Yes i do, but stock price isn't.
Lets look at what we do know from past yrs and educated analysis from reading between the lines in govt utterances.
1/The Chinese Banks have in the past had several hundred billion of bad loans taken off their books and then recaptalized by the. Govt.
2/More bad loans also likely to have acrued since then, which the govt havent been forthcoming with, thus leading to speculation.
3/ An Over Inflated Share Market.
4/ Bubbles emerginging, since acknowledged by PM Wen. in a round about way.
5/THe likelihood of decreasing trade surpluses as the western markets remain sluggish.
6/ american bonds etc decreasing in value along with its currency.
So lets say Chanos and Co in trying to short the market, manage to create a loss of confidence in the banks and causing a run on the banks deposits and
if all the other factors line up as well, the government
could have a trying situation on their hands.
If you read my earlier posts on CHanos you woud' ve noticed that he as much as said China was a confidence job, shake it around abit and you could cause problems.
Im interested in seeing what he does and i certainly wouldnt be sheding any tears if he went bust.
IMO. All in all lifes been pretty tough for the ordinary citizen we things are on the up n up, we dont need it to be short circuited by foreign short selling specialists, even though the enviroment may have been created by govt policies, so the least we can do is be alert.