Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) and Global South strategic cooperation


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Interesting point, but brics is just economic partnership, not something far worse like membership SCO that russia cause it.
I don't think it will work using India as a crowbar. I think I can use RCEP as a example how India will just be the only party not participating. How the damage one party can do to the group be isolated and contained.


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You see India as a backward country that will no go anywhere. I see a country that will soon be the 3rd largest economy in the world. I don't see why India should accept being beneath China.
I can't speak for everyone, but I think people with rational mind do not dispute the fact that India will become economically in the top tier.
Many people's issue with India is not its potential or importance, but its intention and action with regarding China.

And even aside from what you think of India, it's still in China's interest to have better relationship with India
This is the difference between you and many others. Good will is a two direction road, with India in QUAD (against China) China has no interest in letting India being more influential in central Asia (the Afghanistan affair which started the whole discussion). I see the "exclusion" of India in Afghanistan as a deliberate act of China to sideline India in SCO in dealing its core business. It is up to the Indians to make the right choice before it can get more involved. If India keeps playing its game, China will (need to) keep India out of some games.


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This is the difference between you and many others. Good will is a two direction road, with India in QUAD (against China) China has no interest in letting India being more influential in central Asia (the Afghanistan affair which started the whole discussion). I see the "exclusion" of India in Afghanistan as a deliberate act of China to sideline India in SCO in dealing its core business. It is up to the Indians to make the right choice before it can get more involved. If India keeps playing its game, China will (need to) keep India out of some games.
India's participation in the Quad hasn't resulted in anything. Nor will it result in anything. India's own actions of de-dollarizing and supporting multi-polar world has been more beneficial to China than anything it has done in the Quad. Frankly, all of the actions that it has taken against China would've happened regardless of the Quad.

The Quad is meaningless. Just like the AUKUS

Anyways, first trains flew into Laos capital from Kunming
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Pretty exciting moment for the two countries

More on the Midea deal in Brazil. 700 million RMB investment for 1.3 million units of consumer goods
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Another day and another coup attempt by America
This is after Russian ship dock'd at Sudan. IIRC, China has been negotiation to sell weapons to Sudan(mentioned J-10C, but maybe ground equipments are more appropriate now). Maybe it can speed that up a little bit


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India's participation in the Quad hasn't resulted in anything. Nor will it result in anything. India's own actions of de-dollarizing and supporting multi-polar world has been more beneficial to China than anything it has done in the Quad. Frankly, all of the actions that it has taken against China would've happened regardless of the Quad.
I feel necessary to clarify my position because you seem to use de-dollarization to support the idea of involving India in Afghanistan twice in your post to me, for which I have not responded. I just want to be sure that you know that I treat these two separately pretty much like how China deals with SK and Japan, keeping good trade but pushing back them in security. India's de-dollarization is good for and welcomed by China, but it is firstly for India's own sake, not a favor to China, it doesn't deserve China's reward in security domain, but China is happy to collaborate with India in financial domain as the Chinese saying goes 一码归一码.


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I feel necessary to clarify my position because you seem to use de-dollarization to support the idea of involving India in Afghanistan twice in your post to me, for which I have not responded. I just want to be sure that you know that I treat these two separately pretty much like how China deals with SK and Japan, keeping good trade but pushing back them in security. India's de-dollarization is good for and welcomed by China, but it is firstly for India's own sake, not a favor to China, it doesn't deserve China's reward in security domain, but China is happen to collaborate with India in financial domain as the Chinese saying goes 一码归一码.
Oh, I think Indian involvement in Afghanistan don't matter all that much. But I think in geopolitical sense, it would be in China's interest to work with India where their interests may align. I don't really see China's relationship with SK and Japan in the same way as India. SK and Japan have peaked and are heading downward. By 2050, India will be a way bigger power than both of those countries. Vietnam would be equal to SK by then. China will destroy Japan and SK's industries and that impoverish those two countries in medium term. Long term, they have horrible population demographic issues which will be their complete downfall.

I think China needs to think long and hard about how it deals with India, because India will get stronger.


