In an interview with TASS, Alexey Melnikov, managing partner of the IT holding Fplus, outlined his vision of the prospects for the development of the digital economy, paying special attention to support for startups, analyzing the impact of the key rate on the industry, and discussing potential timing for the entry of new domestic developments into the market. He also shared the company's plans for next year.
— The digital economy in Russia is now one of the most priority topics for discussion at forums, conferences and other large events. Tell us, in your opinion, what is this connected with and why? What role does the IT holding play in this?
— The level of digital technology development in Russia, without exaggeration, is second only to one country - China. I mean digital services in the broad sense of the word. China is ahead of us only because they are doing it more actively and systematically. For example, the
Great Firewall of China began working earlier than ours. This is an illustration of the fact that they are at a slightly higher level of development.
When we talk about innovation,
we mean fundamental science.
Next year, we are planning to cooperate more closely with Iran. We want to know what they produce and develop. I mean not only physical production, but also the results of intellectual work.
And we too have no choice but to rely on our scientific schools, many of which have been built over centuries. We will definitely have our own special path of development as a country. We need to turn again to the fundamental science that we have preserved. The scientific schools created by Mendeleyev, Tsiolkovsky, Korolev, Sakharov are the basis of our innovations.