No. When you make a claim, then the burden of proofs lies on you. bladerunner have already retracted his statement with regards to hundred of media outlets making the same report, so I don't know why you insist on keeping this particular argument alive.
We all know that it is impossible that you (or anyone) could have read news articles from hundreds of different media corps. So, it isn't that you don't want to waste time to backup the claim; it's that you can't.
Thanks for playing though.
Ahmadinejad either said it, or he didn't. Having a lot of media reporting that he said he wants to "blow up Israel" doesn't miraculously make it true. Imagine if I could muster hundred of peoples to say that you, s002wjh, claim that Israel should be blown up. Would that actually mean you've said it? Clearly not.
Exactly. People can and do criticize the government without having to go to jail.
CCTV isn't the only source of news in China, and there are newspapers that criticizes the government. Southern Morning Post (if I translate it correctly) springs to mind. People's Daily and Xinhua have also done it on a few occasions.
What Chinese media do does not make Western media any less bad.
If CCTV does it then they are at fault for not verifying their information. It doesn't alters the past and makes Ahmadinejad made the comment.
really so those human right activitist in jailed are not realy in jailed? like i said before, i'm not gonna spend time to dig up Ahmadinejad comments.
western media is much better when report issues under its own governments. Its not prefect but its not like government mouth piece like CCTV.
there is a difference between criticize chinese government on thusands website with tens thousands thread vs public criticizing the government. why don't you go to a public place to protest about the government and see what happen. even if you criticize the government on internet, if you caught their attention, ill bet you gonna have one of those "tea meeting" with a police officers.
i'm not claming read hundreds news, i'm claming i read xinhua, cctv, cnn, cbs etc. you just don't won't to look it up, cause you know what blade said was true. :Even if i dig up news on Ahmadinejad comments, you just gonna discredit since its western media etc." You mind already set on what you want to believe vs facts.
btw blade probably give up due the fact he can't get his opinion into your head. you just brush away even if its a fact.
so when is xinhua criticize the government for force relocation, when did it mention tiananmen protest issues, what about jailing of different human right activists? did xinhua or cctv or any chinese media, put a headline says "chinese human right activists was jailed" or "xxx number people was shot during tiananmen square protest"
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