Russian Su-57 Aircraft Thread (PAK-FA and IAF FGFA)


I think this is an example where information on the PAK FA can be somewhat confusing at best and rather misleading at worst.
Fifth-generation engines
The Ufa Engine Industrial Association (UMPO) has begun to produce engines for the T-50 Fighter Jet​

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The information released by ROSTEC reflects their plans and at least what technologies are supposedly ready, of course their plans might not be fulfilled or come to fruition, but if you read ROSTEC you can have more less and idea where it is heading, for example they are saying the first-stage AL-41F1 engines are in production, thus at least it seems the engines are ready, but only time will tell:)


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So far nothing official ... all the info I have in regard to 6-1 and 6-2 are from the reliable posters at the Key-Forum and even more Secret-Projects forum.

But I'm sure flateric can help us out.



Russian Air Force Commander Colonel-General Viktor Vondariov. reported that a new generation of fighter T-50 will enter the army in 2016.
01.24.2015, 10:43
"Aviation is living, growing every year its amount, increasing its capabilities. While coming 4 ++ generation aircraft, and next year we will begin to receive the T-50 - the fifth-generation aircraft, which is not inferior to the American F-22, and by most measures and surpasses it "- quoted by TASS statement by Viktor Vondariov.

Original news RT in Russian:
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Lieutenant General
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Interesting ... exactly the same image but the dirt is much more pronounced !

Here's the one I had for comparison. Anyway a sad sight to see it this way ... :(

T50-5 mishap 1.jpg


Lieutenant General
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A few pages ago we had some nasty discussion on this question and while a few still tend to believe the original first statements by Sukhoi that it will be rebuild I'm convinced that it is a write off and all my reliable friends in Russia agree with that.
