And let's not mention the disappointing signs like "Aware of self to support the public hygiene, and please throw into the garbage can inside the garbage."
Do you think they dont know?, or they just dont give a sh-t. In which case good for them.
Im not quite sure if one could qualify the above phrases as "patois" but as I am led to believe, in Singapore, they'e been trying to get rid of "Singlish" for quite a while, while many opponents think it should be preserved as being culturally unique. So why not preserve Chinglish, i think its unique as well. 10000yrs from now some archaeologist may stumble upon those signs, and they may become priceless anticquities with many Doctrate studiesalso
But speaking of which, anyone interested in bringing avocados to China?
What do you mean by bringing? ........Do you mean exporting?
Ive just scored some Chinese moon cakes that were selling for $20 each or $75 for a tin of 4, now marked down to $8.00 each or close to $27 a tin, All I have to do is ease the expiry date of 30/9/2010 off them, and then I will be my wifes favourite person tonight. (she loves them)
Am I misunderstanding you when you said you did engineering?
My younger son just finished engineering in mecatronics last yr, and through lack of job opps decided to do a Post grad. Doctrate, hopefully part time next year, as he received a job offer from Fisher and Paykel consumer appliances which is part owned by
Haier Although he really wants to work for Fischer and Paykel Health Care he might take it up working part time. So maybe you too can get to China through working for a multinational?
Its sorta working out for him although in the back of his mind he saw himself possibly working in Japan or in KOrea at some stage. So hopefully he might get to China through Haier at some stage , which is all good for him, as he speaks and writes Mandarin pretty well (having studied it at uni level as the extra required subject,( Course requirements, meant that he had to pick 2 papers to study, that had nothing to do with engineering. Chinese1&2 were acceptable) though he pesters me to teach him Cantonese, and China has been his thing for quite some time.
While in Beijing my wife and all fellow students were required to learn how write and speak about 1000 Chinese characters in four months. They also given this electronic learning device which contained the bulk of the words they learnt It consists of large sheets of written text and images.which hung on the wall, (keeping in mind this was supposed to be used in a classroom.) Point to it and the word or phrase could be heard through the provided sound box.
It had the option of interacting with it in about 8 other languages, other than English. there was French Italian German Russian Japanese Spanish Portuguse. So in the end through endeavour, one could learn the same phrases and objects, in any of those languages.
(Now thats the thing you need to brush up on your languages)