Should China respect sanctions on Iran?


Banned Idiot
I'm not sure I get what you are trying to say here.......

I pointed to the fact that NK, a far more impoverished and irresponsible regime, has not stooped so low as to try and bargain away nuclear bombs for money. Why? Because they wanted the weapons for security not money. For countries like NK and Iran, a nuclear bomb is an insurance policy against attack from the US and allies.

Ooops, I was trying to point out that IMO N.K. does try to use its nuclear status to bargain for better treatment. After being included as part of the "axis of evil" she had a host of restrictions placed upon her by U.S. I think NK is a tad annoyed that some of us aren't taking her too seriously, because her recent missile and nuclear tests have not lived up to the hype.

While your suggestion to get Israel and Iran, agreeing to do away with their aspirations of maintaining nuclear weaponry has some merit, negotiations take an awfully long time. What guarantees do the nuclear capable Arab states have? Here they are , being asked to put their aspirations of developing a nuclear deterrence on the back burner while two antagonists spend years and years debating on what they might do. I don't think that Israel especially the Zionists being prepared to give up something it supposedly has, if it affects its chances of survival. Nor the 'diehard' fundamentalists in Iran either.

Israel with democratic elections every few yrs could see their attempts for nuclear disarmament derailed by some minor populist party or politician. and that's without us in the West with vested interests in maintaining the status quo getting involved.

Money trumps diplomacy all the time. China and Co. may be the face of the future as economic power houses, but the fact remains the western powers control most of the worlds wealth, and should be doing everything in its power to see it remains that way.

While we may not be reliant on oil and suchlike from Iran, I don't think we would like to see it firmly entrenched in the "China camp."
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The Capitalist
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Money trumps politics all the time. China and Co. may be the face of the future as economic power houses, but the fact remains we control most of the worlds wealth, and should be doing everything in its power to see it remains that way.

Given that the PRC is now on-track to overtake the US economy in real exchange rate terms by about 2025, I would say that the your dream is highly unlikely.

It also makes sense to "welcome that which cannot be avoided" and make the transfer of Global Economic Leadership as un-acrimonious as possible. This especially makes sense if you are in the antipodes and increasingly dependant on the rising star for your livelihood and economic security.


Banned Idiot
It also makes sense to "welcome that which cannot be avoided" and make the transfer of Global Economic Leadership as un-acrimonious as possible. This especially makes sense if you are in the antipodes and increasingly dependant on the rising star for your livelihood and economic security.

One thing that G Bush did get right when he said "China and the West/USA are strategic competitors but that does not necessarily equate to being acrimonious ones.


New Member
Apparently, nuclear proliferation will continue, since it seems to enjoy the full support of some politicians. Some officials in China got their way and protected North Korea in her development of nuclear arms. Now these elements have persuaded China to protect Iran in her nuclear weapon aspirations.

If these Silver Tongues who have the ear of the Chinese leadership allow "special" nations their own nuclear inventories, how long will it be before South Korea, Japan, the province of Taiwan, Saudi Arabia, etc.... to develop their own nuclear stockpiles? When the US and European guarantees of non-proliferation has been thrown out the window, why should these nations expect guarantees of Western military protection? They won't, that's the answer.

So again, exactly how is China's security enhanced by having every Tom, Dick, and Harry of a nation armed to the teeth with nukes on every front? Japan can nuke up in under 5 years. So, will the security council put sanctions on Japan if she does so? After all the trouble with Iran, I doubt that China will get any co-operation for a UN Security council vote on that one.

If some have convinced the Chinese leadership that protecting the nuclear arming of the developed world's most hated enemies is a good idea, then those Fork Tongued shall have no problem explaining to the leadership why suddenly China's most hated enemies have suddenly initiated their own nuclear programs in the very near future.


Lieutenant General
Ooops, I was trying to point out that IMO N.K. does try to use its nuclear status to bargain for better treatment. After being included as part of the "axis of evil" she had a host of restrictions placed upon her by U.S. I think NK is a tad annoyed that some of us aren't taking her too seriously, because her recent missile and nuclear tests have not lived up to the hype.

Fair enough, but you must have also noticed the distinct lack of fire and brimstone rhetoric coming from the US with regards to NK compared to the days before they became 'nuclear'.

NK might not be getting the attention and clout they hoped, but its undeniable that their nuclear capability, limited as it may be, has fundamentally changed US policy towards NK where military action is firmly and permanently off the table now.

While your suggestion to get Israel and Iran, agreeing to do away with their aspirations of maintaining nuclear weaponry has some merit, negotiations take an awfully long time. What guarantees do the nuclear capable Arab states have? Here they are , being asked to put their aspirations of developing a nuclear deterrence on the back burner while two antagonists spend years and years debating on what they might do. I don't think that Israel especially the Zionists being prepared to give up something it supposedly has, if it affects its chances of survival. Nor the 'diehard' fundamentalists in Iran either.

The same arguments were raised about the effects of NK going nuclear. But has the entire Asia Pacific rim gone and nuked up in the years since NK tried to set off their bomb?

The odds against NK voluntarily disarming are an order of magnitude greater then Iran and Israel reaching some kind of a deal for mutual disarmament. if a plausible plan can be put on the table, the prospect of full Israeli nuclear disarmament will be a prize too great for any neighboring country to easily turn their back on without at least giving it a chance.

Israel with democratic elections every few yrs could see their attempts for nuclear disarmament derailed by some minor populist party or politician.

Well thats easily resolved isn't it. Simply apply the west's tried and tested method to force a population into compliance - crippling sanctions and international isolation. Or is that only something allowed to be done to non-whites?

and that's without us in the West with vested interests in maintaining the status quo getting involved.

