam had:

1 Landing craft
2 armed transports

HQ-505 (ex Quy Nhon HQ-504)
HQ-604 armed transport
HQ-605 armed transport

At the end of this battle the two Vietnamese armed transports were sunk and the landing craft heavily damaged. The Vietnamese effort to land on and contend with the Chinese forces there failed. The Chinese vessels suffered very little damage.


New Member
Re: ASEAN military news

In those two clashes, I don't really consider the Chinese navy as having any overwhelming superior force during the engagement.

There will be continued cause and effect, we'll probably see increased investment in ASW R&D on the Chinese side.

I've always suggested that those three ships would be a great and smart acquisition for the Philippines since they want to upgrade their naval force with a limited budget. 10 years for them to act but that window is now closed by Indonesia. 80% discount, awesome deal.

Indonesian Gov. has said before, Indonesia can get that ships with 80 percent discounted price because good relationship between Indonesia and Brunei, the original buyer for those ships. I don't think Brunei wanna to release those ships to their immediate neighbor Malaysia, who was once show their interest.