I disagree, SAC will want a PLA customer first before they go ahead and market it abroad. It's a different situation with JF-17 where pakistan was already a customer in ink on paper. Unless they already have allocated money to build the half dozen prototypes usually needed for testing new aircraft, SAC will not get very far beyond the second or even first (or even paper!) plane. Now the chances of the PLA allowing a foreign, non allied country (and most countries are not particularly close to china anyway) invest into what will be a relatively advanced aircraft in such an early stage is small, so I assume PLAAF or PLANAF are already interested in it.
And two 9.5 ton engines aboard a medium weight 5th gen sounds about right. Together they are in the ballpark of F-35's F135.
We're going to have a bloody field day trying to sort out WS-13 from RD-93 from the future 9.5 ton engine goodness.