Intentionally sabotaging a historic nuclear disarmament deal that could potentially open the way to lasting peace in the middle east? That is a monumental ask and the very best of luck to you finding enough people insane enough to try.

Money trumps diplomacy all the time. China and Co. may be the face of the future as economic power houses, but the fact remains the western powers control most of the worlds wealth, and should be doing everything in its power to see it remains that way.

Hum, thats funny because last I check, China has a major problem with what to do with all its money while the west has been forced to resort to printing more money to pay its debts.

If its indeed as you say, then the West lost some time ago and just doesn't realize it yet.

While we may not be reliant on oil and suchlike from Iran, I don't think we would like to see it firmly entrenched in the "China camp."

Well thats even more reason to support such a deal.

Currently Iran has little choice but to sell to China and award Chinese companies all the best development projects because of the pariah status the west has imposed on it and the sanctions and public hostility that makes doing business with Iran a very bad idea for any European or American company.

All China has to do is wield its veto to keep the sanctions off and we have Iran comfortably in our back pocket for as long as the west continues to make Iran your enemy for Israel's sake, and as so long as Iran doesn't do anything drastic like formally go nuclear.

However, if Iran does offer to fully and verifiably disarm in exchange for the same from Israel, they would be magically transformed into the darling of the west overnight. The sanctions will go and doing business with Iran will suddenly no longer be economic suicide for western firms and they will rush in to tap this vast land of opportunity previously denied to them.

Pretty much everyone wins in such a deal except the die hard zionists and jihadists. And I can live with that quite happily.


Lieutenant General
Apparently, nuclear proliferation will continue, since it seems to enjoy the full support of some politicians. Some officials in China got their way and protected North Korea in her development of nuclear arms. Now these elements have persuaded China to protect Iran in her nuclear weapon aspirations.

If these Silver Tongues who have the ear of the Chinese leadership allow "special" nations their own nuclear inventories, how long will it be before South Korea, Japan, the province of Taiwan, Saudi Arabia, etc.... to develop their own nuclear stockpiles? When the US and European guarantees of non-proliferation has been thrown out the window, why should these nations expect guarantees of Western military protection? They won't, that's the answer.

So again, exactly how is China's security enhanced by having every Tom, Dick, and Harry of a nation armed to the teeth with nukes on every front? Japan can nuke up in under 5 years. So, will the security council put sanctions on Japan if she does so? After all the trouble with Iran, I doubt that China will get any co-operation for a UN Security council vote on that one.

If some have convinced the Chinese leadership that protecting the nuclear arming of the developed world's most hated enemies is a good idea, then those Fork Tongued shall have no problem explaining to the leadership why suddenly China's most hated enemies have suddenly initiated their own nuclear programs in the very near future.

What are you rambling on about? I don't set Chinese foreign policy you fool. :rofl:


New Member
What are you rambling on about? I don't set Chinese foreign policy you fool. :rofl:

Trashing the concept of nuclear non-proliferation destroys China's Strategic Defense completely. How can anyone that cares about all that China has achieved risk everything? Another Great Leap Forward, yet another Cultural Revolution that does nothing but tear down everything that was painfully built. But let's blame another culture for it, let's blame an entire race. It always comes down to that, does it?
Simply apply the west's tried and tested method to force a population into compliance - crippling sanctions and international isolation. Or is that only something allowed to be done to non-whites?

Can anyone else defend the scrapping of nuclear non-proliferation without having to resort to race baiting? If this is going to be the state of affairs in this thread then the moderators should close it at once. Obviously nothing constructive is happening when the race card is getting thrown around.
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Lieutenant General
Your replies get more nonsensical with every post. :rolleyes:

Trashing the concept of nuclear non-proliferation destroys China's Strategic Defense completely. How can anyone that cares about all that China has achieved risk everything?

Now how many times have I got to repeat this? China cannot, and will not support Iranian attempts to develop a nuclear weapon.

But if Iran so happens to develop a nuclear weapon, China would find itself in an unique position to try and mediate a mutual disarmament deal between Iran and Israel which will not only benefit the region but also set an example for the rest of the world of how nuclear disarmament could actually be achieved.

Now China may be able to help increase the chances of Iran successfully developing a nuclear weapon by opposing sanctions. But who's to say if that is because of short sighted greed or long reaching design? Certainly not with any degree of certainty to warrant any attempts to 'destroy China's strategic defense' (not that such a thing could be as easily achieved as you seem to fantasize to begin with).

Another Great Leap Forward, yet another Cultural Revolution that does nothing but tear down everything that was painfully built. But let's blame another culture for it, let's blame an entire race. It always comes down to that, does it?

Can anyone else defend the scrapping of nuclear non-proliferation without having to resort to race baiting? If this is going to be the state of affairs in this thread then the moderators should close it at once. Obviously nothing constructive is happening when the race card is getting thrown around.

Perhaps you would care to rephrase that so that those of us not foaming at the mouth could also understand?


New Member
@plawolf: why do you believe that mutual disarmament between Iran and Israel has any chance of success, when even India and Pakistan are unable to disarm? In fact, why do you believe that any country in the world, would give up its nuclear weapons once it has acquired it?


Banned Idiot
Well thats easily resolved isn't it. Simply apply the west's tried and tested method to force a population into compliance - crippling sanctions and international isolation. Or is that only something allowed to be done to non-whites?
You've forgotton Cuba The descendents of the Spanish colonisers,..the Castro brothers and other members of the ruling elite look pretty white to me Theyve suffered more than 50yrs of American trade embargoes.

And dont forget many Jews do have the same coloring as their Arab cousins. We just get use to seeing the European Jew.

Hum, thats funny because last I check, China has a major problem with what to do with all its money while the west has been forced to resort to printing more money to pay its debts.
Ooops again, in this instance I was thinking of the combined total wealth of Western Countries V Asian countries.