Senior Member
The Brazil-China friendship has already been strategic and long lasting. Ever since Lula made his visionary pilgrimage 20 years ago to meet Hu Jintao and open the doors of Latin America to China, China and Brazil have been friends. Through Brazil, China grew strong ties with CELAC. With influence in Brazilian farmers' lobby, China could protect its interests from Bolsonaro.

That is why when they met, Xi called Lula his "good old friend".

Lula is currently the driving architect of Latin American-China relations in the 21st century. AMLO and Nicolás Maduro can write letters and make powerful speeches, but Lula speaks softly while taking real action. Lula is definitely not like the politicians of today, he comes from an older time. If you think about how bad his domestic situation is, it is a miracle Lula is able to go abroad or accomplish anything at all. But right now he is signing agreements in China while simultaneously directing an investigation of insurrectionist military elements and Bolsonaro back at home. Just as his last trip was to turn trade with China from nothing to becoming Brazil's biggest customer, his trip now is to turn China into Brazil's biggest investor. In his words: the "re-industrialization of Brazil".

Lula has his own distinct vision of where China, Brazil, and Global South can intertwine from a Latin American perspective. Some of it may be naïve thinking. Some of it may be good ideas but 20 years too early. But his vision signals the slow emergence of a Latin American "civilizational state" or identity. It is important to mankind's future that China is involved.

After the foul EU experience, I wouldn't be surprised if Lula just moves on to the much-awaited China-Mercosur agreement. Signing a trade agreement with bloc population 780 million will be a hefty economic coup for China.

Here is Lula's
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with China:
  1. Memorandum of Understanding on the Trade Facilitation Working Group
  2. Complementary Protocol on the Joint Development of CBERS-6 to the 'Framework Agreement on Cooperation in Peaceful Applications of Science and Technology from Outer Space'
  3. Memorandum of understanding on cooperation in research and innovation
  4. Memorandum of understanding on cooperation in information and communication technologies
  5. Memorandum of understanding for the promotion of investment and industrial cooperation
  6. Memorandum of Understanding on Strengthening Cooperation in Investments in the Digital Economy
  7. Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministry of Finance of Brazil and the Ministry of Finance of China
  8. Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation in Information and Communications
  9. Television co-production agreement
  10. Memorandum of Understanding between the China Media Group and the Brazilian Institutional Relations Secretariat
  11. Cooperation agreement between Xinhua news agency and EBC (Empresa Brasil de Comunicação)
  12. Memorandum of understanding on cooperation for social and rural development and combating hunger and poverty
  13. 2023-2032 space cooperation plan between the National Space Administration of China and the Brazilian space agency
  14. Cooperation work plan on electronic certification for products of animal origin
  15. Protocol on sanitary and quarantine requirements for processed terrestrial animal protein to be exported from Brazil to China
Good post. Let’s hope Bolsonaro was just minor blip in Brazil Chinese relationship and brazil will be forever free of US interference


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I find David Woo's discussion on Brazil-China-US talk with 3 Brazilian experts enlightening especially when the topic at hand deals with Lulas visit to China, the signed agreements, some Bolsonaro policies that are kept in place. Plus the impact of the Russian-Ukraine conflict and how China can play a major role in Lulas 3rd act in trying to help his country benefit from the partnership as it had back in mid 2000s.



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Oh, I think Indian involvement in Afghanistan don't matter all that much. But I think in geopolitical sense, it would be in China's interest to work with India where their interests may align. I don't really see China's relationship with SK and Japan in the same way as India. SK and Japan have peaked and are heading downward. By 2050, India will be a way bigger power than both of those countries. Vietnam would be equal to SK by then. China will destroy Japan and SK's industries and that impoverish those two countries in medium term. Long term, they have horrible population demographic issues which will be their complete downfall.

I think China needs to think long and hard about how it deals with India, because India will get stronger.
Weather India get strong or not, the intention on china won't change. Sidelining India on security but keep economic co-operation is the best long term strategic. Also china has lots of interest in India neighbor enemies like Pakistan, Nepal, Maldives. They are too valuable for china to give up for India.
Also with AI technologies, having demographics like India won't work anymore. It will be burden instead.