Sad ending of a great empire


Catalans call for 'yes' vote in Scotland as they march for independence from Spain

As Scotland decides whether to break away from the UK, separatists in northeastern Spain prepare for mass protests across Catalonia to demand a secession vote deemed illegal by Spanish government

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And the balkanization of Europe continues…..

I will now get back to bottling my Malbec


That balkanisation began in the Balkan in the 1990's with the dismantling of Yugoslavia. But which country is playing the role Turkey played more than a century ago?

asif iqbal

Lieutenant General
This is what the voting cards look like just got mine in the post and I have posted them back this morning

There is two envelopes A and B I don't know why they asked us to put one in the other, one envelope would have sufficed


I am sorry to say I do not disclose who I will vote for but I will say that whatever is the outcome will be the outcome from the Scottish people the turnout is a historic high and hardly anyone is NOT registered

Whatever is the outcome everyone will have to respect the opinions and aspirations of Scotland

Too many nations and leaders are giving opinions but at the end of the day the people will decide!! ;)


There is two envelopes A and B I don't know why they asked us to put one in the other, one envelope would have sufficed

If it's anything to what I have experienced, it's suppose to give your vote a sense of privacy. The first envelope should have your personal contact info right? That envelope gets your voting card to the ballot box and confirms you are an eligible voter. If things are done right, they don't open your second envelope there, it gets separated from first envelope and put into the ballot box along with others. When they tally the actual vote, that envelope is now anonymous. At least that's how it works in a HOA meeting. :eek:


Lieutenant General
I fear this vote will go badly for The Uk, Scotland, the EU and the world.

There is no logical reason for Scotlish independence, with much of the 'Yes' vote camp's arguments being hopelessly optermistic, distortions and omissions of key facts and reality, or even downright lies and fabrications.

But the subject of independence is a highly emotive one, and the "Yes" vote has taken advantage of that to play emotional politics, and strong emotions is the one thing that can consistently get sober, normally rational people to do irrational things, which is what they are hoping and counting on.

If Scotland does vote for independence, it will be a case study in all that is limiting and downright wrong with the concept of democrasy and its implimentation.

Millions of people, not just in the UK and newly independent Scotland will suffer for it, but the western world will still never countenance any suggestion their hallowed democrasy might not be the best thing since sliced bread.