Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) and Global South strategic cooperation


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Even Erdogan stay in power, he's not gonna make turkey reliable to china
he absolutely can do nothing. LMAO


All major components/parts Turkey do import from China.


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If pass year popularity can't determine? How could this year popularity determine then? After Russia Ukraine conflict, turkey send weapons to Ukraine too. When should popularity can be determined?

We determine from their forever agenda like pan Turks in Azerbaijan and xinjiang that both china Iran don't like or neo ottomanism which Saudis dislike. This is anti china that's why they can't join china bloc. Let them join bloc means turkey can backstab at anytime.
What do you mean by backstab. Can you be less abstract and give an example of how China would work with them and how that would backfire? Your statements are very abstract.

My point is that Erdogan has shut his door on America recently. This is very significant. So, the logical path for him to take is develop closer relationship with China. At this point, China has already pulled Saudis and Brazil to its side. Other countries it can try to bring in to its fold are Indonesia, Mexico and Turkey.

Not expecting China and Turkey to be close like China and Russia or Pakistan.


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do you think China is stupid? If China cannot deal with Turkey without getting taken advantage of, then that's Chinese leadership's own stupidity.

Again, just exactly what is China giving up here if Turkey comes and says we want to deepen our relationship with you, work with you in the middle east and de-dollarize? Maybe have some military training and buy weapons from you? We also want to develop more infrastructure project with you. How would any of this be counter to China's interest?

You have to look for common interests and move in that direction
Let turkey de dollarize by let them use Hk dollar to trade with china, develop some civilian infrastructure that won't threatening or being oppose or disliked by Greece, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Armenia, Cyprus, Egypt. No weapon sell or tech transfer to turkey.
Don't like that, stay mad.

It's common interests that we shouldn't accept potential backstabber to harm many countries in the bloc.


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What do you mean by backstab. Can you be less abstract and give an example of how China would work with them and how that would backfire? Your statements are very abstract.

My point is that Erdogan has shut his door on America recently. This is very significant. So, the logical path for him to take is develop closer relationship with China. At this point, China has already pulled Saudis and Brazil to its side. Other countries it can try to bring in to its fold are Indonesia, Mexico and Turkey.

Not expecting China and Turkey to be close like China and Russia or Pakistan.
The backstab is turkey give refuge to terrorists and separatist in xinjiang. Turkey ready to cause xinjiang conflict as American will definitely help. It's doing right now in Azerbaijan.

Unless, Erdogan hasn't shut the door with US. He just accept finland in NATO. He just disagree with some US policies but didn't shut the door to US.

I expected china to keep relation a bit better than Japan but must be lower than Greece.


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From my reading what I see missing from the discussion of relationships with Turkey is the role of Turkey as the gatekeeper to the Black Sea and accordingly the agricultural, mineral and industrial resources of Ukraine and Russia. And then inside the Black Sea it's Crimea that controls access to those resources. Please see my post A theory of Russian strategy is gaining traction Geography might not be destiny but it's kinda important.


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Even Erdogan stay in power, he's not gonna make turkey reliable to china. He just look toward china just for profits meanwhile try to backstab china at the same time. This always happened in his rules.
How much of that Turkish empire dream has been enabled by the US support?
Given the US declining influence in western Asian and central Asia, Erdogan just like the Saudi will have to
rethink their geopolitical goals and ambitions.

Im sure the US promised the Saudis they would rule the Shia crescent so they would be happy to cooperate with Iraq and Syria. I wouldn't be surprised the west promised the same to Turkey help us destabilise western China and if they break away we will make sure you will have influence in that region as our proxy ruler.

Also looking at China just for profits is a healthy view it makes managing the relationship really easy, instead of looking toward China as some geopolitical rival or backer.


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It's shocking to me that the people here think that the rapprochement in the region has only begun after the Saudi-Iran deal. In truth it started right after the ceasefire in Libya as the GNA had recaptured much of the Western regions.

Also, the relations between Turkey and the Gulf has become much better over the last two years. For example, The UAE has placed a large order of TB2s and the Saudis are even sending F-15s for this year's Anatolian Eagle exercises for the first time in +/- 7 years.

the Emiratis had actually bombed a Turkish Hawk battery at the Al-Watiya Air Base in the past with help from France and Egypt but now we're at a point where they're procuring advanced weapons from Turkey and are heavily investing in the country. Would you just think about that?

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I'm not going to answer all the false claims going on over here as I don't have the time for it.

You guys should follow the news more often.
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Exactly, North Korea has potential to grow but hasn't done so yet. Turkey has been extremely advantaged to be given a security guarantee by NATO and the EU customs union, aid averaging more than half a billion a year from the EU (plus a few billion for hosting
Syrian refugees) and decades of access to western development financing and aid. And yet, before the Syrian civil war, GDP per capita was about the same in both countries.

Actually if I would call anyone a loser, it'd be your favourite, Saudi Arabia which has lost the war in Yemen and in Syria and failed in the blockade of Qatar. Almost anything MBS touches, fails. But it's not very productive to label others.

The world is as it is. The most successful countries today are those that chose to align with the US, while the US was the undisputed economic leader of the world. That includes China. The world of tomorrow can be shaped by China and China should help to make those countries rich and powerful that can be useful allies, rather than dangerous rivals. Turkey and India both dream of taking territory from China if they were able to do so. They can be useful to China in very specific circumstances, but it's a double edged sword.
Taking territory from China?

200w (2).gif

Oh my. I thought America's education system was bad but this guy here doesn't even know his own country's neighbours.

In my unbiased opinion, you guys should take what you read about Turkey from the media with a grain of salt.

These days most of the self proclaimed "Turkey Experts" on the media unfortunately don't even know anything about the country, let alone live in it. It's like they are in a repeated dialogue of the deaf but there's only one side.

I'm sure the Chinese people can somewhat relate when it comes to nonsense reports by dumb reporters about your country.